eldorado@en.ecn.purdue.edu (David D Jansen) (01/17/91)
Fractal Generation Program Documentation This program generates three types of fractals: Mandelbrot, Julia (or Dragon), and mountain terrain. It is mostly written in Standard Pascal except for a few machine dependent procedures (printer, display). This is useful for porting to larger and faster machines for the actual calculations and then downloading to your PC for displaying and printing. To do so, remove (or comment out) any graphics and printing routines and compile. The saving routine automatically compresses the picture for maximum stor age space and minimum downloading time. It will create a portable text file. It is mostly menu driven and always prompts proper respones. Many of the graphics routines are borrowed from my Double Hires library (also free ware). It was developed on Apple (UCSD) Pascal and requires 128k of memory. Thus only versions 1.3 and some 1.2 versions will run this program. If enough interest is shown, a color version (including color printing) will be released. Also, mouse support might be added. Currently, a C version is being written. { authors : David Jansen eldorado@en.ecn.purdue.edu } { Wayne Scott wscott@en.ecn.purdue.edu } { Miki Rifani miki@en.ecn.purdue.edu } program fractal (input,output,remotefile,prntr); uses applestuff, turtlegraphics, transcend; const {memory locations for low level turtlegraphic routines} xhi = 3449; {the most significant byte in the x coordinate} xlo = 3450; {the least significant byte in the y coordinate} ylo = 3452; {the turtlegraphics y coordinate} color = 3453; {the color which is currently being plotted} base = 8192; {the base of the page 1 hires screen} {basic constants} maximumint = 32767; {maxint for 16 bit integers} squaredradius = 4; {faster than testing for sqr(2)} maxiter = 100; {maximum number of iteritions} pi = 3.14159; {everyone's favorite number} {initial parameters} horizontal = 560; {number of horizontal screen points} vertical = 192; {number of vertical screen points} mina = -2.25; {default minimum real value of the region} maxa = 0.75; {default maximum real value of the region} minb = -1.5; {default minimum imaginary value of the region} maxb = 1.5; {default maximum imaginary value of the region} {constants for fractal mountain routines} xs = 0.04; {scaling constants} ys = 0.04; zs = 0.04; hr = 0.52359; {pi / 6} vt = 0.62831; {pi / 5} type map = array [0..64,0..32] of integer; {matrix of topograph data} coor = packed array [1..horizontal,1..vertical] of boolean; {DHR graphics screen} imaginary = record {an imaginary number i.e. a + bi} a : real; b : real; end; region = record {a rectangle on the imaginary plane} max : imaginary; min : imaginary; hor : integer; ver : integer; end; screen = record {the data that describes a file} where : region; con : imaginary; name : string; bitmap : coor; end; byte = 0..255; {tricks for low level peeks and pokes} memloc = packed array [0..1] of byte; access = record case boolean of true: (address:integer); false: (pointer: ^memloc); end; var graphed:boolean; {is the fractal graphed} fraccalc:boolean; {is there a valid fractal in memory} choice:char; {generic var} pages:screen; {the current fractal} {mountain fractal vars} levels:integer; {the resolution of the mountain fractals} xlast,ylast:integer; {the previous point graphed to the screen} y3:real; {just had to be global} function peek (addrs:integer):byte; var memory:access; begin memory.address:=addrs; peek:=memory.pointer^[0]; end; procedure poke (addrs:integer;val:byte); var memory:access; begin