[comp.mail.sendmail] Help with sendmail.cf

mtsu@blake.acs.washington.edu (Montana State) (01/27/89)

I have four mVAXen running Ultrix 2.3 .  One of these, named caesar is to be
the central mail handling system.  I want the other three (khan, nero, ming)
to forward everything... to caesar for processing.  Including users on the
local machine.  The end result I'm looking for is for all mail to be processed
and held on one node.  Is this doable??

andy@acorn.co.uk (Andy Ingle) (02/02/89)

In article <637@blake.acs.washington.edu>, mtsu@blake.acs.washington.edu (Montana State) writes:
> I have four mVAXen running Ultrix 2.3 .  One of these, named caesar is to be
> the central mail handling system.  I want the other three (khan, nero, ming)
> to forward everything... to caesar for processing.  Including users on the
> local machine.  The end result I'm looking for is for all mail to be processed
> and held on one node.  Is this doable??

I run a variation on this scheme where all mail is sent to a central mail
handler, but may then be sent out to the user's workstation if this is
where he/she prefers to take mail. All the machines run sendmail and
are connected by ethernet. Each machine will recognise its own name in
a "user@host" address, but passes everything else to the central mail
handler where the main aliases file is kept. The advantage is that only
one aliases file need be kept for the whole network.

The workstations' .cf file has the following features:

Assume $M = ether
       $R = your master machine

At some earlier point recognise all forms of your master machine's name
and rewrite to "LOCAL", then

# delete redundant local info
R$*<$*$=w.LOCAL>$*	$1<MYUSER>$4			thishost.LOCAL
R$*<@LOCAL>$*		$1<@$D>$2			host == domain gateway
R$*<$*$=w.uucp>$*	$1<MYUSER>$4			thishost.uucp
R$*<$*$=w>$*		$1<MYUSER>$4			thishost
R$*<$*.>$*		$1<$2>$3			drop trailing dot

# handle real local users
R$+<MYUSER>$*		$#local $:$1			local user

# everything else gets sent to the relay for aliasing
R$+			$#$M $@$R $:$1			username

The master machine needs little modification except that when mailing a
workstation it must still use the "user@host" address or the mail will
bounce right back!

R$*<@$*$=S.LOCAL>$*	$#ether $@$3 $:$1@$2$3$4	user@etherhost.LOCAL
R$*<@$*$=S>$*		$#ether $@$3 $:$1@$2$3		user@etherhost

Hope this is of help.

--Andy Ingle

dhp1@GTE.COM (David Pascoe) (10/10/90)

I am helping to administer a small network of Sun workstations...we use SMTP 
to send mail between the Suns and  uux to send amil to a neighboring UUCP
host who forwards external mail for us.  

uux works....we can send amil to the neighboring host...nut the To: and From:
lines keep getting fouled up.  I made some changes to the sendmail.cf but to 
no avail.

From line now (for UUCP mail): dave%zippy.UUCP
What I would like From: line to look like:  dave@zippy.UUCP

To line now:  user%host.domain
What I would like To: line to look like:  user@host.domain

Here is the current sendmail.cf:

#	You should install this file as /etc/sendmail.cf
#	if your machine is a subsidiary machine (that is, some
#	other machine in your domain is the main mail-relaying
#	machine).  Then edit the file to customize it for your
#	network configuration.
#	See the manual "System Administration for the Sun Workstation".
#	Look at "Setting Up The Mail Routing System" in the chapter on
#	Communications.  The Sendmail references in the back of the
#	manual are also very useful.
#	@(#)subsidiary.mc 1.11 88/02/08 SMI; from UCB arpa.mc 3.25 2/24/83

# local UUCP connections -- not forwarded to mailhost

# my official hostname

# major relay mailer

# major relay host

#	General configuration information

# local domain names
# These can now be set from the domainname system call.
# If your YP domain is different from the domain name you would like to have
# appear in your mail headers, edit them to be your mail domain name.
# Note that the first component of the YP domain name is stripped off unless
# it begins with a dot or a plus sign.
# DmPodunk.EDU

