[net.games.trivia] Barney Rubble's Employment

jam@dcl-cs.UUCP (John A. Mariani) (10/21/85)

In article <369@hlwpb.UUCP> smq@hlwpb.UUCP (SM Queriolo) writes:
>What was Barney
>Rubbles occupation was in the Flinstones (I think he may have had
>several jobs).  
Well, as far as I remember, didn't he work with Fred down the Bedrock
Quarry? ...
"You see me now a veteran of a thousand psychic wars...."

UUCP:  ...!seismo!mcvax!ukc!dcl-cs!jam 
DARPA: jam%lancs.comp@ucl-cs	| Post: University of Lancaster,
JANET: jam@uk.ac.lancs.comp	|	Department of Computing,
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