[comp.binaries.apple2] kermit v 3.85 documentation part 1/2

nakada@husc4.HARVARD.EDU (Paul Nakada) (01/20/89)

Comments:     Originally-From: Ted Medin <MEDIN-T@SHARK.nosc.mil>

------ part 3 of 4 ------------- apple.doc
1. Apple II Kermit

This  document  is  formatted  as an ordinary, plain text ASCII disk file, from
SCRIBE text formatter source.   Typeset  copies  are  available  from  Columbia

Authors:    Antonino N. J. Mione (Stevens Institute of Technology),
            Peter Trei (Columbia University),
            Ted Medin (NOSC),
            Bob Holley (SERDAC)

Version:    3.85

Date:       1988 Dec

Kermit-65 Capabilities At A Glance:
  Local operation:                   Yes
  Remote operation:                  Yes
  Transfers text files:              Yes
  Transfers binary files:            Yes
  Wildcard send:                     Yes
  ^X/^Y interruption(Q):             Yes
  Filename collision avoidance:      Yes
  Can time out:                      Yes
  8th-bit prefixing:                 Yes
  Repeat count prefixing:            No
  Alternate block checks:            No
  Terminal emulation:                Yes (VT52, VT100)
  Communication settings:            Yes
  Transmit BREAK:                    Yes
  IBM communication:                 Yes
  Transaction logging:               No
  Session logging (raw download):    Yes
  Raw upload:                        No
  Act as server:                     Yes
  Talk to server:                    Yes
  Advanced commands for servers:     Yes
  Long packets:                      Yes
  Sliding windows:                   No
  Local file management:             Yes
  Handle file attributes:            No
  Command/init files:                Yes
  Printer control:                   Yes

Kermit-65  is  a  program that implements the Kermit file transfer protocol for
the Motorola 6502 processor family (hence the name, Kermit-65) on the Apple  II
microcomputer  system.   It is written in 6502 assembly language and should run
on any Apple II or compatible running DOS 3.3 or PRODOS.    This  section  will
describe  the things you should know about the file system in order to make ef-
fective use of Kermit, and then it will describe the special  features  of  the
Kermit-65 program.

1.1. Supported Systems and Devices

There  are  several  different Apple II's which can run Kermit-65.  Kermit will
have no problems running on an Apple II, II+, //e, //c or //gs system.  Of  the
different  communication devices available for the Apple II, Kermit-65 supports
the ones shown in Table 1-1.


               AE Serial Pro (super serial driver - sw 1 & 3 open 2 & 4 closed)
               AIO II (Uses the Apple Com Card driver??? - untested)
               ALS dispatcher (Uses the Apple Com Card driver)
               Apple Com Serial Card
               ASIO (Uses the Apple Com Card driver??? - untested)
               Apple Super Serial Card & //c Serial Port
               Apple //gs Serial Port
               CCS 7710 Serial Card
               CCS 7711 (Uses the Apple Com Card driver??? - untested)
               D.C. Hayes Micromodem.
               Microtek sv-622 Card
               Prometheus Versacard (Uses the Apple Com Card driver)
               SSM AIO (Uses the Apple Com Card driver??? - untested)

        Table 1-1:  Apple II Communication Cards Supported by Kermit-65


It is possible that other  cards  may  have  operational  characteristics  very
similar  or  identical to one of the devices above. If this is the case, it may
work using one of the currently available device drivers.  The user may want to
try  each  of  the above options to see if any of them work.  Kermit-65 must be
told in which slot the card resides.  This may be done with the  'SET'  command
(documented below).

1.2. The DOS 3.3 File System

Items  of  importance which will be discussed in this section include filenames
and file characteristics.

    Apple DOS Filenames

Filenames under Apple DOS may contain almost  any  ASCII  character  (including
space). It is not recommended that special characters, (i.e. control characters
or spaces) be used in a filename to be transferred by Kermit-65 since they  may
cause problems when parsing the filename.  Filenames may be up to 40 characters
in length.

    Apple DOS File Characteristics

All files in Apple DOS have a file type associated with them which is contained
in  the  directory  entry  for the file but is not part of the filename itself.
There are four types of files in DOS 3.3. They are:

   3. BINARY
   4. TEXT

All file types have their data stored in eight-bit bytes although  not  all  of
them need the eighth bit. The two file types containing basic programs required
the eighth bit due to the nature of the data being  stored.  BINARY  files  are
images  of  memory  copied into a file. Often, these are machine code programs.
These files require all eight bits. TEXT files normally contain only  printable
or  carriage control characters. They are stored in the form of seven-bit ASCII
characters but the eighth bit should always be set since Apples manipulate  all
text internally as 'Negative ASCII'.  When transmitting non-text files the user
must insure that both Kermits are handling eight-bit data  so  that  no  infor-
mation  is  lost.  If  an eight-bit data path is not available (i.e. the remote
Kermit needs to do parity checking with the eigth bit), then eight-bit  quoting
should  be used.  Of course, BINARY files as well as Apple BASIC files will not
have much meaning on a different system.  If the user desires to edit  a  BASIC
file  on  a mainframe, for instance, s/he must convert it to a TEXT file before
sending it over. After receiving the file back on the Apple, the user may  con-
vert  it back to BASIC once again.  The reason BASIC files would be meaningless
to a different machine is that  the  Apple  stores  BASIC  keywords  as  single
character tokens to save space and processing time.  To convert a BASIC program
to and from a TEXT file, consult the Apple DOS 3.3 Manual.    File  information
can be obtained by issuing the CATALOG command.  For example:


       DISK VOLUME 010

         *A 002 HELLO
          B 078 KERMIT
          A 002 READER
          T 005 TESTFILE


When  Kermit-65 is receiving a file, the file it creates on diskette will be of
the type indicated by the FILE-TYPE parameter.  The file will always be left in
an  unlocked  state  after  it  is  closed  by Kermit-65.  When sending a file,
Kermit-65 will use the FILE-TYPE  parameter  to  determine  how  to  detect  an
End-of-file  condition.  Thus, it is important to have this set properly in all

