[comp.mail.sendmail] request for rewriting rule assistance

csfst1@unix.cis.pitt.edu (Charles S. Fuller) (01/13/91)

Can someone help with a rewriting rule to do the following?

The situation is: an Apollo node running the sendmail (5.52?)
distributed with SR10.3.  This Apollo is on the same Ethernet as a VMS
VAX with SMTP.  The VAX has DECnet capability to another VAX, which, in
turn, connects to another Ethernet and other IP hosts.

From VAX-1, I can send mail to a host on VAX-2's Ethernet by specifying
the address in the form


What I would like to be able to do is to send mail from my Apollo
directly to a host on VAX-2's Ethernet.  The .cf file distributed by
Apollo doesn't like '::' constructs, and any attempts at "encapsulating"
the above form are undone by the rewriting that takes place on the
Apollo, resulting in "invalid local part".

Is it proper to create a rule which would, upon seeing "vax-2::", send
this entire string -- verbatim -- to VAX-1 ?  Or should VAX-1 be somehow
designated as our DECnet mail relay ?

Thanks in advance.