[comp.mail.sendmail] Sendmail/SMTP on SYSVR3 Unisys-5000

peters@jester.CC.MsState.Edu (Frank W. Peters) (12/19/89)


     I am trying to make a Unisys-5000 into a useful host on our
TCP/IP network.  This system does not come with an SMTP mail
transfer implementation.  

     Has anyone out there ported sendmail to SYSV?  If not, does
anyone have any SMTP client/server implementation that will run
on a System V box?

     Any and all pointers will be most welcome.

Frank Wayne Peters            $ Peters@CC.MsState.Edu $ "It helps to have a
Systems & Networks Programmer $ Peters@MsState.Bitnet $  sense of humor about
Computing Center & Services   $ Phone: (601)325$2942  $  all of this."
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