[comp.mail.sendmail] "Return-Receipt-To:" and Mail/mailx

rogerk@mips.COM (Roger B.A. Klorese) (09/23/88)

Does anyone have any suggestions for adding a "Return-Receipt-To:" header
to mail generated by /usr/ucb/mail (on our BSD system) or mailx (on our
SV system)?  I use EMACS as my mailer, so can add it easily, but the rest
of the local staff uses, and must continue to use, the basic user agents.
Roger B.A. Klorese                           MIPS Computer Systems, Inc.
{ames,decwrl,prls,pyramid}!mips!rogerk  25 Burlington Mall Rd, Suite 300
rogerk@mips.COM (rogerk%mips.COM@ames.arc.nasa.gov) Burlington, MA 01803
I don't think we're in toto any more, Kansas...          +1 617 270-0613

ehrlich@blitz (Dan Ehrlich) (09/26/88)

In article <511@mipseast.mips.COM> rogerk@mips.COM (Roger B.A. Klorese) writes:
>Does anyone have any suggestions for adding a "Return-Receipt-To:" header
>to mail generated by /usr/ucb/mail (on our BSD system) or mailx (on our
>SV system)?  I use EMACS as my mailer, so can add it easily, but the rest
>of the local staff uses, and must continue to use, the basic user agents.

For anybody who uses /use/ucb/mail (I am not sure about SV) one can
create a file named .mailcf in one's home directory.  This file can
conatin any additional headers that one would like to appear in the
outgoing message.  Here is what I have in the one I use:

	  HWork-Phone: +1 814 863 1142

This bit of magic was shown to me by one of the other systems
programmers here. I have not delved into the source for /usr/ucb/mail
to figure out what else can go in to this file or what other magic can
be done.

Dan Ehrlich <ehrlich@blitz.cs.psu.edu> | Disclaimer: The opinions expressed are
The Pennsylvania State University      | my own, and should not be attributed
Department of Computer Science         | to anyone else, living or dead.
University Park, PA   16802            |

karl@triceratops.cis.ohio-state.edu (Karl Kleinpaste) (09/27/88)

ehrlich@blitz writes:
   For anybody who uses /use/ucb/mail (I am not sure about SV) one can
   create a file named .mailcf in one's home directory...
   This bit of magic was shown to me by one of the other systems
   programmers here. I have not delved into the source for /usr/ucb/mail
   to figure out what else can go in to this file or what other magic can
   be done.

The use of the ~/.mailcf file is not a function of /usr/ucb/[Mm]ail;
rather, it's a function of sendmail.  [Mm]ail's (mailx') configuration
is based entirely in ~/.mailrc.  ~/.mailcf is in the same format
(including your header example) as /usr/lib/sendmail.cf.


ehrlich@blitz (Dan Ehrlich) (09/27/88)

Ahem...(pardon me while I put on my humble hat :-).

It was pointed out to me by Jordan Hayes <jordan@ads.com> that the
feature I attributed to /usr/ucb/Mail was (note the use of the past
tense) actually a feature of Sendmail that was removed in Sendmail
V4.30, quite a while ago.  Appearently it was hacked back into
sendmail here at Penn State.  Hopefully there are not a lot of folks
out there trying to figure out why their copy of Mail doesn't do this.
Sorry for any inconvience I may have caused.

Dan Ehrlich <ehrlich@blitz.cs.psu.edu> | Disclaimer: The opinions expressed are
The Pennsylvania State University      | my own, and should not be attributed
Department of Computer Science         | to anyone else, living or dead.
University Park, PA   16802            |

fuat@cunixc.columbia.edu (Fuat C. Baran) (09/27/88)

In article <22535@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu> karl@triceratops.cis.ohio-state.edu (Karl Kleinpaste) writes:
>The use of the ~/.mailcf file is not a function of /usr/ucb/[Mm]ail;
>rather, it's a function of sendmail.  [Mm]ail's (mailx') configuration
>is based entirely in ~/.mailrc.  ~/.mailcf is in the same format
>(including your header example) as /usr/lib/sendmail.cf.

I believe support for ~/.mailcf was taken out of more recent versions
of sendmail.  According to the Version.c file it was put in in version
3.57 and removed in version 4.30 since it was "abused".


ARPANET: fuat@columbia.edu           U.S. MAIL: Columbia University
BITNET:  fuat@cunixc.cc.columbia.edu            Center for Computing Activities
USENET:  ...!rutgers!columbia!cunixc!fuat       712 Watson Labs, 612 W115th St.
PHONE:   (212) 280-5128                         New York, NY 10025

egisin@watmath.waterloo.edu (Eric Gisin) (09/27/88)

The .mailcf hack was apparently removed from 4.3 bsd sendmail.
If your system has exec'able shell scripts, you can create
your own sendmail. This is my etc/sendmail --

#! /bin/sh
(cat <<.; cat) | /usr/lib/sendmail "$@"
From: (Eric Gisin) egisin @ math.Waterloo.EDU (U of Waterloo)

Then assign SENDMAIL=$HOME/etc/sendmail and export it from your .profile.

andyb@coat.uucp (Andy Behrens) (09/29/88)

Egisin@watmath.waterloo.edu (Eric Gisin) writes:
> You can create your own sendmail. This is my etc/sendmail --
> #! /bin/sh
> (cat <<.; cat) | /usr/lib/sendmail "$@"
> From: (Eric Gisin) egisin @ math.Waterloo.EDU (U of Waterloo)
> .
> Then assign SENDMAIL=$HOME/etc/sendmail and export it from your .profile.

In many versions of mail, the environment variable is $sendmail (lower
case) rather than $SENDMAIL.  Also, the existing mail delivery program
may not be /usr/lib/sendmail; on my system it is "/bin/mail".

It may be more convenient to put a
	    set sendmail=$HOME/mysendmail

command in your .mailrc file.  If you want everyone on the system to
use the local version of sendmail, put the set command in the global
mail rc file.  (Berkeley /usr/lib/Mail.rc, SysV /usr/lib/mailx/mailx.rc).

"Christ died for our sins.  Dare we make his martyrdom meaningless by
not committing them?"
					Andy Behrens
					(formerly: andyb@burcoat.uucp)

internet: andyb%coat@dartmouth.edu
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