[comp.mail.sendmail] UK-2.1 help request

tjh@cel.uucp (tim howard) (09/13/89)

	Sendmail Configuration Package UK-2.1

I acquired a copy of this package from Glasgow University on 28-JUL-89.
The documention is dated as follows :-
	"Overview" and "A Tutorial based on Examples" both 27-NOV-88
	"User Guide" 22-MAR-89
I am having difficulties and hope for some help from outside.


We have been running external mail services for about a year.  It works
to a standard but we see problems associated with us sending "From" 
addresses to the outside world that show our machine names.  We have
registered with "ukc" as "cel".  Our files "sendmail.cf" are based on
those supplied by Sun Microsystems.  When setting-up external mail we
tried to avoid changing the "hostname" of the machine connected to the
modem to match our external name ( "cel" ) but gave up.  It would be
"nice" to return that machine to its original name ( "server2" ).  Other
people within the UK seem to think it would be a good idea for us to
implement the "Sendmail Configuration Package UK-2.1".

		How we work at Crosfield

This text is based on "Sendmail Configuration Package UK-2.1", "A Tutorial
based on the Examples".  Instead of describing the Computer Science department
at Glasgow University it describes the Crosfield Electronics Head-Quarters site
in Hemel Hempstead.

The Suns are divided into 2 Yellow Pages domains.  "server1"  and "server2" are
in one of these domains and "server3" is in the other.
"/usr/lib/aliases" on server2 and server3 are used as the basis for Yellow
Pages aliases maps.  ( They should be kept identical )

Site Topology

	|- server2 -
	|	+---> connected to modem
	|- server1 ( a slave which happens to have its /usr/spool/mail
	|            used by other slaves )
	|- server3 ( a slave which happens to have its /usr/spool/mail
	|            used by other slaves )
	e-- ( many ) slaves  ( Suns )
	|- cresta:: ( a VAX running VMS and also WIN/TCP )
	|- other machines ( see notes below )

All mail to or from the outside world should go through the modem shown
connected to "server2".  UUCP mail may be sent to/collected by various
outside systems as listed in server2:/usr/lib/uucp/L.sys.

The WIN/TCP software on VAX "cresta::" allows mail transfer with Sun systems
using SMTP ( Simple Mail Transfer Pprotocol ).  "cresta::" is used as a
"bridge" or "gateway" to other VAXs and PDPs.

There are a number of IBM-PCs and compatibles.  Some of these have Ethernet
interfaces and run PC-NFS and Lifeline.  The Lifeline package can be configured
to run SMTP or POP2 ( Post Office Protocol version 2 ).


Crosfield Electronics Ltd ( cel ) sendmail files as at 15:34 13-Sep-89
*********** config.server2 ***************
domain std file="cel.local.dom"
domain top file="cel.top.dom"
channel local file="randd.local.chn",showuucp,shownrs,showdomain
channel uucp  file="randd.uucp.chn",ldomain="cel.uucp",sysname="cel"
channel ether file="randd.ether.chn"
channel top   file="cel.top.dom"

*********** config.slave ***************
domain std file="randd.ether.chn"
domain top file="slave.top.dom"
channel top file="slave.top.chn"
channel local file="randd.local.chn",showldomain,shownrs,showuucp
channel ether file="randd.ether.chn"
channel ether file="randd.uucp.chn"

*********** tables/cel.local.dom ***************

*********** tables/cel.top.dom ***************
uk	idec.uucp
uucp	idec.uucp

*********** tables/randd.local.chn ***************

*********** tables/randd.uucp.chn ***************

*********** tables/randd.ether.chn ***************

*********** tables/slave.top.dom ***************

*********** tables/slave.top.chn ***************
ALL	server2.cel.uucp	#everything


	Example of difficulties

Before any "adjustment" of the files received from Glasgow University I got
errors of the form :-

	11457.S11: No such file or directory
	tail: 11457.S12: No such file or directory
	11457.S13: No such file or directory
	awk: link is not an array
	11506.classl: No such file or directory

I have tried, but failed so far, to determine the cause of the problem.  To
this end I have made minor modifications to the shell scripts
I then re-ran using the UNIX/SunOS "script" facility to copy the action.

Script started on Wed Sep 13 15:29:51 1989
SERVER1% make
cd ../tables; make -f server2.mk server2
../Dombuild -o server2-dom.m4 cel.local.dom -top cel.top.dom  
Here are the files named after this process number
-rw-r--r--  1 tjh             0 Sep 13 15:29 11457.S10
-rw-r--r--  1 tjh            12 Sep 13 15:30 11457.classf
-rw-r--r--  1 tjh            44 Sep 13 15:29 11457.top
Here are files containing upper case S for Rulesets
-rw-r--r--  1 tjh             0 Sep 13 15:29 11457.S10
11457.S11: No such file or directory
tail: 11457.S12: No such file or directory
11457.S13: No such file or directory
../Chnbuild -o server2-chn.m4 -local randd.local.chn -uucp randd.uucp.chn -ether randd.ether.chn -top cel.top.dom 
********* case is uucp *****************
********** About to fail awk: link ? ************
awk: link is not an array
11506.classl: No such file or directory
************ end of case uucp **************
make server2.cf
cp ../tables/server2-dom.m4 .
cp ../tables/server2-chn.m4 .
mv: server2.cf: Cannot access: No such file or directory
*** Error code 1 (ignored)
m4 server2.mc > server2.cf


	Explanation of how I produced the above symptoms

( continuation of script session )

SERVER1% cd ..
SERVER1% ll *build*
-rwxr-xr-x  1 tjh      ss          11253 Sep 13 12:39 Chnbuild*
-r-xr-xr-x  1 tjh      ss          11090 Sep 13 10:46 Chnbuild_orig*
-rwxr-xr-x  1 tjh      ss           4397 Sep 13 15:23 Dombuild*
-r-xr-xr-x  1 tjh      ss           4163 Sep 13 11:43 Dombuild_orig*
SERVER1% diff Chnbuild Chnbuild._orig
< 	-uucp)	echo "********* case is uucp *****************"
< 		echo "********** About to fail awk: link ? ************"
< 		$strip $2 | awk -f $$.uucp.awk file=$2 prefix=$$. \
| 	-uucp)	$strip $2 | awk -f $$.uucp.awk file=$2 prefix=$$. \
< 		echo "************ end of case uucp **************"
SERVER1% diff Dombuild Dombuild_orig
< # TJH 13-SEP-89 - I don't understand the following "while read class group"
< #
< #
< # TJH 13-SEP-89
< echo "Here are the files named after this process number"
< ls -l *$$*
< echo "Here are files containing upper case S for Rulesets"
< ls -l *S*
SERVER1% exit
script done on Wed Sep 13 15:32:42 1989


	The Fatal Symptom

When I "ignored" the apparent errors and went on to Installation stage 6 and
ran "make test" I got
ruleset	address		result
*       a@b.c.uk	loops many times until it ends with
			"rewrite: expansion too long"
*	a@b		error Domain Unknown
( I have not tried exhaustive testing, I discovered this by going right through
  to "make install" and then trying to send to info-server@ukc.ac.uk, and then
  back-tracking )


Help please !!!

Tim Howard ( tjh@cel.uucp )
	voice 0442-230000 x 3406

	( you can also mail me as "root" )