[comp.mail.sendmail] IDA - Sendmail 5.61 - Null pointer dereference in savemail.c

cudcv@warwick.ac.uk (Rob McMahon) (03/26/89)

Sendmail 5.61 with the IDA 1.2.5 patches tries to dereference a null pointer
if PostMasterCopy is null.

RCS file: savemail.c,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -c -r1.1 -r1.2
*** /tmp/,RCSt1a08470	Sat Mar 25 16:11:16 1989
--- /tmp/,RCSt2a08470	Sat Mar 25 16:11:17 1989
*** 406,412 ****
  	to = buf;
  	for (q = returnq; q != NULL; q = q->q_next) {
  	    if (q->q_alias == NULL)
! 		if (strcmp(q->q_paddr, PostMasterCopy) == 0)
  		    cc = q->q_paddr;
  		else {
  		    /* Not Postmaster; already on the To: line? */
--- 406,412 ----
  	to = buf;
  	for (q = returnq; q != NULL; q = q->q_next) {
  	    if (q->q_alias == NULL)
! 		if (PostMasterCopy && strcmp(q->q_paddr, PostMasterCopy) == 0)
  		    cc = q->q_paddr;
  		else {
  		    /* Not Postmaster; already on the To: line? */

UUCP:   ...!mcvax!ukc!warwick!cudcv	PHONE:  +44 203 523037
JANET:  cudcv@uk.ac.warwick             ARPA:   cudcv@warwick.ac.uk
Rob McMahon, Computing Services, Warwick University, Coventry CV4 7AL, England