hav@dual.UUCP (Helen Anne Vigneau) (06/20/85)
=> In article <26900@lanl.ARPA> jkw@lanl.ARPA writes:
=> . . .
=> >They lived on a ranch called the Ponderosa which was about 1/2 the size of
=> >Texas.
=> The actual size was 600,000 acres, I seem to remember one episode they
=> rode for days and never got off the ranch...
=> Mike Upmalis (mupmalis@watarts)<University of Waterloo>
=> ihnp4!watmath!watarts!mupmalis
The real Ponderosa Ranch (where the show was filmed) has been made into some
sort of private park or amusement park or something like that. We passed it
in the car a year and a half or two ago while heading east on I-80 (or was it
50?). It's somewhere between the north side of Lake Tahoe and Carson City,
but definitely in Nevada. Didn't bother to check it out, though--looked
pretty dismal.
Helen Anne
It's the aim of existence to offer reistance to the flow of time.