[comp.binaries.apple2] tn.iigs.025

mjohnson@APPLE.COM (Mark B. Johnson) (12/02/89)

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----------------- Message requiring your approval (352 lines) -----------------
Apple II
Technical Notes
                                                  Developer Technical Support

Apple IIGS
#25:    Apple IIGS Firmware Reference Updates

Revised by:    Jim Luther                                       November 1989
Written by:    Rilla Reynolds                                    October 1987

This Technical Note includes updates to the May 1987 edition of the Apple IIGS
Firmware Reference, published by Addison-Wesley (Part Number 030-3121-A).  The
new Monitor commands require an Apple IIGS revised ROM (Part Number 342-0077-
B), which is available without charge from an authorized Apple dealer.  Please
contact Apple II Developer Technical Support at the address listed in Apple II
Technical Note #0 if you have additional corrections or suggestions for this
Changes since May 1989:  Added correction to Chapter 5, pages 97 and 105,
on the Serial-Port Firmware, Chapter 7, page 124 and 141, on the SmartPort
Firmware, and Chapter 8, page 184, on the Interrupt-Handler Firmware.


    Page vii, Chapter 7  SmartPort Firmware:  Change "Generic SmartPort
    callsJJJ121" to "Standard and Extended SmartPort callsJJJ121."

Chapter 3:  System Monitor Firmware

    Page 24, Table 3-1 (continued), Monitor commands grouped by
    type:  Add a miscellaneous-type and a debugging-type Monitor command to
    the table, as follows:

    Command type                                               Command format
    Quit Monitor                                               Q
    Install Visit Monitor and MemoryPeeker desk accessories    #
    Enter mini-assembler                                       !
    Set flags (e, m, x) for full-native mode                   Control-N

    Page 43, Back to BASIC:  The last paragraph should read:  "If you are
    using DOS 3.3 or ProDOS(R), use the Monitor Q (Quit) command to return to
    the language you were using with your program and variables intact."

    Page 48, Table 3-6, Commands for program execution and
    debugging:  Add a Monitor command to the table:

    Command type                                               Command format
    Enter mini-assembler                                       !
    Set flags (e, m, x) for full-native mode                   Control-N

    Page 66, after final paragraph:  Add a new Monitor instruction heading
    and description:

    Native Mode Set Control-N (Native Mode)

    Control-N sets the m, x, e flags to 0 for full-native mode.  All
    other registers are unchanged.

    Page 67, after final paragraph:  Add a new Monitor instruction heading
    and description:

    Turn on ROM Desk Accessories, #

    Enables the currently available ROM desk accessories, Visit Monitor
    and Memory Peeker.  These desk accessories remain active in the desk
    accessory menu until power is shut off.  Control-Open Apple-Reset has
    no affect on these items.  To exit the Visit Monitor desk accessory,
    press Control-Y then press Return.  To exit the Memory Peeker desk
    accessory, press Q.

Chapter 5:  Serial-Port Firmware

    Page 82, Compatibility:  The second half of the third sentence in the
    first paragraph should read:  "...the Apple IIGS hardware is different from
    that used on the SSC."

    Page 91, Input buffering, BE and BD:  This heading should be
    "Input/Output buffering, BE and BD."

    Page 94, Table 5-6:  The Extended Interface footnote which states, "If the
    function call returns with the carry bit set..." is incorrect.  For Apple
    IIGS ROM 01, the Extended Serial Interface does not return the error
    condition in the carry bit.  Programs using the Extended Serial Interface
    should check for a non-zero result value in the result code rather than the
    carry bit to determine if an error has occurred.  For additional error
    handling information using the Extended Interface, see Apple IIGS Technical
    Note #50, Extended Serial Interface Error Handling.

    Page 95, Error handling:  The second sentence should read:  "If the
    character has a framing or parity error (assuming that the parity option is
    not set to None), the character is deleted from the input stream and the
    appropriate mode bit is set."

    Page 96, Note:  The Note should read:  "The InQStatus elapsed-time
    counter functions correctly only if a heartbeat interrupt task has been
    started.  A heartbeat interrupt task is a set of functions called by
    interrupt code that run automatically at one-thirtieth of a second

    Page 96, Interrupt notification:  The fourth sentence in the first
    paragraph should be:  "The system interrupt handler will transfer control
    to the user's interrupt vector at $03FE in bank $00."

    Page 97, Interrupt notification:  The last three paragraphs should be
    replaced with this paragraph:  "The interrupt completion routine executes
    as part of the firmware interrupt handler and must be run in that
    environment.  The interrupt completion routine must preserve the DBR,
    speed, 8-bit native mode, D register, stack pointer (or just use the
    current stack), and MSLOT for proper operation. A/X/Y need not be

    Page 100, SetModeBits:  The first sentence in the paragraph following
    the CMDLIST should read:  "Use this call to alter any of the mode bits
    whose function is described below."