# known hosts in this domain are obtained from gethostbyname() call

# Version number of configuration file

###   Standard macros

# name used for error messages
# UNIX header format
DlFrom $g  $d
# delimiter (operator) characters
# format of a total name
Dq$g$?x ($x)$.
# SMTP login message
De$j Sendmail $v/$V ready at $b

###   Options

# Remote mode - send through server if mailbox directory is mounted
# location of alias file
# default delivery mode (deliver in background)
# rebuild the alias file automagically
# temporary file mode -- 0600 for secure mail, 0644 for permissive
# default GID
# location of help file
# log level
# default messages to old style
# Cc my postmaster on error replies I generate
# queue directory
# read timeout for SMTP protocols
# status file -- none
# queue up everything before starting transmission, for safety
# return queued mail after this long
# default UID

###   Message precedences

###   Trusted users
T root daemon uucp

###   Format of headers 
H?P?Return-Path: <$g>
HReceived: $?sfrom $s $.by $j ($v/$V)
	id $i; $b
H?D?Resent-Date: $a
H?D?Date: $a
H?F?Resent-From: $q
H?F?From: $q@$j
H?x?Full-Name: $x
H?M?Resent-Message-Id: <$t.$i@$j>
H?M?Message-Id: <$t.$i@$j>

###   Rewriting rules   ###

#  Sender Field Pre-rewriting
# None needed.

#  Recipient Field Pre-rewriting
# None needed.

# Name Canonicalization

# Internal format of names within the rewriting rules is:
# 	anything<@host.domain.domain...>anything
# We try to get every kind of name into this format, except for local
# names, which have no host part.  The reason for the "<>" stuff is
# that the relevant host name could be on the front of the name (for
# source routing), or on the back (normal form).  We enclose the one that
# we want to route on in the <>'s to make it easy to find.

# handle "from:<>" special case
R<>			$@@				turn into magic token

# basic textual canonicalization
R$*<$+>$*		$2				basic RFC822 parsing

# make sure <@a,@b,@c:user@d> syntax is easy to parse -- undone later
R@$+,$+:$+		@$1:$2:$3			change all "," to ":"
R@$+:$+			$@$>6<@$1>:$2			src route canonical

R$+:$*;@$+		$@$1:$2;@$3			list syntax
R$+@$+			$:$1<@$2>			focus on domain
R$+<$+@$+>		$1$2<@$3>			move gaze right
R$+<@$+>		$@$>6$1<@$2>			already canonical

# convert old-style names to domain-based names
# All old-style names parse from left to right, without precedence.
R$-!$+			$@$>6$2<@$1.uucp>		uucphost!user
R$-.$+!$+		$@$>6$3<@$1.$2>			host.domain!user
R$+%$+			$@$>3$1@$2			user%host

#  Final Output Post-rewriting 
#R$+<@$+.uucp>		$2!$1				u@h.uucp => h!u
#R$+			$: $>9 $1			Clean up addr
#R$*<$+>$*		$1$2$3				defocus

#  Clean up an name for passing to a mailer
#  (but leave it focused)
#R@			$@$n				handle <> error addr
#R$*<$*LOCAL>$*		$1<$2$m>$3			change local info
#R<@$+>$*:$+:$+		<@$1>$2,$3:$4			<route-addr> canonical

#   Rewriting rules

# special local conversions
#R$*<@$*$=m>$*		$1<@$2LOCAL>$4			convert local domain

# Local and Program Mailer specification

Mlocal,	P=/bin/mail, F=rlsDFMmnP, S=10, R=20, A=mail -d $u
Mprog,	P=/bin/sh,   F=lsDFMeuP,  S=10, R=20, A=sh -c $u

# None needed.

# None needed.

#####		Ethernet Mailer specification
#####	Messages processed by this configuration are assumed to remain
#####	in the same domain.  This really has nothing particular to do
#####   with Ethernet - the name is historical.

