kleonard@gvlv2.GVL.Unisys.COM (Ken Leonard) (06/08/89)
Hello, Greeting, Help... I am in need of programs for a generic, MS-DOS, PClone: a) a news-retriever/sender to talk to a UNIX host, b) a news-reader/responder/originator to run between runs of (a), c) a mail-retriever/sender to talk to a UNIX host, d) a mail-reader/responder/originator to run between runs of (c), The UNIX host, by emphatic assertion, cannot have _ANY_ system-level recognition of my existence other than my _very_vanilla_ user login id. All mail and news must, by emphatic assertion, appear to deal only with my UNIX user login id. It would really be nice if the PClone side of things looked and smelled and felt like UNIX <rn> and <elm (with decent PClone keyboard functions?)>. It would also be nice if the PClone (program code and control files) side of things could live in _just_ a couple Megabytes of disk space. Is there any hope? Please respond _email_ to <kleonard@gvlv2.gvl.unisys.com>. Thanx and regardz, Ken Leonard