memory.address:=addrs; memory.pointer^[0]:=val; end; procedure dhrenable; {turns on double hires graphics - grafmode} begin poke (-16302,0); {full screen} poke (-16297,0); {hires on} poke (-16371,0); {80 col on} poke (-16304,0); {graphics on} poke (-16258,0); {IOUdis on} poke (-16290,0); {DHR on} poke (-16383,0); {80 store on} poke (-16300,0); {page 2 off} end; procedure dhrclear; {clears both hires screens - initturtle} begin dhrenable; initturtle; poke (-16299,0); {access aux mem} initturtle; poke (-16300,0); {return to main mem} end; procedure txtmode; {sets text screen use - textmode} begin poke (-16384,0); {turn off 80 store softswitch} poke (-16289,0); {turn off the double hi resolution softswitch} poke (-16300,0); {turn on text page 1} poke (-16303,0); {turn on the text screen} end; (*$I-*) {turn off input/output status checking - for speed} (*$R-*) {turn off range checking - for speed} procedure line (x,y:integer); {draws a line from current point to point (x,y)} var {in the array but not on the screen - similar} ang:real; {to moveto (x,y)} i,j,k,p,q,clr:integer; begin clr:=peek (color); {get current parameters} i:=256 * peek (xhi) + peek (xlo); j:=peek (ylo); if (x > i) or ((x = i) and (y > j)) then {set increment} k:=1 else k:=-1; if (i = x) then {determine if vertical or sloped line} begin j:=j + k; {vertical line} while (j <> (y+k)) do begin if (clr = 15) then pages.bitmap[i+1,j+1]:=true else if (clr = 0) then pages.bitmap[i+1,j+1]:=false; j:=j + k; end; j:=j - k; end else begin p:=i; {draw a sloped line} q:=j; ang:=(y - j) / (x - i); i:=i + k; while (i <> (x+k)) do begin j:=round (ang * (i-p) + q); if (clr = 15) then pages.bitmap[i+1,j+1]:=true else if (clr = 0) then pages.bitmap[i+1,j+1]:=false; i:=i + k; end; i:=i - k; end; poke (xlo,i mod 256); {store new coordinates} poke (xhi,i div 256); poke (ylo,j); end; procedure test (ax,ay,mx,my:integer;var bx,by:integer); begin if (ay > my) then begin by:=mx + 1 - ay; bx:=mx - ax; end else begin by:=ay; bx:=ax; end; end; procedure landscape (mx,my,sk,ib:integer;l:real;var darray:map); var {creates random topograph} xe,ye:integer; d1,d2:integer; bx,by:integer; begin ye:=0; while (ye <= mx-1) do begin xe:=ib + ye; while (xe <= mx) do begin test (xe-ib,ye,mx,my,bx,by); d1:=darray[bx,by]; test (xe+ib,ye,mx,my,bx,by); d2:=darray[bx,by]; test (xe,ye,mx,my,bx,by); darray[bx,by]:=round ((d1 + d2) / 2.0 + random / 32767.0 * l / 2.0 - l / 4.0); xe:=xe + sk end; ye:=ye + sk; end; xe:=mx; while (xe >= 1) do begin ye:=ib; while (ye <= xe) do begin test (xe,ye+ib,mx,my,bx,by); d1:=darray[bx,by]; test (xe,ye-ib,mx,my,bx,by); d2:=darray[bx,by]; test (xe,ye,mx,my,bx,by); darray[bx,by]:=round ((d1 + d2) / 2.0 + random / 32767.0 * l / 2.0 - l / 4.0); ye:=ye + sk end; xe:=xe - sk; end; xe:=0; while (xe <= mx-1) do begin ye:=ib; while (ye <= mx - xe) do begin test (xe+ye-ib,ye-ib,mx,my,bx,by); d1:=darray[bx,by]; test (xe+ye+ib,ye+ib,mx,my,bx,by); d2:=darray[bx,by]; test (xe+ye,ye,mx,my,bx,by); darray[bx,by]:=round ((d1 + d2) / 2.0 + random / 32767.0 * l / 2.0 - l / 4.0); ye:=ye + sk end; xe:=xe + sk; end; end; procedure adjust (var x0:integer;var xx,yy,zz:real); var clr:integer; xp,yp:integer; temp:real; ra,r1,rd:real; begin xx:=xx * xs; yy:=yy * ys; zz:=zz * zs; if (xx <> 0.0) then begin ra:=atan (yy / xx); if (xx < 0.0) then ra:=ra + pi; if (yy > 10000.0) then yy:=10000.0; if (yy < -10000.0) then yy:=-10000.0; end else begin if (yy <= 0.0) then ra:=-pi / 2.0 else ra:=pi / 2.0; end; rd:=sqrt (xx * xx + yy * yy); r1:=ra + hr; xx:=rd * cos (r1); yy:=rd * sin (r1); if (xx = 0.0) then ra:=pi / 2.0 else begin ra:=atan (zz / xx); if (xx < 0.0) then ra:=ra + pi; end; rd:=sqrt (zz * zz + xx * xx); r1:=ra - vt; xx:=rd * cos (r1) + xx; zz:=rd * sin (r1); temp:=yy * 0.625 * 2; if (temp >= -32768.0) and (temp <= 32767.0) then xp:=round (temp) else if (temp > 32767.0) then xp:=maxint else xp:=-maxint; temp:=33.14 - 0.663 * zz; if (temp >= -32768.0) and (temp <= 32767.0) then yp:=round (temp) else if (temp > 32767.0) then yp:=maxint else yp:=-maxint; if (x0 = -999) then begin xlast:=xp; ylast:=yp; x0:=0; end; if (ylast <= 191) and (ylast >= 0) and (yp <= 191) and (yp >= 0) then begin clr:=peek (color); {get current color} poke (color,16); {set color none} line (xlast,ylast); poke (color,clr); {set color to previous color} line (xp,yp); xlast:=xp; ylast:=yp; end; end; procedure calc (x0:integer;var xx,yy,zz,x,y,z:real); var temp:boolean; xt,yt,zt:real; w3,x3,z3:real; begin if (x0 <> -999) then begin temp:=(z < 0.0) and (zz < 0.0); if (z > 0.0) and (zz > 0.0) or temp then begin x:=xx; y:=yy; z:=zz; if temp then zz:=0.0; exit (calc); end; end else begin x:=xx; y:=yy; z:=zz; if (zz < 0.0) then begin poke (color,15); {darkblue - actually white because this is B&W} zz:=0.0; end else poke (color,15); {white} exit (calc); end; if (y3 > 10000.0) then y3:=10000.0; if (y3 < -10000.0) then y3:=-10000.0; if (zz <> z) then w3:=zz / (zz - z); x3:=(x - xx) * w3 + xx; y3:=(y - yy) * y3 + yy; z3:=0.0; xt:=xx; yt:=yy; zt:=zz; xx:=x3; yy:=y3; zz:=z3; adjust (x0,xx,yy,zz); if (zt <= 0.0) then begin poke (color,15); {darkblue - actually while since this is only B&W} xx:=xt; yy:=yt; zz:=0.0; z:=zt; end else begin poke (color,15); {white} xx:=xt; yy:=yt; zz:=zt; z:=zz; end; x:=xx; y:=yy; end; procedure graph3d (var mx,my:integer;var darray:map); var x0:integer; ax,ay:integer; bx,by:integer; ex,ey:integer; xx,yy,zz:real; x,y,z:real; begin for ax:=0 to mx do begin x0:=-999; for ay:=0 to ax do begin test (ax,ay,mx,my,bx,by); zz:=darray[bx,by]; yy:=ay / mx * 10000.0; xx:=ax / mx * 10000.0 - yy / 2.0; calc (x0,xx,yy,zz,x,y,z); adjust (x0,xx,yy,zz); end; end; for ay:=0 to mx do begin x0:=-999; for ax:=ay to mx do begin test (ax,ay,mx,my,bx,by); zz:=darray[bx,by]; yy:=ay / mx * 10000.0; xx:=ax / mx * 10000.0 - yy / 2.0; calc (x0,xx,yy,zz,x,y,z); adjust (x0,xx,yy,zz); end; end; for ex:=0 to mx do begin x0:=-999; for ey:=0 to mx-ex do begin ax:=ex + ey; ay:=ey; test (ax,ay,mx,my,bx,by); zz:=darray[bx,by]; yy:=ay / mx * 10000.0; xx:=ax / mx * 10000.0 - yy / 2.0; calc (x0,xx,yy,zz,x,y,z); adjust (x0,xx,yy,zz); end; end; end; procedure mountfrac (var levels:integer;var fraccalc:boolean); var {driver for fractal mountains} mx,my:integer; i,j:integer; sk:integer; ib:integer; l:real; darray:map; begin for j:=0 to 32 do for i:=0 to 64 do darray[i,j]:=0; l:=2.0; for i:=1 to levels do l:=l + exp ((i - 1) * 0.693147); mx:=round (l - 1); my:=mx div 2; randomize; for i:=1 to levels do begin l:=10000 / exp (i * ln (1.8)); ib:=round (mx / exp (i * 0.693147)); sk:=ib * 2; landscape (mx,my,sk,ib,l,darray); end; graph3d (mx,my,darray); fraccalc:=true; write (chr (7)); end; procedure display (var bitmap:coor;var graphed:boolean); var {copies the boolean matrix to the DHR graphics screen} a,b,c,d,e,i,j,k,s,t:integer; begin dhrenable; j:=1; while (j <= pages.where.ver) and (j <= 192) do begin c:=j div 64; e:=j mod 64; b:=e div 8; a:=e mod 8; d:=(1024 * a) + (128 * b) + (40 * c) + base; i:=0; {convert 7 booleans to a char to poke in video RAM} while (i < (pages.where.hor div 7)) and (i < 80) do begin t:=0; s:=64; k:=7; while (k > 0) do begin