Mether,	P=[TCP], F=msDFMuCX, S=11, R=21, A=TCP $h
R$*<@$+>$*		$@$1<@$2>$3			already ok
R$+			$@$1<@$w>			tack on our hostname

# None needed.

#  General code to convert back to old style UUCP names
R$+<@LOCAL>		$@ $1	         		name@LOCAL => sun!name
R$+<@$-.LOCAL>		$@ $1    			u@h.LOCAL => u
R$+<@$+.uucp>		$@ $1@$2.UUCP			u@h.uucp => u%h.UUCP
R$+<@$*>		$@ $1@$2			u@h => u%h
# Route-addrs do not work here.  Punt til uucp-mail comes up with something.
#R<@$+>$*		$@ @$1$2			just defocus and punt
#R$*<$*>$*		$@ $1$2$3			Defocus strange stuff

#	UUCP Mailer specification

Muucp,	P=/usr/bin/uux, F=msDFMhuU, S=5, R=5,
	A=uux -  jjmhome!rmail ($u)

# Convert uucp sender (From) field
R$+			$:$>5$1				convert to old style
R$=w!$+			$2				strip local name
R$+			$:$w!$1				stick on real host name

# Convert uucp recipient (To, Cc) fields
R$+			$:$>5$1				convert to old style


# Ruleset 30 just calls rulesets 3 then 0.
R$*			$: $>3 $1			First canonicalize
R$*			$@ $>0 $1			Then rerun ruleset 0

# On entry, the address has been canonicalized and focused by ruleset 3.
# Handle special cases.....
R@			$#local $:$n			handle <> form
# For numeric spec, you can't pass spec on to receiver, since rcvr's
# are not smart enough to know that [x.y.z.a] is their own name.
R<@[$+]>:$*		$:$>9 <@[$1]>:$2		Clean it up, then...
R<@[$+]>:$*		$#ether $@[$1] $:$2		numeric internet spec
R<@[$+]>,$*		$#ether $@[$1] $:$2		numeric internet spec
R$*<@[$+]>		$#ether $@[$2] $:$1		numeric internet spec

# arrange for local names to be fully qualified
R$*<@$%y>$*		$1<@$2.LOCAL>$3			user@etherhost

# now delete redundant local info
R$*<$*$=w.LOCAL>$*	$1<$2>$4			thishost.LOCAL
R$*<@LOCAL>$*		$1<@$m>$2			host == domain gateway
R$*<$*$=w.uucp>$*	$1<$2>$4			thishost.uucp
R$*<$*$=w>$*		$1<$2>$4			thishost
R$*<$*.>$*		$1<$2>$3			drop trailing dot
R<@>:$*			$@$>30$1			retry after route strip
R$*<@>			$@$>30$1			strip null trash & retry

###  Machine dependent part of ruleset zero  ###

# resolve names we can handle locally
R<@$=V.uucp>:$+		$:$>9 $1			First clean up, then...
R<@$=V.uucp>:$+		$#uucp  $@$1 $:$2		@host.uucp:...
R$+<@$=V.uucp>		$#uucp  $@$2 $:$1		user@host.uucp

# optimize names of known ethernet hosts
R$*<@$%y.LOCAL>$*	$#ether $@$2 $:$1<@$2>$3	user@host.here

# other non-local names will be kicked upstairs
R$+			$:$>9 $1			Clean up, keep <>
R$*<@$+>$*		$#$M    $@$R $:$1<@$2>$3	user@some.where
R$*@$*			$#$M    $@$R $:$1<@$2>		strangeness with @

# Local names with % are really not local!
R$+%$+			$@$>30$1@$2			turn % => @, retry

# everything else is a local name
R$+			$#local $:$1			local names


Please e-mail any responses.....thank you.
Dave Pascoe      |  Internet: dhp1@gte.com 
KM3T             |            or pascoe@edcd.gte.com
617-455-5704     |      UUCP: ..!{harvard}!gte.com!dhp1