    Recommendations for Archiving Files

When using a large system for archiving purposes, there is no reason to convert
Apple Basic programs into text files before sending them if there is no need to
edit them on the mainframe.  The FILE-TYPE parameter must always  be  set  cor-
rectly when sending and receiving files.  The procedure for archiving files is:

   1. Run Kermit on remote system.

   2. SET FILE-TYPE TEXT (or APPLESOFT or ...) on Kermit-65.

   3. Send the files.

1.3. The PRODOS File System

The  PRODOS  system is essentialy the same as the DOS system with the exception
that performance has been improved, hardware usage has been expanded  and  file
names have different syntax.  File names are the major importance to the Kermit
system.  File names have the following syntax:


where "volname" is the volume name where the file is located.   Subdirectory(n)
is  a  subdirectory  on the volume and may be omitted.  Filenames are much more
restrictive than DOS filenames.  PRODOS filenames are limited to 15  characters
with  no imbedded spaces and few special characters, and must begin with an al-
phabetic character.  /volname/sub ...  may be omited from the filename  by  use
of the SET PREFIX command.

Binary  file  transfer  using  PRODOS  has its dangers when creating new files.
PRODOS keeps the file's size and starting location in the directory which is of
course  not  transferred.    Therefore a new binary file will have its starting
location 0 which can cause some interesting problems if you try  and  BRUN  the
file.  Basic files all start at $801 (it says here) so Kermit creates new basic
files with a starting address of $801.
1.4. Program Operation

Prior to using Kermit-65 for transferring files, the modem  interface  must  be
set  to  handle  data  in a certain manner.  First, the data format should be 8
data bits and 1 stop bit.  Second, the card should be set to no  parity.    The
baud  rate  (if  adjustable) must be set to whatever rate the modem can handle.
For the D.C. Hayes Micromodem, these parameters are set correctly  by  default,
so  very  little has to be done.  For the Apple Super Serial Card these are set
from within Kermit-65 except the interrupt switch (sw6-2) which must be set for
interupts  on.    For the Microtek SV-622, all applicable parameters are set by
Kermit-65.  Some mainframes may need parity checking (i.e. most IBM  machines).
In  this  case  some  parity setting (other than none) will usually work.  When
talking with such mainframes, binary and basic files on  the  Apple  cannot  be
transferred  unless  Eighth-bit-quoting is acceptable to the host.  If you have
the parameters set correctly then the "CONNECT" command will start Kermit talk-
ing out the communication port.

File  transfer  is  very  dependent  upon  parity. Make sure the host and local
parity are the same. Following are a couple of site's method for file transfer.

We have an IBM 3033 and 4381 and use both 3705/3725 and 7171 or Series/1  front
ends.  The differences in front ends as far as any microcomputer Kermit is con-
cerned duplex (local-echo on for the 3705,  local-echo  off  for  the  7171  or
Series/1), parity (the two front ends might use different parity, e.g. Mark for
the 3705 and Even for the 7171), and flow control (None for the 3705,  XON/XOFF
for the 7171).

In Kermit-65, IBM mainframe users need to set the following parameters:

    BAUD            Whatever is supported.

    PARITY          EVEN, ODD, or MARK, whatever your front end requires.

    FLOW            XON for the 7171, NONE for the 3705.

    FLOW DELAY      00

    LOCAL-ECHO      OFF for 7171, ON for 3705

In Kermit-65, SERDAC VAX 8800 users need to set the following parameters:

    BAUD  SERDAC  Dial-up  & 300, 1200, or 2400 baud FIRN Dialup:  (the highest
                    your modem and the dial-up connection will support)

    Ethernet Hardwire: 300, 1200, 2400, or 4800 baud.



    FLOW DELAY 00 (higher for printers, logging, or "slow" Apples)


    NOTE: If you want to do a binary  file  transfer  (Apple  binary  or  BASIC
                    files)  via  a  FIRN  Network  connection to the SERDAC VAX
                    8800, you must SET PARITY SPACE before the transfer is  in-
                    itiated;  that  will insure that eight-bit quoting is used.
                    If you dial directly into the VAX 8800,  SET  PARITY  NONE;
                    eight-bit  quoting  (which  is  less  efficient) is not re-

    Conversing With Kermit-65

Kermit-65 reads file KERMIT.INIT from the default  drive  when  started.    The
lines  of  this file are executed one at a time starting at the begining.  This
file should be an ASCII text file and  contain  commands  to  set  up  Kermit's
parameters as desired.  It will also execute Kermit's other commands.  However,
any command which reads a file (like MODEM) or leaves local mode (like CONNECT)
will  terminate  reading  of this file and continue with the command specified.
Use your favorite editor to produce this file.  Here's a sample:

    set display 80 3
    set keyboard 2e
    set baud 4800

Kermit-65's prompt is "Kermit-65>".  To run Kermit-65 and issue commands to it,
type "brun kermit".  Example:



    Kermit-65>send testfile

        (file is sent...)


        (performance statistics are printed...)

    Kermit-65>(other commands...)

Like  many  Kermit  programs,  Kermit-65  uses  a  DEC-20 style command parser.
During interactive operation, you may use the ?-prompting  help  feature  ("?")
and recognition (ESC) features while typing commands.  A question mark typed at
any point in a command displays the options available at that point; typing  an
ESC  character  causes the current keyword to be completed (or default value to
be supplied).  If you have not typed sufficient characters to uniquely  specify
the  keyword  (or if there is no default value) then a beep will be sounded and
you may continue typing.  Keywords may be abbreviated to  any  prefix  that  is

    Remote and Local Operation

Kermit-65  is  normally  run in local mode. It may be run as a remote Kermit as
well although there is no advantage to doing things that  way.  Kermit-65  sup-
ports User-mode commands for talking to a Server, and it does support a limited
server mode.

