[comp.mail.sendmail] New version of EASE and CFC just posted

rsalz@bbn.com (Rich Salz) (02/09/89)

The latest version of EASE, a language for writing sendmail.cf
files, and CFC, the .cf ->Ease translator, was just posted to
comp.sources.unix moments ago.
	/rich $alz, moderator thereof
Please send comp.sources.unix-related mail to rsalz@uunet.uu.net.

barnett@vdsvax.steinmetz.ge.com (Bruce Barnett) (02/09/89)

In article <1487@fig.bbn.com>, rsalz@bbn (Rich Salz) writes:
>The latest version of EASE, a language for writing sendmail.cf
>files, and CFC, the .cf ->Ease translator, was just posted to
>comp.sources.unix moments ago.

I have been working on the new ease 2.0 on and off for weeks,
and have been making several improvements.

The improvements are quite substantial:

	Support for SunOS 4.0
	Support for Ultrix 3.0
	Support for the new IDA sendmail (In progress)

	cfc has also been improved significantly.

Current status:
	I can take a Sun or DEC supplied sendmail.cf file,
	run in through cfc to generate an EASE file,
	and run that file through the ease translator.

	Except for the syntax errors that exist in the *vendor* suppplied
	sendmail files, the translation from cf to ease to cf is exact.
	(Well, I have one line that fails, and the grammar has several
	reduce/reduce conflicts.)

	I know the double translation is good, because I am comparing
	the original .cf and ease output file character by character.

If you want more details, send me mail. If you feel like hacking on ease and
cfc, you may be duplicating my effort.

I do have one request for help. I can't find the documentation for the
Ultrix 3.0 sendmail and I have had to guess on several new flags.

Example # 1 from the Ultrix sendmail.cf:

H?R?Received: $?sfrom $s $.by $j ($v/$V)
	id $i; $b

Is this 'R' flag the same as the unimplemented R flag in Berkeley sendmail?
The current implementation of ease identifies this as the flag used to
specify a recerved port (i.e. f_rport). DEC used it for all TCP mailers.

Aside to those using SunOS 4.0 and want to share one /var/spool/mail

Use the option

which in the sendmail.subsidiary.cf file says:
# Remote mode - send through server if mailbox directory is mounted

It is also documened in the manual.

I made that change for all 4.0 machines (except the mail gateway)
and it seems to work fine. The server and clients share one sendmail
file and  /var/spool/mail directory.

	Bruce G. Barnett 	barnett@ge-crd.ARPA, barnett@steinmetz.ge.com