[net.games.trivia] John Cleese insult query

de@dcl-cs.UUCP (David England) (07/17/85)


In one episode of "Fawlty Towers" Basil (John Cleese) delivers a brilliant
insult to Sybil. I know it had something to do with stick insects but I
just can't remember the rest ?

"Cowards die many deaths a brave man only once"

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canopus@amdahl.UUCP (Alpha Carinae) (07/23/85)

From: <320@dcl-cs.UUCP>
> In one episode of "Fawlty Towers" Basil (John Cleese) delivers a brilliant
> insult to Sybil. I know it had something to do with stick insects but I
> just can't remember the rest ?

  Other way around... Sybil called Basil (John) a "brilliantine stick
  insect".  It was the episode in which the Australian lady was staying
  at the hotel... she was stretching against the wall near the light
  switch, and Basil was in the bathroom trying to fix the light --
  he reached around thru the door to turn on the light and got a handful
  of something other than a light switch.

  About this time Sybil walked into the room, witnessed the event, and
  commented, "Basil, if you must grope the guests at least have the
  courtesy to be in the same room with them".  The stick insect insult
  followed later downstairs.
Frank Dibbell     (408-746-6493)     ...!{ihnp4,cbosgd,sun}!amdahl!canopus
Amdahl Corporation, Sunnyvale CA     [This is the obligatory disclaimer..]
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