1.5. Kermit-65 Commands

                               THE SEND COMMAND

Syntax: SEND filespec

The SEND command causes a file to be sent from the Apple to the remote  system.
The  Filespec  is  the  name of the file on the Apple diskette to be sent.  The
parser will not accept control characters and certain special characters  in  a
filename  (like  comma),  so  the user may have to rename the file before it is
sent.  The user may also have problems in filename  compatibility  with  remote
Kermits. If the remote Kermit does not have the facilities to beat the filename
into a format that its system likes, the user may have to rename the  file  be-
fore sending it.  Thanks to Dick Atlee, wildcards are now acceptable when send-
ing files (they have always been acceptable when receiving files). The "*" is a
multiple character wildcard and the "=" is a single character wildcard.

The  default disk drive is used for file transfers this can be changed with the
'SET DEFAULT-DISK'(DOS) or 'SET PREFIX'(PRODOS) command (explained below).   As
a  file  is  being  sent,  the  screen displays 'RECEIVING NUMBER OF BYTES' and
'SENDING NUMBER OF BYTES' followed by the hexidecimal number  of  bytes  trans-
ferred  since  start  of transmission.  If a packet must be transmitted several
times and it reaches the maximum retry count, the transfer will  fail  and  the
'Kermit-65>'  prompt  will  return. If the remote Kermit sends an error packet,
the text of the packet will be displayed on the screen, the transfer will fail,
and  the prompt will return.  Currently, a packet can be retransmitted manually
by typing anything on the keyboard. If a 'Q' is typed, the entire  transmission
will be aborted.

                              THE RECEIVE COMMAND

Syntax: RECEIVE [filespec]

The  RECEIVE  command  tells Kermit-65 to receive a file or file group from the
other system.  If only one file is being received, you may include the optional
filespec  as  the name to store the incoming file under; otherwise, the name is
taken from the incoming file header.  If the name in the header is not a  legal
filename,  Kermit-65  will  attempt  to  change  it  into  something legal.  If
FILE-WARNING is on and an incoming file has a name identical to a file  already
existing  on  the  diskette, Kermit-65 will issue a warning to the user and at-
tempt to modify the filename to make it unique.  Currently,  a  packet  can  be
retransmitted  manually by typing anything on the keyboard.  If a 'Q' is typed,
the entire transmission will be aborted.   Filespec  is  required  when  xmodem
protocol is used.

                               THE TAKE COMMAND

Syntax: TAKE filespec

The  TAKE  commands tells kermit-65 to execute commands from the specified file
similarly to the KERMIT.INIT file. See  discussion  on  KERMIT.INIT  above  for

                               THE TYPE COMMAND

Syntax: TYPE filespec

The  TYPE  commands  tells  kermit-65 to print to the screen from the specified
file. Text files only and works best with 80 characters per line or less.

                                THE GET COMMAND

Syntax: GET remote-filespec

The GET command requests a remote Kermit server to send the file or file  group
specified by remote-filespec.  This command can be used with a Kermit server on
the other end.  The remote filespec is any string that  can  be  a  legal  file
specification for the remote system; it is not parsed or validated locally.  So
if  the  remote  Kermit  supports  wildcards  you  can  specify  them  in   the
remote-filespec.  If the remote Kermit is not capable of server functions, then
you will probably get an error message back from it like "Illegal packet type".
In this case, you must connect to the other Kermit, give a SEND command, escape
back, and give a RECEIVE command.  Currently, a  packet  can  be  retransmitted
manually  by  typing  anything  on  the keyboard. If a 'Q' is typed, the entire
transmission will be cancelled.
                              THE CONNECT COMMAND

Syntax:  CONNECT

Establish a terminal connection to the remote system using all the current  SET
paramaters  for  terminal  type,  speed, parity, etc.  Get back to Kermit-65 by
typing the escape character followed by the letter C. The escape  character  is
Control-@   by   default.     When  you  type  the  escape  character,  several
single-character commands are possible.  These are shown in Table 1-2.


    ?     List all the possible single-character arguments.
    B     Send a BREAK signal.
    C     Close the connection and return to Kermit-65.
    D     Drop the phone line to the remote and return to Kermit-65.
    E     rEfresh the screen (useful for clearing garbage on screen).
    K     TOGGLE Keypad application-mode on/off.
    P     Toggle the Printer on/off.
    R     pRint the screen, >= //e required
    S     Show Status of the connection.
    W     sWap the del and backspace key.
    0     Send a null (ASCII 0).
    ^@    (or whatever the Connect-Escape character is):  Send the
          Connect-Escape character itself.

        Table 1-2:  Kermit-65 Single-Character CONNECT Escape Commands


You can use the SET ESCAPE command to  define  a  different  escape  character.
When CONNECTed, Kermit-65 will be passing characters entered on the keyboard to
the remote system, and passing characters from the remote system to  the  Apple
screen.    Incoming  characters are interpreted according the selected terminal
type (see SET TERMINAL).

On an Apple II+ with an incomplete keyboard, special characters can be typed by
prefixing  regular  characters  with a right-arrow.  On uppercase-only screens,
uppercase characters are shown in inverse and  lowercase  characters  are  dis-
played as normal uppercase characters.

Here are the rules for using the special 2/2+ input, to get all printable ASCII
characters, and how they appear on the screen.  Special meanings are applied in
various  contexts to certain characters.  The left and right arrow keys do spe-
cial things, and sometimes the escape key does  as  well.    For  letters,  the
keyboard  is always in either default UPPERCASE mode or default lowercase mode.
When in UPPERCASE, all letters typed are sent out as uppercase.  In  lowercase,
all  letters  are sent as lowercase. To reverse the case for the next character
only, hit the right-arrow ("prefix") key.  To switch the default case, hit  the
prefix-key  twice  in a row.  For funny characters, the prefix key is also used
to get the unusual punctuation characters which are not on the Apple  keyboard.
Table  1-3  shows  the Apple II/II+ keyboard escapes; the letter "p" represents
the prefix character.