if bitmap[(7*i)+k,j] then t:=t + s; s:=s div 2; k:=k-1; end; poke (-16299 - i mod 2,0); {select correct screen} poke ((i div 2) + d,t); {store bit pattern} i:=i+1; end; j:=j+1; end; graphed:=true; write (chr (7)); end; (*$I+*) {turn on input/output status checking} procedure dhrprinter (var pages:screen); const {copies boolean matrix to printer for hardcopy} numlines = 32; type printhead = record case boolean of true : (bool:packed array [1..24] of boolean); false : (c:packed array [1..3] of char); end; var x,y,nl,i,row,rep,col:integer; val:array [1..4] of char; pixel:printhead; prntr:text; begin rewrite (prntr,'PRINTER:'); writeln (prntr); writeln (prntr,'Fractal: ',pages.name); writeln (prntr); row:=(24 * numlines) div vertical; rep:=1280 div pages.where.hor; col:=pages.where.hor * (1280 div pages.where.hor); for i:=4 downto 1 do begin val[i]:=chr (col mod 10 + 48); col:=col div 10; end; nl:=1; while (nl <= numlines) do begin write (prntr,chr(27),'j'); write (prntr,chr(27),'C',val[1],val[2],val[3],val[4]); y:=(24 div row) * (nl - 1); x:=1; while (x <= pages.where.hor) do begin for i:=1 to 24 do pixel.bool[i]:=pages.bitmap[x,y + (i div row)]; for i:=1 to rep do write (prntr,pixel.c[1],pixel.c[2],pixel.c[3]); x:=x+1; end; writeln (prntr); nl:=nl+1; end; with pages do begin writeln (prntr); writeln (prntr,'Fractal coordinates are: '); write (prntr,where.max.a:12:5,' + ',where.max.b:12:5,'i to '); writeln (prntr,where.min.a:12:5,' + ',where.min.b:12:5,'i'); writeln (prntr,'Julia Constant is: '); writeln (prntr,con.a:12:5,' + ',con.b:12:5,'i'); end; close (prntr); write (chr(7)); end; procedure julia (var pages:screen;var fraccalc,graphed:boolean); var h,v,n:integer; a,b,temp:real; dval,z:imaginary; begin dval.a:=(pages.where.max.a - pages.where.min.a)/(pages.where.hor - 1); dval.b:=(pages.where.max.b - pages.where.min.b)/(pages.where.ver - 1); v:=1; while (v <= pages.where.ver) do begin h:=1; while (h <= pages.where.hor) do begin z.a:=pages.where.min.a + (h - 1) * dval.a; z.b:=pages.where.min.b + (v - 1) * dval.b; n:=0; a:=z.a*z.a; b:=z.b*z.b; while (a + b <= squaredradius) and (n < maxiter) do begin temp:=z.a; z.a:=a - b + pages.con.a; z.b:=2 * temp * z.b + pages.con.b; n:=n + 1; a:=z.a*z.a; b:=z.b*z.b; end; if (a + b <= squaredradius) then pages.bitmap[h,v]:=true; h:=h+1; end; gotoxy (40,23); write (v/pages.where.ver*100:5:2,'% done'); v:=v+1; end; fraccalc:=true; graphed:=false; pages.name:='None'; end; procedure mandelbrot (var pages:screen;var fraccalc,graphed:boolean); var h,v,n:integer; a,b,temp:real; dval,z,val:imaginary; begin dval.a:=(pages.where.max.a - pages.where.min.a)/(pages.where.hor - 1); dval.b:=(pages.where.max.b - pages.where.min.b)/(pages.where.ver - 1); v:=1; while (v <= pages.where.ver) do begin val.b:=pages.where.min.b + (v - 1) * dval.b; h:=1; while (h <= pages.where.hor) do begin val.a:=pages.where.min.a + (h - 1) * dval.a; n:=0; z.a:=0; z.b:=0; a:=0; b:=0; while (a + b <= squaredradius) and (n < maxiter) do begin temp:=z.a; z.a:=a - b + val.a; z.b:=2 * temp * z.b + val.b; a:=z.a*z.a; b:=z.b*z.b; n:=n + 1; end; if (a + b <= squaredradius) then pages.bitmap[h,v]:=true; h:=h+1; end; gotoxy (40,23); write (v/pages.where.ver*100:5:2,'% done'); v:=v+1; end; fraccalc:=true; graphed:=false; pages.name:='None'; end; procedure loadfrac (var pages:screen;var fraccalc,graphed:boolean); var temp,last,x,y:integer; temp2:char; remotefile:text; begin page (output); writeln; writeln; write ('What is the name of the file to load? '); readln (pages.name); reset (remotefile,pages.name); with pages do begin