[comp.mail.sendmail] Return-receipt-to

tdrake@skister.nswc.navy.mil (Tim Drake - E41) (03/06/90)

  Hi, we've had some problems with sendmail's return-receipt-to
option. I`ve learned the basics about the option in the "Sendmail
Installation and Operation Guide", but its not talked about in any
man pages or anywhere else.

  Our problem is its unrealistic to turn off return-receipt
off in every mailer on our network. If I can understand more
about the problem maybe I can come up with a viable workaround.

  My 1st question is how do you turn on this option (please
don't reply that way) and 2nd what is the easyist way to not
to respond to this "built in option".

     Tim Drake   tdrake@relay.nswc.navy.mil