    To Get                        Type      Appearence
    Left Square Bracket            p(          [
    Right Square Bracket           p)          ]
    Left Curly Bracket             p<          {
    Right Curly Bracket            p>          }
    Underline                      p-          _
    Backslash                      p/          \
    Tilde (wiggle)                 p^          ~
    Vertical Line                  p.          |

                   Table 1-3:  Apple II/II+ Keyboard Escapes


The left-arrow key sends a rubout (ASCII 127).  With left-arrow and right arrow
doing  special  things, it's a little hard to enter their characters (^H and ^U
respectively).  There is therefore an escape from prefix mode sequence.  If you
type prefix-ESC, the next character is sent without any interpretation.  If you
have the capability for upper/lower case, etc, then use the 'SET KEYBOARD'  and
'SET DISPLAY' commands to specify complete keyboards.

                               THE HELP COMMAND

Syntax: HELP

Typing HELP alone prints a brief summary of the Kermit-65 commands.

                               THE MODEM COMMAND

Syntax: MODEM

This  command  is  designed for the hayes smart modem.  Typing MODEM causes the
file KERMIT.MODEM in the default drive/path to be used as a menu.  You will  be
able  to select any line in the file to be sent to the modem.  Sorry, you can't
back up to a previous menu, you will have to Quit and execute  MODEM  again.  A
"CONNECT"  response from the smart modem will cause Kermit leave the modem com-
mand and execute the CONNECT command. The Hayes smart  modem  must  reply  with
text  status  responses  (not numbers).  One command per line with comments al-
lowed after the first space (blank). Use your favorite editor to  produce  this
ASCII  text  file.  Since the attention Hayes command (AT) requires a delay the
"&" character becomes the time delay for Kermit.  Each "&" causes  a  delay  of
one  second on a 6502 chip.  If you have a //gs or an accelerator board you may
have to use the SET TIMING command to produce a  one  second  delay.    If  you
really  need  to send the "&" character to the modem then the "\" is the escape
character. Put a "\" before any character and that character will be sent asis.
Of  course  two  "\"'s  will produce one "\".  Normally Kermit will wait for 27
seconds (again on a 6502 chip) for the modem  to  respond,  but  any  character
typed  on  the  keyboard will terminate this wait. You may hear the busy signal
and there is no sense waiting any longer, so hit (owch!-not so hard) any key on
the keyboard.

Following is an example of the KERMIT.MODEM file:

    +++&&ATH    Get the Hayes Smartmodem's attention and then hang up.
    ATDP1234567 Call your local BBS with pulse dialing.
    ATDT8901234 Call your work dialup phone with touch tone dialing.

                              THE CATALOG COMMAND


Typing CATALOG produces a catalog (directory) listing of your default drive.

                              THE DELETE COMMAND

Syntax: DELETE filespec

Typing DELETE causes the file specified to be deleted.

                              THE SERVER COMMAND

Syntax: SERVER

Typing  SERVER  alone turns Kermit into a file server to a remote Kermit.  Cur-
rently server mode will handle remote "send", "get", "remote"  and  "fin"  com-
mands.    Variants of the above commands will probably work but file serving is
very limited at present.  Because the Apple requires knowledge  of  file  types
you  can  use  the  "remote Kermit" (or whatever the remote Kermit's syntax is)
command to set the file-type on the server.  Yes, the server will  execute  any
command so you can really get the server into trouble (this is not a BBS).  You
must have the appropiate file type set before transfering files.  You can  exit
server  mode  by  typing  Control-C  (^C)  when not doing file transfers or the
remote can of course terminate via the "fin" command.

                              THE REMOTE COMMAND

Syntax: REMOTE [option character-string]

The only option  currently  is  "kermit".  This  command  submits  the  command
"character-string"  to  the remote Kermit's command processor.  Long replys are
not paged so you will have to use ^S to stop the screen.  The obvious usage  is
for setting and showing parameters on the remote Kermit.

                          THE EXIT AND QUIT COMMANDS

Syntax: EXIT or QUIT

Exit  from  Kermit-65.    You can restart the program, provided you haven't run
anything else, by typing 'CALL 4096'.

                                THE SET COMMAND

Syntax: SET parameter [option [value]]

Establish or modify various parameters for file transfer  or  terminal  connec-
tion.    You  can  examine  their  values with the SHOW command.  The following
parameters may be SET:

    APPLICATION-MODE   Set VT100 gs keypad in/out of application mode.
                BAUD   Which baud rate should the com card use?
   CURSOR-KEYS-VT100   In VT100 mode cursor keys give VT100 sequences.
           DEBUGGING   TERSE or VERBOSE packet information.
        DEFAULT-DISK   Which Diskette drive is used for DOS 3.3 file transfer?
             DISPLAY   Which type of screen display is being used?
              ESCAPE   Character for terminal connection.
           FILE-TYPE   Type of Apple file being sent/received.
        FILE-WARNING   Warn users if incoming file exists?
                FLOW   Should xon/xoff flow control be used to the remote?
            KEYBOARD   II+ or //e keyboard.
              KEYPAD   Is there a gs style keypad?
          LOCAL-ECHO   Full or half duplex switch.
              PARITY   Character parity to use
              PREFIX   Which default prefix to use with PRODOS?
             PRINTER   Should the printer be used for the display?
            PROTOCOL   Which protocol is to be used for file transfer.
             RECEIVE   Various parameters for receiving files
                SEND   Various parameters for sending files
                SLOT   Which slot # is communication device in?
               TIMER   Should Kermit observe the receive timeout value?
              TIMIMG   Change the time loop for 1 ms. delays.
            TERMINAL   Which type of terminal should Kermit emulate?


For VT100 emulation with a gs-style keypad you can set the keypad in or out  of
application mode. Some computer systems set this via escape sequences so it may
not be necessary to use this command.


Syntax: SET BAUD value

Value is the baud rate for your communication card.  For the super  serial  and
the  microtek  it  can be 300 to 19200.  The actual values will depend upon the
com card you are running with.



In VT100 emulation the cursor keys can also emulate the VT100 cursor keys.



Record the packet traffic on your terminal.  Options are:  TERSE,  Show  packet
info only (brief).  VERBOSE displays packet field descriptions with packet info
(lengthy).   OFF  disables  display  of  debugging  information  (this  is  the



This  DOS  command will tell Kermit-65 which disk drive should be used for file
transfers.  The three parameters which may be set separately are  SLOT,  VOLUME
and  DRIVE.   The value for SLOT ranges from 1 to 7. The value for DRIVE is ei-
ther 1 or 2.  The value for VOLUME ranges from 0 to 255.


