[comp.mail.sendmail] Paper on DNS with SMTP

brad@sics.se (Brad Smith) (07/18/90)


I vaguely remember seeing mention of a paper discussing/explaining the
subtleties of the interaction between the DNS (Domain Naming System...
named) and SMTP.  I thought it might have been an RFC, but no such RFC
exists.  Does anyone know of such a paper and where I might find it?

Thanks in advance,

Brad Smith

karl_kleinpaste@cis.ohio-state.edu (07/18/90)

It's probably an RFC after all.  Try either RFC974, "Mail Routing and
the Domain System," or RFC1123, "Requirements for Internet Hosts --
Application and Support."

happiness  \'hap-i-nus\  n.  A condition noted on execution of
gnus-Group-get-new-news, and finding the response, "No news is
good news," for the first time in 6 weeks.