readln (remotefile,name); readln (remotefile,where.hor); readln (remotefile,where.ver); readln (remotefile,where.max.a); readln (remotefile,where.min.a); readln (remotefile,where.max.b); readln (remotefile,where.min.b); readln (remotefile,con.a); readln (remotefile,con.b); end; if (pages.where.hor > horizontal) or (pages.where.ver > vertical) then begin writeln ('Error: graph too large for current screen size'); writeln ('Please change horizontal and/or vertical constants to'); writeln (pages.where.hor,' * ',pages.where.ver); writeln ('Please press <return>'); pages.where.hor:=horizontal; pages.where.ver:=vertical; readln; end else begin last:=0; y:=1; x:=1; repeat readln (remotefile,temp); if (temp < 0) then begin temp2:='F'; temp:=-temp; end else temp2:='T'; while (x - last <= temp) do begin pages.bitmap[x,y]:=(temp2='T'); x:=x+1; if (x > pages.where.hor) then begin temp:=temp - (x-last-1); last:=0; x:=1; y:=y+1; end; end; last:=x-1; until eof (remotefile); close (remotefile); fraccalc:=true; graphed:=false; write (chr (7)); end; end; procedure savefrac (var pages:screen); var i,j,x:integer; prev,cur:char; remotefile:text; begin page (output); writeln; writeln; write ('What do you want to name this file? '); readln (pages.name); rewrite (remotefile,pages.name); with pages do begin writeln (remotefile,name); writeln (remotefile,where.hor); writeln (remotefile,where.ver); writeln (remotefile,where.max.a:12:5); writeln (remotefile,where.min.a:12:5); writeln (remotefile,where.max.b:12:5); writeln (remotefile,where.min.b:12:5); writeln (remotefile,con.a:12:5); writeln (remotefile,con.b:12:5); end; x:=0; prev:='F'; j:=1; while (j <= pages.where.ver) do begin i:=1; while (i <= pages.where.hor) do begin if pages.bitmap[i,j] then cur:='T' else cur:='F'; if (cur = prev) and (x < maximumint) then x:=x+1 else begin if (prev = 'T') then writeln (remotefile,x:1) else writeln (remotefile,-x:1); x:=1; prev:=cur; end; i:=i+1; end; j:=j+1; end; if (prev = 'T') then writeln (remotefile,x:1) else writeln (remotefile,-x:1); close (remotefile,lock); write (chr (7)); end; procedure invert (x,y:integer;var bitmap:coor); var bit,clr,a,b,c,d,i,j,k,l:integer; begin y:=192 - y; c:=y div 64; {calculate byte of point (x,y)} d:=y mod 64; b:=d div 8; a:=d mod 8; i:=x div 7; j:=(1024 * a) + (128 * b) + (40 * c) + base + (i div 2); l:=1; {mask to set correct bit} for k:=1 to (x mod 7) do l:=l*2; poke (-16383,0); {set 80 store} poke (-16299 - i mod 2,0); {sets the correct screen} bit:=peek (j); if (ord (odd (bit) and odd (l)) = l) then poke (j,ord (odd (bit) and not (odd (l)))) {plot black point} else poke (j,ord (odd (bit) or odd (l))); {plot white point} end; (*$R+*) procedure findpoint (var h,v:integer;var bitmap:coor); var dir:char; page,point:boolean; x,y:integer; begin point:=false; while not point do begin invert (h,v,bitmap); page:=peek (-16356) > 127; {determine which screen is displayed} poke (-16300,0); {turn on main screen} read (dir); dhrenable; if page then poke (-16299,0); if (dir='P') or (dir='p') then point:=true else begin x:=0; y:=0; if (dir=chr (11)) then y:=1 else if (dir=chr (8)) then x:=-1 else if (dir=chr (21)) then x:=1 else if (dir=chr (10)) then y:=-1; invert (h,v,bitmap); if (h+x >= 0) and (h+x <= 559) then h:=h+x; if (v+y >= 1) and (v+y <= 192) then v:=v+y; end; end; invert (h,v,bitmap); write (chr (7)); end; procedure status (fraccalc:boolean;var pages:screen); begin writeln; with pages do begin writeln ('Name of current fractal: ',name); writeln; writeln ('Current region set at:'); write (where.max.a:12:5,' + ',where.max.b:12:5,'i