Syntax: SET DISPLAY {2E, 2P}      or SET DISPLAY 80-COL number

This command will tell Kermit-65 which kind of screen display you want to  use.
If you have an Apple II or II+ without an 80 column card, use the first syntax.
If you have any kind of an Apple with an 80 column card, enter: SET DISPLAY 80,
followed  by  a  space and the slot number where the card resides (if you don't
know the slot number, or the card is built-in to the set, try 3 ).


Syntax: SET ESCAPE hexidecimal-number

Specify the control character you want to use to "escape" from  remote  connec-
tions  back to Kermit-65.  The default is 0 (Control-@).  The number is the hex
value of the ASCII control character, 1 to 37, for instance 2 is  Control-B,  B
is Control-K.



This  will  inform Kermit-65 what type of file is being sent or received. It is
important that this is set correctly since Kermit-65 must create a file of  the
appropriate type when receiving (and it has no way of knowing what kind of file
it is).  When Kermit-65 is sending, it must also know the type  of  file  since
that  tells  it  how  to  detect the actual end-of-file.  The keywords for this
parameter are listed below.  OTHER includes an added hex-value so that the user
may  specify  the  hex value of the file-type.  This has meaning only in PRODOS
and allows the user to specify any of the many different  file  types  used  in
PRODOS, see Tables 1-4 and 1-5 (thanks to Phil Chien, M L Stier et al).

    APPLESOFT       The file being transfered is an Applesoft Basic program.

    INTEGER         The file being sent/received is an Integer Basic program.

    TEXT            The file being sent/received is an ASCII Text file.

    BINARY          The file being sent/received is a Binary image.

    OTHER           The  type  of  file being sent/received is specified by the



This tells Kermit-65 whether to warn the user  about  incoming  filenames  con-
flicting with existing files or not.  If there is a conflict Kermit-65 will at-
tempt to change the file name to something unique.


Syntax: SET FLOW {OFF, XON, DELAY number}

SET FLOW allows one to use the XON/XOFF protocol when  connected  to  a  remote
site.  Delay timings are part of this command.  Using delay times is probably a
desperation move to keep the screen/printer from losing  characters.    Setting
the timings will have to be set by experience.  Perhaps the best way to set the
timings is to bring the values down until you get failures and then double  the
timing figure.  Both LOG and SET PRINTER will probably depend on flow control.

    OFF             Turn off flow control

    XON             Turn on xon/xoff flow control with the remote

    DELAY number    Delay the micro until XOFF takes effect

Delay  followed by a number (including 0) delays the program for that many mil-
liseconds after the XOFF is given to the remote.  This delay allows the XOFF to
take effect before the program continues.

NOTE:  Except for printing and logging, most Apples will not require you to use
a flow delay, even at rates up thru 19200  baud;  for  proper  screen  control,
however,  certain  older  Apple  IIe's may require a fairly high delay (120-160
dec), even at 300 baud.


Syntax: SET KEYBOARD {2P, 2E}

SET KEYBOARD tells Kermit-65 if the user has a full keyboard (2E) or not  (2P).
If  the  user  is  on  an  Apple  II+,  this  should be set to 2P (which is the
default).  When set to that, character translations are available by using  the
right-arrow key as a prefix character, as shown in Table 1-3.



SET KEYPAD tells Kermit-65 if the user has an Apple//gs-style keypad available.
This is automatically set on a gs but must be set manually on  other  machines.
With  keypad  set  ON then "VT100 keypad on an Apple keyboard" (see below) will
not be used but the actual keypad will be.


Syntax: SET LOCAL-ECHO {ON,OFF} [Default: OFF]

This command tells Kermit-65 to echo to the screen characters you type  on  the
keyboard  (LOCAL-ECHO = ON), or to let the remote system echo the typed charac-
ters (LOCAL-ECHO = OFF).  If, when CONNECTed to the remote, you see a duplicate
of  every character you type, escape back to Kermit-65, and SET LOCAL-ECHO OFF.
If, when CONNECTed to the remote, you see nothing echoed to the screen,  escape
back to Kermit-65, and SET LOCAL-ECHO ON.



This  command  tells Kermit-65 which parity you want to use while communicating
with the remote.  Most remotes use NONE; some use EVEN, a few may use the other
possible  values.  If you have a choice of parity to use with a remote machine,
if possible, choose NONE.


Syntax: SET PREFIX string [Default: boot volume]

This command allows you to specify a ProDOS volume/file prefix.


Syntax: SET PRINTER {ON, SLOT} number

This allows one to turn the printer on for printing what is  displayed  on  the
screen.    The printer can also be toggled on/off via the ESCAPE character fol-
lowed by the command "P".

Remember when you use your printer there are a lot of variables here. What  was
being  sent  to  the  screen  now  is  being sent to your printer.  If you were
emulating the VT52 your printer may not know  how  to  handle  the  escape  se-
quences,  tabs, etc. It may be you can tell the host you are a tty or some such
device that will produce control codes that your  printer  can  handle.    Some
printers may require the flow control and delay to get readable printing.

    ON              Turn the printer on, slot number is required.

    OFF             Turn the printer off.

    SLOT number     Printer card is in slot "number".


SET  PROTOCOL  tells  kermit-65 which protocol to use for file transfer.  NOTE:
When XMODEM is used you will probably want to change  the  carrage  return  and
carrage  return/line feed translation in the send/receive parameters.  eg. "SET


Syntax: SET SLOT number

This option tells Kermit-65 in which slot the communication device is  located.
The range for the number parameter is 1-7.



SET  TIMER will turn on or off the timeout checking for receive file transfers.
Since there is no clock for exact timing a loop of instructions has been set up
assuming  a 1 megacycle CPU.  CPUs which run faster may have to make allowances
via the SET RECEIVE TIMEOUT command or the SET TIMING command.


Syntax: SET TIMIMG { number }

Kermit uses a timing loop with the rom address $fca8 to produce a 1 ms.  delay.
If  you  have a machine that runs faster than the 6502 chip you may have to in-
crease this number to get the 1 ms delay.



