[comp.mail.sendmail] expanding cc recipient to full domain.

felps@convex.com (Robert Felps) (12/03/90)

I have been attempting to learn sendmail recently and have a question
concerning the cc: line. I want to know how to have the addresses on the
cc line expand into full domain names so when a reply is made it knows to
which system to return the message.

For example I'm on host "a.my.com" and I wish to mail to someone on "b.my.com"
and cc to someone on host "a" and "o.theirs.com". How do I get the a to expand
to "a.my.com"?

Do I have to setup my alias file to handle this or change re-write rules?

Please shed some light.

Robert Felps                                felps@convex.com
Convex Computer Corp                        OS System Specialist
3000 Waterview Parkway                      Tech. Assistant Ctr
Richardson, Tx.  75083                      1(800) 952-0379

eric@mastodon.Berkeley.EDU (Eric Allman) (12/04/90)

The problem is that only the sender address is getting rewritten to have
full domain qualifications -- you need to have the recipient addresses
written as well.  For example, you will probably find a line like:

Mtcp,	P=[IPC], F=mDFMueXLC, S=14, R=24, A=IPC $h, E=\r\n

This says that when sending to tcp networks, sender addresses are rewritten
by ruleset 14 (S=14) and recipient addresses are rewritten by ruleset 24
(S=24).  You will probably find that your Sender rewrite rule has something

R$-			$1<@$w>				user w/o host
R$+<@$=w>		$:$1<@$w>			this host
R$+<@$->		$:$1<@$[$2$]>			canonicalize into dom
R$+<@$->		$:$1<@$2.$D>			if nameserver fails

It is probable that at least the last line will be missing from the
Recipient rewrite set.
