[comp.mail.sendmail] Sendmail on Alliant machines

dct@bmsun1.cancer.utexas.edu (David C. Tuttle) (03/29/90)


I am trying to get sendmail working on our Alliant FX/40 and am
running into a few problems involving the configuration file (not
properly generating the From: line, to name one).  I suspect that
sendmail itself is not quite right, but I'm not sure.

If you have an Alliant running sendmail, I'd appreciate hearing from
you by e-mail.  Please include appropriate lines from your sendmail.cf
file, and any Alliant-specific quirks you've found.  Any and all
suggestions will duly welcomed and appreciated.

Also, if you're having the same problem, let me know, and I'll tell
you what I find out (if demand warrants, I might even post it to

Thanks from a harried new system administrator.
David C. Tuttle      dct@mdaali.cancer.utexas.edu      GEnie: D.TUTTLE
+1 713 792 2606   BITNET: AN123701@UTHVM1   America Online: TheTuttles
Dept of Biomathematics, University of Texas M.D.Anderson Cancer Center
HMB13.350  Mail Stop 237  1515 Holcombe Blvd.  Houston  TX  77030-4096