When TERMINAL is NONE, then all incoming characters (except nulls)  are  passed
directly to the display.

MONITOR  emulation  simply displays all the characters received from the remote
(except nulls) without any formating of the screen (40  or  80  characters  per
line).  Control characters are displayed inverse.

VT100 Emulation

The  Kermit-65  VT100  emulator is a small but working set of a true VT100 ter-
minal.  It appears to work with most of the standard full  screen  editors  and
processors  on  BSD  UNIX  and  VAX/VMS machines.  An Apple//e, //c, or //gs is
probably required with the Apple 80 column text card.   The  VT100  keypad  has
also  been  defined for the application mode via the OA/CA/game button.  Figure
1-1 shows the Apple keypad looks like to EDIT (VMS) , and Figure 1-2 shows  the
layout  on an Apple//gs keyboard.  When using EVE (VMS) the meaning of the keys
will of course change.

As you can see the keypad is physically laid out like the VT100  keypad  except
for  the  lower  right corner.  Notice that above the keys are the VT100 labels
while in middle of the box (key) is the Apple key label.  Also the  arrow  keys
work as VT100 arrow keys with the OA/CA/game button.


                         PF1     PF2     PF3     PF4     .(period)
                       ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
                      |       |       |findnxt|delline|select |
                      |   6   |   7   |   8   |   9   |   0   |
                      | gold  | help  | find  |undelln| reset |
                       ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
                            7       8       9       -
                          ------- ------- ------- -------
                         | page  |section|append |delword|
                         |   Y   |   U   |   I   |   O   |
                         |command| fill  |replace|undelwd|
                          ------- ------- ------- -------
                               4       5       6       ,
                             ------- ------- ------- -------
                             |advanc|backup |  cut  |delchar|
                             |  H   |   J   |   K   |   L   |
                             |bottom|  top  | paste |undelch|
                             ------- ------- ------- -------
                                  1       2       3       ENTER
                                ------- ------- ------- -------
                               | word  |  eol  | char  | enter |
                               |   N   |   M   |   ,   |   .   |
                               |chgcase|deleol |specins|  sub  |
                                ------- ------- ------- -------
                                      bline      |
               space bar                         |
                                     openline    |

                Figure 1-1:  VT100 Keypad on an Apple Keyboard



                         PF1     PF2     PF3     PF4
                       ------- ------- ------- -------
                      |       |       |findnxt|delline|
                      | CLEAR |   =   |   /   |   *   |
                      | gold  | help  | find  |undelln|
                       ------- ------- ------- -------
                         7       8       9       -
                       ------- ------- ------- -------
                      | page  |section|append |delword|
                      |   7   |   8   |   9   |   +   |
                      |command| fill  |replace|undelwd|
                       ------- ------- ------- -------
                         4       5       6       ,
                       ------- ------- ------- -------
                      | advanc|backup |  cut  |delchar|
                      |   4   |   5   |   6   |   -   |
                      | bottom|  top  | paste |undelch|
                       ------- ------- ------- -------
                         1       2       3       ENTER
                       ------- ------- ------- -------
                      | word  |  eol  | char  |       |
                      |   1   |   2   |   3   |       |
                      |chgcase|deleol |specins|       |
                       ------- ------- -------| enter |
                              0          .    | ENTER |
                       -----------------------|  sub  |
                      |    bline      |select |       |
                      |      0        |   .   |       |
                      |  openline     | reset |       |

        Figure 1-2:  VT100 Keypad on an Apple//gs or Equivalent Keypad


VT52 Emulation

SET  TERMINAL VT52 will turn on the VT52 terminal emulation.  One thing that is
required is your 80-column card must  handle  the  $16  command  in  order  for
reverse scrolling to work.  The Apple//e 80 column card handles this fine.  The
VT52 keypad has been defined using the open/closed Apple.  For II  or  II+  one
will  have  to have a game paddle or joy stick (key shift mod too????)  and use
the buttons.  When a button/open/closed Apple is pushed then the keys  starting
with  6,7,8  & 9 form the top of the keypad. Key 6 is the blue key key 7 is the
red key etc. The keys directly below the 6,7,8 & 9 and shifted one-half key  to
the  right form the second row of the keypad etc. Every thing is fine until you
get to the last row on the keypad. There the sp bar is 0 and the other two keys
are  moved  to  the upper right as the 0 & - keys.  This way the arrow keys are
available as VT52 keys with the OA/CA/game button combination (thanks  to  Dick
Atlee  for  this  idea).    With  those two exceptions the keypad is physically
similar to a VT52 keypad.  Remember the open/closed Apple or  the  game  button
must  be  pushed  (like  the cntl key) to get the keypad emulation.  Figure 1-3
should clear up the questions.


      ^ is up arrow    BLUE     RED     GRAY     ^    .(period) ENTER
                       ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
                      |       |       |delline|  up   |select | enter |
                      |   6   |   7   |   8   |   9   |   0   |   -   |
                      | gold  | help  |undelln|replace| reset |  sub  |
                       ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
        v is down arrow     7       8       9       v
                          ------- ------- ------- -------
                         | page  |findnxt|delword| down  |
                         |   Y   |   U   |   I   |   O   |
                         |command| find  |undelwd|section|
                          ------- ------- ------- -------
                               4       5       6       ->
                             ------- ------- ------- -------
                             |advanc|backup |delchar| right |
                             |  H   |   J   |   K   |   L   |
                             |bottom|  top  |undelch|specins|
                             ------- ------- ------- -------
                                  1       2       3      <-
                                ------- ------- ------- -------
                               | word  |  eol  |  cut  | left  |
                               |   N   |   M   |   ,   |   .   |
                               |chgcase|deleol | paste |append |
                                ------- ------- ------- -------
                                      bline      |
               space bar                         |
                                     openline    |

                 Figure 1-3:  VT52 Keypad on an Apple Keyboard

                               THE SHOW COMMAND

Syntax: SHOW [option]

The SHOW command displays various information:

    ALL                     All parameter settings (this is quite long).

