[comp.mail.sendmail] How to debug sendmail.cf as a daemon?

nelson@SUN.SOE.CLARKSON.EDU (Russ Nelson) (06/06/90)

Can anyone give me a clue as to how to debug my sendmail.cf when mail
is coming in over SMTP?  When I simply telnet to the port and run SMTP
by hand, it works whether I have debug (specifically 21.2) turned on
or not.  By "works", I mean that sendmail recognizes that the mail is
destined for this host.

However, when I let a program run the protocol, sendmail *doesn't* recognize
that the mail is destined for this host, and it forwards it to the mail relay.
Of course, the mail relay forwards it back, hippity hop.

My current problem is that I can't turn any debugging on, because violates
the SMTP protocol.  The debugging output appears in place of the responses,
and of course it doesn't have a response number.  I'd say that the right
thing to do is to change *all* the debugging printfs so that each line
begins with "100-" (or whatever number).  The dash means that the response
is continued on the next line.

Does anyone have a different solution, or maybe a clue why there's a difference
between hand-run and machine-run SMTP?

--russ (nelson@clutx [.bitnet | .clarkson.edu])  Russ.Nelson@$315.268.6667
Violence never solves problems, it just changes them into more subtle problems