[comp.mail.sendmail] Help wanted by a "novice" sendmail administrator

dag@persoft.com (Daniel A. Glasser) (08/01/90)

I have the misfortune of trying to set sendmail up on ISC Unix V.
to do some things that it doesn't already do, and I'm rather put off by
the lack of anything approaching reasonable docs.  The "Sendmail Guide"
that ISC ships is a reprint of the Berkeley docs without much of anything
that is specific to someone without source and who needs to rewrite some
of the rules.

What I want to do is as follows:

Addresses of the form foo%bar@baz should, on forwarding to node
baz, become foo@bar.  If baz is unknown, I want to forward the
message to a smart router with either the address unchanged or
translated to baz!bar!foo (whichever is the right way to do it.)

Also, I would like to know how to make mail addressed as
or	gorgon.persoft.com!foo

be forwarded to gorgon!foo or foo@gorgon.  persoft.com is a registered
domain, I believe.  I'm not new to Unix or UUCP, but I've been trapped on
SYS III and V7 without benifit of all of these routers and such but now
that I'm back in the "real world" I need some advice.

Simple "RTFM" doesn't help because there are no on-line MAN pages,
the FM is of little help, and the vendor is unwilling to be of any
assistance without payment of much additional $$$.

Sample rulesets for sendmail.cf and short tutorials on how to set up
a domain router would be most helpful.  Also pointers to material in
the literature and/or available via anon FTP would be useful.
(For anon FTP, internet addresses (numeric) are often required on
the machine that I have Internet access through.)

Thanks in advance,
				Daniel A. Glasser
  Daniel A. Glasser  |  Persoft, Inc.  |  dag@persoft.com (if it works yet)
  "Their brains were small, and they died."