    BAUD                    Baud rate of the com card.

    CURSOR-KEYS-VT100       Are the cursor  keys  emulating  the  VT100  cursor

    DEBUGGING               Debugging mode.

    DEFAULT-DISK            Which Diskette drive is used for file transfer?

    DEVICE-DRIVER           Which communication device is being used?

    DISPLAY                 Which screen display is being used?

    ESCAPE                  Character for terminal connection.

    FILE-TYPE               Of Apple DOS/PRODOS file being sent/received.

    FILE-WARNING            Warn users if incoming file exists?

    FLOW                    Should XON/XOFF flow control be used to the remote?

    KEYBOARD                II+ or //e keyboard.

    KEYPAD                  Does a gs-style keypad exist?

    LOCAL-ECHO              Full or half duplex switch.

    PARITY                  Character parity to use

    PREFIX                  Which default prefix to use with PRODOS?

    PRINTER                 Should the printer be used for the display?

    PROTOCOL                Which protocol is to be used for file transfer.

    RECEIVE                 Various parameters for receiving files

    SEND                    Various parameters for sending files

    SLOT                    Which slot # is communication device in?

    TIMER                   Is the receive timeout on or off?

    TIMING                  Count for timing loop

    TERMINAL                Which terminal (if any) should Kermit emulate?

The above options are analogous to the equivalent SET commands.

                              THE STATUS COMMAND

Syntax: STATUS

Give  statistics about the most recent file transfer. This includes information
such  as  number  of  characters  sent/received,  number  of  data   characters
sent/received, and last error encountered.

                                THE LOG COMMAND

Syntax: LOG filespec

When  connected  to  a  remote  site,  log  the  remote session's output to the
specified file.  The file type and file warning protocols  are  observed.  This
command  is  dependent  upon the flow control (XON/XOFF) working.  Without flow
control there is little possibility of getting a correct copy of  the  terminal
session.    The logging begins when you connect to the remote and is terminated
when you escape back to the local Kermit with the ESCAPE character followed  by
the "C" command.

1.6. Standard Installation

To bootstrap Kermit to the Apple, get the files APP3xx.1 thru APP3xx.2 on a DOS
3.3 diskette, where xx is the current version.  Make sure  the  diskette  is  a
master diskette and empty.  Then:

    EXEC APP3xx.1,R25

You  will be asked several questions about your hardware and the program should
execute and produce kermit3xx, kermit.help and kermit.init with  some  starting
instructions.    If you want to run Kermit on PRODOS simply use the PRODOS con-
version routines to move kermit3xx, kermit.help and kermit.init to PRODOS.   If
you  want other options as a regular thing then you can change file kermit.init
with your favorite editor.

    Files Supplied for Kermit-65

The following files should be supplied on the columbia distribution tape:
    APPAAA.HLP     List of files (like this one)
    APP385.1       Easy install file 1 (an exec file for DOS 3.3)
    APP385.2       Easy install file 2 (an exec file for DOS 3.3)
    APPACC.HEX     Apple com card hex
    APPACC.M65     Apple com card source
    APPCCS.HEX     CCS 7710 com card hex
    APPCCS.M65     CCS 7710 com card source
    APPCPS.HEX     CPS com card hex
    APPCPS.M65     CPS com card source
    APPGS.HEX      GS serial port hex
    APPGS.M65      GS serial port source
    APPHMM.HEX     Hayes micro modem card hex
    APPHMM.M65     Hayes micro modem card source
    APPLE.DOC      Complete documentation (it says here)
    APPLE.MSS      Scribe text formatter source for documentation
    APPMAI.HEX     Main kermit pgm hex
    APPMAI.M65     Main kermit pgm source
    APPMAK.UNX     Make file for UNIX cross assembly (to assemble Kermit)
    APPMSV.HEX     Microtec com card hex
    APPMSV.M65     Microtec com card source
    APPSSC.HEX     Super serial com card hex
    APPSSC.M65     Super serial com card source
    APPXAS.1       65c02 cross assembler for UNIX system part 1
    APPXAS.2       65c02 cross assembler for UNIX system part 2
    APPXAS.3       65c02 cross assembler for UNIX system part 3
The syntax of the filenames may vary.  On UNIX systems, the filenames  will  be
in lowercase.  On VM/CMS systems, the period will be replaced by a space.

    Alternate Installation

The  main  problem exists in getting the hex files onto your diskette as a text
file.  But again that is a test of your creativity. If you have  a  version  of
Kermit running then GET or RECIEVE the file as a text file and you are in busi-
ness.  Since Kermit has been separated into two assemblies then two  hex  files
will  have  to be present on the diskette. Get the main hex file APPMAI.HEX and
select which com card hex you will need. First "exec APPMAI.HEX".   Your  Apple
(or  compatable)  will  go  into  monitor and show you *'s for several minutes.
This is the monitor loading the hex into binary.  If you  get  beeps  from  the
monitor  its  probably because you didnt get a good copy of the text file.  Now
EXEC the com card driver you are going to use.  You will have to get back  into
basic(aha  another  test  for you,try "3d0G") to do this.  And you will see the
monitor loading the com driver. The order of EXEC's is important.  The com card
should   be   loaded  last.    Next  get  back  into  basic  and  do  a  "bsave
kermit,A$1000,L$6e00".  You may have to specify the drive  to  do  this  binary
save, with a slot or drive on the end of the BSAVE (aha another test).  You now
run Kermit via "brun kermit".

If you want to customize Kermit for your needs, the recommended  method  is  to
use  file  "kermit.init"  OR do all your SETs, etc, and then do an "exit".  Now
you should be back in BASIC.  At this point do a "bsave name,A$1000,L$6e00" and
when  you  do  a  "brun name" all your setups will be remembered.  NOTE: If you
save your current settings via "bsave kermit ..." you may find that moving that
binary  to  another type of Apple (e.g. from a //e to an //e+) will not be pos-
sible.  So make sure you keep the  original  binary  to  move  between  machine

Since  the org is now $1000 if you have been using Kermit and then went back to
basic for some trivial thing a "CALL  4096"  should  start  up  Kermit  without
having to reload it.

