[comp.mail.sendmail] Announcement

jac@doc.ic.ac.uk (Jim Crammond) (01/20/89)

It is nearly three years since UK-1.4 sendmail was first released.
Much to my surprise sendmail is still with us in a big way and so
(less surprising) there is still a lot of interest in UK sendmail.

Over the last few months Jem Taylor and I have been working on a
new version to improve the UK package and get it a bit more up
to date with respect to sendmail enhancements like IDA databases
and (minimal) nameserver support.

			[ drumroll ]

We are now ready to take the covers off the UK-2.1 Sendmail Package !!

			[ fanfare ]

As well as new features, there are many improvements including better
documentation which describes it all, so I won't go into details here.

Distribution will take place as follows (if all goes to plan).

I am about to send the list maintainer (idc@hw.cs) copies of the
4 shar files that make up UK-2.1 for him to post on to the DL
at his (ftp queue's) convenience.

For those who can't wait, it is currently available from the glasgow info
server - you can send a message with request: catalogue; topic: sendmail to
info_server@glasgow.cs to get the details.  In the next couple of days it
should be in the ukc info_server as well.

In a few weeks we will post it on to the news (comp.unix.sources) for
world wide distribution.
