drd (07/18/82)
I have had 2 or 3 replys to my article requesting information on the Apple's collision counter unfortunatly none of them could help me. One of the replys suggested I get information from an Apple mailing list but I don't know how to use one so please send me some information on the Apple mailing list. Now after 2 or 3 hours of hacking I discovered the the Apple's collision counter really does work if you are writing in Applesoft Basic and using shape tables. The collision counter is stored at $EA on page zero of the Apple's memory. When I figured out how it worked I was in progress of writting a game and needed a quick way of checking for collision. The name collision *counter* is a bit misleading it changes according to the graphics data that was all ready there when the shape is placed on the screen if some one can discover exactly why it stores the values it does I would like to here from you. The only draw back of the collision counter is that it won't work in machine language but compiling your Applesoft program can fix that when you compiles with the TASC Compiler by Microsoft you get all the features of Applesoft at machine language speed. Several games on the market have been Basic programs compiled but they claim it was written machine language one I know of is the game 'Human Fly' put out by CPU Software. So with the information in this article and the TASC compiler it is very possible to write those Hi-res games. I am just putting the finishing touches on my original game and it has nice flicker free animation. Gregg Stefancik Morris Plains, NJ