In summary:


   2. Choose the com card driver you will use.  For example APPSSC.HEX.

   3. 3D0G


   5. BSAVE kermit,A$1000,L$6e00

And you should be in business.  Remember there is the command HELP and whenever
you are into a command a "?" will give you the  posible  options  available  at
that  point of a command.  The escape key will finish typing an option if it is
possible. The syntax of all the  commands  and  options  only  requires  enough
characters to make that command or option unique.

1.7. Problems


NOTE:  When  using  the  super  serial driver you must have the cards sw6-2 on.
This allows the card to use interupts. The rest of the switches  are  set  from
within  Kermit.  It  appears that you can run your Apple 2 with sw6-2 on and in
99% of the cases will cause no problems.  This is because the OS runs with  in-
terupts locked out ("sei" in assembly language) and the program must explicitly
give a "cli" for interupts to work (the super serial driver does).

The AE Serial Pro must have switches 1 & 3 open and 2 & 4 closed. This  appears
to dissagree with the documentation since those settings turn off irq interupts
and turn on nmi interupts. So watch this it may get  corrected  in  later  ver-

The Microtek driver is a super serial look alike which does not run with inter-
upts.  If you have trouble with the super serial driver you might try  the  MSV
driver.   For you people with the MSV-622c card, you might try running a jumper
from the UART 6551 pin 26 to the card edge pin 30.  This will enable  interupts
just like the SSC sw2-6, and then you can use the super serial driver.

The Prometheus card will work with the Apple com driver.  However you will have
to set the switches on the card for baud etc.  Evidently this card can  not  be
programed  by  the software. If that is not true then here is an oportunity for
you to write a better driver. If you do please pass it on for other  Prometheus

Unconfirmed  reports  have  it  that the Apple Cat will work with the Apple com
driver.  Would appreciate a confirmation.

Some have noted the Apple com card must be initialized via  the  "IN#x"  before
starting  Kermit. Ike has now updated this driver and the initialization is now
done within the Apple com driver.  Thanks Ike.


There is the command HELP and whenever you are into a command a "?"  will  give
you  the  posible  options available at that point of a command. The escape key
will finish typing an option if it is possible. The syntax of all the  commands
and  options  only  requires  enough  characters to make that command or option

When using flow control you may appear to hang. Type a ^Q (Control-Q) and  that
may free you up.

Remember when you use your printer there are a lot of variables here.  What was
being sent to the screen now is being sent  to  your  printer.    If  you  were
emulating  the  VT52  your  printer  may  not know how to handle the escape se-
quences, tabs etc. It may be you can tell the host you are a tty or  some  such
device  that  will give carrage returns etc that your printer can handle.  Some
printers may require the flow control and delay to get readable printing.

    File Transfer Errors

"File Transfer Errors," was added to this document by  the  Southeast  Regional
Data Center (SERDAC), '88 July 17.

In  spite  of  the fact that successful Kermit file transfers are almost always
error free, there are a number of circumstances which can corrupt, prevent,  or
interrupt/abort  a transfer.  In the case of an actual abort, there may be data
loss or corruption, and an incomplete file may not have a correct  end-of-file.
These circumstances may be roughly divided into two groups: (1) problems due to
file or disk errors, and (2) problems due  to  delays  or  failures  in  Kermit
packet exchange.

Common problems in category (1) include the following:

(a)  improper  file specification (b) wrong file type (c) protected file(s) (d)
disk problems

(1a) problems can occur when you specify, to either the Apple or host Kermit, a
non-existent   or  improperly  located  file.    Misspelling  and/or  incorrect
(sub)directory specification are popular villains!  If you are  commanding  ei-
ther Kermit to SEND a file (SEND filespec), the problem will be fairly obvious.
On the Apple II, you'll see an error message like: "FILE NOT FOUND."    On  the
VAX/VMS  8800,  for example, you'll see the message: "%KERMIT32 ....., file not
found for 'filespec'".  In either case, the transfer will not take place.    If
you're  using  Kermit-65  to  GET  (GET filespec) files from the VAX/VMS Kermit
server, and the requested file does not exist in your  VAX  default  directory,
you  should see a Kermit-32 generated "REMOTE MESSAGE %KERMIT32 ....., file not
found for 'filespec'" appear in the transmission status display, and  then  the
Kermit-65  message  "CANNOT  RECEIVE  FILE-HEAD".  Transfer of the questionable
file will not take place.

(1b) problems can occur if you forget to specify, to either the Apple  or  host
Kermit,  what type of file you wish to transfer.  If you are using Kermit-65 to
send files to a host, you are fairly well protected against this error.  If you
attempt  to  send  a  file  whose  CATALOG  type  does  not match the FILE-TYPE
parameter setting, you will receive a "INCOMPATIBLE FILE FORMAT" error message,
or  something  similar, and the transfer will not take place.  If, however, you
are receiving (via RECEIVE or GET) a file whose native type does not match  the
FILE-TYPE  setting, the file WILL be received.  It will be mis-typed (according
to the FILE-TYPE setting), though, and any later attempt to use it on the Apple
will probably be unsuccessful.

The  same sort of circumstances generally apply for a host Kermit. With the VAX
8800, for example, when Kermit-32 is sending a file,  you  generally  need  not
worry  about  setting  its  file  type.    When  Kermit-32 is receiving a file,
however, properly setting its file type is very critical.  If you wish  to  put
Kermit-32  in  server  mode to receive multiple files, set the file type BEFORE
using the SERVER command, and make sure that you only send it  the  appropriate
type  of files during that server session.  You cannot switch file types DURING
a given server session!

NOTE: One other way you can get into trouble with "wrong file type" is by  try-
ing to send a file which is mixed-- mostly
|     Paul Nakada  '89   #8-)  |                                          
      North House              |                nakada@husc4.HARVARD.EDU  
      Harvard College          |       seismo>!harvard!husc4!nakada.UUCP  
      Cambridge, MA  02138     |     rutgers/   nakada@husc4.BITNET       
      617/498-6255 || 6264     |                                         __|