to '); writeln (where.min.a:12:5,' + ',where.min.b:12:5,'i'); writeln ('Current Julia Constant: ',con.a:12:5,' + ',con.b:12:5,'i'); end; writeln; write ('This region has '); if not fraccalc then write ('not yet '); writeln ('been calculated.'); writeln; end; procedure changescreen (var choice:char;fraccalc:boolean;var pages:screen); begin page (output); status (fraccalc,pages); repeat writeln; writeln; writeln (' (E)nter new values for the region'); writeln (' (S)elect the new region from the graph'); writeln (' (T)ype in a new Julia Constant'); writeln (' (C)hoose a new Julia Constant from the graph'); writeln (' (D)o not change region or constant'); writeln; write (' Enter your choice: '); read (choice); writeln; until choice in ['c','C','d','D','e','E','s','S','t','T']; end; procedure selectregion (var pages:screen); var temp,i,h,v,x,y:integer; tempregion:region; begin writeln; writeln ('Use arrow keys to move cursor and push (P)'); write ('to select both points. Press <return>.'); readln; dhrenable; h:=pages.where.hor div 2; v:=pages.where.ver div 2; findpoint (h,v,pages.bitmap); x:=h; y:=v; findpoint (x,y,pages.bitmap); if (h < x) then begin temp:=x; x:=h; h:=temp; end; if (v < y) then begin temp:=y; y:=v; v:=temp; end; for i:=y to v do invert (h,i,pages.bitmap); for i:=h downto x do invert (i,v,pages.bitmap); for i:=v downto y do invert (x,i,pages.bitmap); for i:=x to h do invert (i,y,pages.bitmap); with pages.where do begin tempregion.max.a:=min.a + (h-1)*(max.a-min.a)/(hor-1); tempregion.max.b:=min.b + (v-1)*(max.b-min.b)/(ver-1); tempregion.min.a:=min.a + (x-1)*(max.a-min.a)/(hor-1); tempregion.min.b:=min.b + (y-1)*(max.b-min.b)/(ver-1); end; pages.where:=tempregion; poke (-16300,0); {turn on page 1} readln; poke (-16303,0); {turn on text screen} end; procedure selectconst (var pages:screen); var h,v:integer; begin writeln; writeln ('Use arrow keys to move cursor and push (P)'); write ('to select the point. Press <return>.'); readln; dhrenable; with pages do begin h:=round ((where.hor-1)*(con.a-where.min.a)/(where.max.a-where.min.a)+1); v:=round ((where.ver-1)*(con.b-where.min.b)/(where.max.b-where.min.b)+1); findpoint (h,v,bitmap); con.a:=where.min.a+(h-1)*(where.max.a-where.min.a)/(where.hor-1); con.b:=where.min.b+(v-1)*(where.max.b-where.min.b)/(where.ver-1); end; poke (-16300,0); {turn on page 1} poke (-16303,0); {turn on text screen} end; procedure enterregion (var pages:screen); var userdone:boolean; choice:char; temp:real; begin repeat writeln; write ('Type the maximum imaginary '); writeln ('number in the region. ie. 4.5 -3.4i'); with pages.where do begin readln (max.a,max.b,choice); writeln; writeln ('Now type the minimum imaginary in the region.'); readln (min.a,min.b,choice); if (max.a < min.a) then begin temp:=max.a; max.a:=min.a; min.a:=temp; end; if (max.b < min.b) then begin temp:=max.b; max.b:=min.b; min.b:=temp; end; end; with pages do begin if (con.a < where.min.a) or (con.a > where.max.a) or (con.b < where.min.b) or (con.b > where.max.b) then begin writeln; write ('Invalid coordinates. Press <return>.'); readln; userdone:=false; page (output); end else begin write ('Is this correct? (Y)es or (N)o '); read (choice); case choice of 'N','n': userdone:=false; 'Y','y': userdone:=true; end; end; end; until userdone; end; procedure enterconst (var pages:screen); var userdone:boolean; choice:char; begin repeat writeln; write ('Type the new Julia Constant '); writeln ('for the region. ie. 4.5 -3.4i'); with pages do begin readln (con.a,con.b,choice); writeln; if (con.a < where.min.a) or (con.a > where.max.a) or (con.b < where.min.b) or (con.b > where.max.b) then begin writeln; write ('Invalid coordinates. Press <return>.'); readln; userdone:=false; page (output); end else begin write ('Is this correct? (Y)es or (N)o '); read (choice); case choice of 'N','n': userdone:=false; 'Y','y': userdone:=true; end; end; end; until userdone; end; procedure error (num:integer); begin page (output); writeln; writeln; write ('Please calculate the fractal before '); case num of 1: writeln ('displaying it.'); 2: writeln ('saving it.'); 3: writeln ('printing it.'); end; writeln; write ('Press <return> to continue '); readln; end; procedure change (graphed,fraccalc:boolean;var pages:screen); var choice:char; begin changescreen (choice,fraccalc,pages); case choice of 'C', 'c' : if graphed then selectconst (pages) else error (1); 'D', 'd' : ; 'E', 'e' : enterregion (pages); 'S', 's' : if graphed then selectregion (pages) else error (1); 'T', 't' : enterconst (pages); end; end; procedure init (var pages:screen;var fraccalc,graphed:boolean); begin with pages do {set inital region} begin where.min.a:=mina; where.max.a:=maxa; where.min.b:=minb; where.max.b:=maxb; where.hor:=horizontal; where.ver:=vertical; con.a:=(where.max.a + where.min.a) / 2; con.b:=(where.max.b + where.min.b) / 2; name:='None'; end; fraccalc:=false; graphed:=false; fillchar (pages.bitmap,round ((horizontal / 8.0) * vertical),chr(0)); page (output); dhrclear; poke (-16303,0); {turn on text screen} end; procedure mainscreen (var choice:char;var pages:screen; var fraccalc,graphed:boolean); begin repeat page (output); writeln (' Fractal Generation Program v2.0'); writeln (' by Michael Rifani and Wayne Scott'); writeln (' Modified for the Apple II by David Jansen'); status (fraccalc,pages); writeln (' (M)andelbrot fractal calculation for current region'); writeln (' (J)ulia fractal calculation for current region'); writeln (' (C)hange current region or Julia Constant of fractal'); writeln (' (D)isplay fractal on a graphics screen'); writeln (' (P)rint hardcopy'); writeln (' (L)oad fractal'); writeln (' (S)ave fractal'); writeln (' (Q)uit'); writeln; writeln; write (' Enter your choice: '); read (choice); until choice in ['C','c','D','d','F','f','J','j','L','l','M','m', 'P','p','Q','q','S','s']; end; begin {main} init (pages,fraccalc,graphed); repeat mainscreen (choice,pages,fraccalc,graphed); case choice of 'C','c': change (graphed,fraccalc,pages); 'D','d': if fraccalc then begin dhrenable; if not graphed then begin dhrclear; display (pages.bitmap,graphed); end; readln; poke (-16303,0); {turn on text screen} end else error (1); 'F','f': begin repeat page (output); writeln; write ('Enter number of levels (1 - 6) : '); readln (levels); until (levels > 0) and (levels < 7); mountfrac (levels,fraccalc); end; 'J','j': begin dhrclear; fillchar (pages.bitmap,round ((horizontal / 8.0) * vertical),chr(0)); poke (-16303,0); {turn on text screen} julia (pages,fraccalc,graphed); write (chr(7)); end; 'L','l': loadfrac (pages,fraccalc,graphed); 'M','m': begin dhrclear; fillchar (pages.bitmap,round ((horizontal / 8.0) * vertical),chr(0)); poke (-16303,0); {turn on text screen} mandelbrot (pages,fraccalc,graphed); write (chr (7)); end; 'P','p': if fraccalc then dhrprinter (pages) else error (3); 'S','s': if fraccalc then savefrac (pages) else error (2); end; until (choice='Q') or (choice='q'); txtmode; end. -- Just Institutionalized! _______________________________________________________________________________ Dave Jansen | INTERNET: eldorado@en.ecn.purdue.edu