    Page 105, GetIntInfo:  The command list should read:

    CMDLIST DFB $03                   ;Parameter count
            DFB $0C                   ;Command code
            DW  $00                   ;result code (output)
            DW  $00                   ;interrupt setting (output)
            DL  Completion address    ;(output)

    The following should be added after the command list, "Note:  The
    Parameter count of $03 is correct even though there are four parameters."

    The following should be added after the last paragraph:  "Note:  Before
    making this call from an interrupt completion routine, you must set the
    operating environment to look and act exactly like a 6502 in all respects.
    During interrupt completion routines, you must preserve the DBR, speed, 8-
    bit native mode, D register, stack pointer (or just use the current stack),
    and MSLOT for proper operation.  A/X/Y need not be preserved.  See
    "Environments for the Firmware Routines" in chapter 2, Notes for
    Programmers for details about setting and restoring the operating

    Page 106, SetIntInfo:  The command list should read:

    CMDLIST DFB $03                   ;Parameter count
            DFB $0D                   ;Command code
            DW  $00                   ;result code (output)
            DW  Interrupt setting     ;(input)
            DL  Completion address    ;(input)

    The following should be added after the command list, "Note:  The
    Parameter count of $03 is correct even though there are four parameters."

Chapter 7:  SmartPort Firmware

    Page 120, Issuing a call to SmartPort:  The standard and extended
    SmartPort call examples should be:

    This is an example of a standard SmartPort call:

    SP_CALL    JSR  DISPATCH           ;Call SmartPort command dispatcher
               DC   i1'CMDNUM'         ;This specifies the command type
               DC   i2'CMDLIST'        ;Word ptr to param list in bank $00
               BCS  ERROR              ;Carry is set on an error

    This is an example of an extended SmartPort call:

    SP_EXT_CALL  JSR  DISPATCH         ;Call SmartPort command dispatcher
                 DC   i1'CMDNUM+$40'   ;This specifies the ext cmd type
                 DC   i4'CMDLIST'      ;Pointer to the parameter list
                 BCS  ERROR            ;Carry is set on an error

    Page 121, Generic SmartPort calls:  Change occurrences of "Generic
    SmartPort Calls" to "Standard and Extended SmartPort Calls" in the header
    and the first sentence.  Refer to SmartPort Technical Note #2, SmartPort
    Calls Updated, for updated information on the SmartPort STATUS call.

    Page 122, Statcode = $00:  Change the function of bit 0 of the first
    device status byte to:  "1 = Device currently open (character devices only)
    or disk switched (block device only)."

    Page 124:  SmartPort device types should be same as those documented in
    Apple II SmartPort Technical Note #4, SmartPort Device Types.

    Page 125, SmartPort driver status:  This section should read:  "A
    status call with a unit number of $00 and a status code of $00 is a request
    to return the status of the SmartPort driver.  This function returns the
    number of devices as well as the current interrupt status.  Devices should
    return $00 in the reserved bytes and exit with a transfer count of $0008.
    The format of the status list returned is as follows:

    STATLIST    Byte 0        Number of devices
                Byte 1        Reserved
                Byte 2        $00          Vendor Unknown
                              $01          Apple
                              $02...$FF    Vendor Unique
                Byte 3        Reserved
                Byte 4        Reserved
                Byte 5        Reserved
                Byte 6        Reserved
                Byte 7        Reserved

    The number of devices field is a one-byte field indicating the total number
    of devices connected to the slot or port.  This number will always be in
    the range 0 to 127.

    Vendors must request a Vendor ID Assignment from Apple II Developer
    Technical Support before using a specific value in byte two.

    Page 125, Possible errors:  Add the following:
        $1F    No interrupt.  Interrupts not supported.
        $2B    No write.      Disk write-protected.
        $2F    Offline.       Disk off-line or no disk in drive.

