[comp.binaries.apple2] Rogue parts 1 to 14

ch1@cisunx.UUCP (Chris Helferty) (03/30/89)

In article <9145@claris.com> wombat@claris.com (Scott Lindsey) writes:
>this is a posting of my port of Rogue Clone III.  It is in
>Binscii 1.00 format.  After Un-binscii-ing it, you'll need to
>use BLU to unpack and unsqueeze the binary II file.

Before I go and download all 14 parts, can someone say what system its
for?  IIe, IIgs?  I don't want to spend an 1 1/2 hours downloading the
thing to find out it's only good on a GS.