    Page 126, ReadBlock:  Add a sentence at the end of the first paragraph
    which reads, "On return, the X and Y registers indicate the number of bytes

    Page 131, Open:  The following changes apply for the CMDNUM:

                    Standard call    Extended call
        CMDNUM          $06              $46

    Page 132, Read:  Add a sentence at the end of the first paragraph which
    reads, "On return, the X and Y registers indicate the number of bytes

    Page 140, Figure 7-8, Disk-sector format:  Change to the following:

    |13      |F|D|A|9|T|S|S|F|A|D|A|F|1       |F|D|A|A|S|699     |4|D|A|F|
    |5-Nibble|F|5|A|6|r|e|i|o|d|E|A|F|5-Nibble|F|5|A|D|e|GCR     | |E|A|F|
    |SelfSync| | | | |a|c|d|r|r| | | |SelfSync| | | | |c|Nibbles |C| | | |
    |Fields  | | | | |c|t|e|m|s| | | |Fields  | | | | |t|Fields  |h| | | |
    |        | | | | |k|o| |a|L| | | |        | | | | |o|        |e| | | |
    |        | | | | | |r| |t|R| | | |        | | | | |r|        |c| | | |
    |        | | | | | | | | |C| | | |        | | | | | |        |k| | | |
    |        | | | | | | | | | | | | |        | | | | | |        |s| | | |
    |        | | | | | | | | | | | | |        | | | | | |        |u| | | |
    |        | | | | | | | | | | | | |        | | | | | |        |m| | | |
    A SelfSync Field is four 20 microsecond selfsync nibbles written as
    a sequence of five 16 microsecond nibbles.

    Page 140, ResetHook:  The Control code and Control list should be:

    Control Code    Control list
          $06       Count low byte                $04
                    Count high byte               $00
                    Hook reference number         $xx, $00, $00, $00

    Page 141, SetInterleave:  The Control code and Control list should be:

    Control Code    Control list
          $0A       Count low byte                $01
                    Count high byte               $00
                    Interleave                    $01 to $0C

    Page 143, UniDiskStat:  The Status code and Status list should be:

    Status Code    Status list
       $05         Byte                           $04
                   Soft error                     $00
                   Retries                        $xx
                   A register after execute       $xx
                   Y register after execute       $xx
                   P register after execute       $xx
                   Byte                           $xx

    Page 152, Passing parameters to a ROM disk:  Add a sentence to the
    end of the second paragraph which reads:  "These locations will not be
    preserved between SmartPort calls."

    Page 156, Table 7-6, SmartPort error codes:  Add the following error

    Acc value        Error type        Description
      $69            IOTERM            I/O terminated due to new line

    Page 166, Table 7-8, Standard command packet contents":
    Byte 3 descriptions should read "Byte 2 of param list."
    Byte 4 descriptions should read "Byte 3 of param list."
    Byte 5 descriptions should read "Byte 4 of param list."
    Byte 6 descriptions should read "Byte 5 of param list."
    Byte 7 descriptions should read "Byte 6 of param list."
    Byte 8 descriptions should read "Byte 7 of param list."
    Byte 9 descriptions should read "Byte 8 of param list."

Chapter 8:  Interrupt-Handler Firmware

    Page 184, Serial-port interrupt notification:  The last three
    paragraphs should be replaced with this paragraph:  "The interrupt
    completion routine executes as part of the firmware interrupt handler and
    must be run in that environment.  The interrupt completion routine must
    preserve the DBR, speed, 8-bit native mode, D register, stack pointer (or
    just use the current stack), and MSLOT for proper operation. A/X/Y need not
    be preserved."

Chapter 9:  Apple DeskTop Bus Microcontroller

    Page 191, Sync, $07:  The first sentence should read: "This command
    performs the three preceding commands in sequence."

    Page 194, Receive Bytes, $48:  The fourth sentence should read:  "The
    second byte value is a combination of the device address in the high nibble
    and the ADB command in the low nibble (see the Apple IIGS Hardware

Chapter 10:  Mouse Firmware

    Page 201:  Mouse button positions should be changed as follows:

    o    X data byte
         If bit 7 = 0, then mouse button 1 is down.
         If bit 7 = 1, then mouse button 1 is up.

    o    Y data byte
         If bit 7 = 0, then mouse button 0 is down.
         If bit 7 = 1, then mouse button 0 is up.

    Page 205, Figure 10-1, Position and status information:
    Bit 7 description should be:  "Currently, button 0 is up/down (0/1)."
    Bit 6 description should be:  "Previously, button 0 was up/down (0/1)."

Appendix B:  Firmware ID Bytes

    Page 223, Table B-2, Register bit information:  Change the table to
    show that Bits 7-0 of the Y register hold the ROM version number, and the X
    register is reserved.  In addition, the table description should read:
    "The Y register contains the machine ID and the ROM version number.  The X
    register is reserved."

    Page 249, COUT1:  In the third sentence, change the value of line feed
    from $8C to $8A.

    Page 277, RDALTZP:  Change the comment to read:  "Bit 7 = 1 if alt zp

Further Reference:
    o    Apple IIGS Firmware Reference
    o    Apple IIGS Technical Note #50, Extended Serial Interface Handling