[comp.std.c] formal interpretations

evil@arcturus.uucp (Wade Guthrie) (02/23/91)

gwyn@smoke.brl.mil (Doug Gwyn) writes:

>As I have been suggesting, it would be useful for somebody to
>request a formal interpretation ruling on. . .

Okay, so now that I've bought my copy of the standard, how do I get a copy
of the formal interpretations that have requested.  Seems to me that these
are as important as the original standard.
Wade Guthrie (evil@arcturus.UUCP)    | "The likelihood of one individual being
...uunet!ccicpg!felix!arcturus!evil  | right increases with direct proportion to
Rockwell International; Anaheim, CA  | the intensity with which others are trying
My opinions, not my employer's.      | to prove him wrong", Mr. Jordan

gwyn@smoke.brl.mil (Doug Gwyn) (02/24/91)

In article <1991Feb22.192133.29635@arcturus.uucp> evil@arcturus.uucp (Wade Guthrie) writes:
>Okay, so now that I've bought my copy of the standard, how do I get a copy
>of the formal interpretations that have requested.  Seems to me that these
>are as important as the original standard.

Actually they are of less importance in the sense that they only guide
implementors and programmers in interpreting the standard; they do not
change the standard, neither do they augment it officially.

X3J11 might publish collections of interpretation rulings some day,
or they might not.  Persons who request interpretation rulings through
channels eventually receive a response; several have already been sent.
X3J11 committee mailings of course contain copies of these responses.

Several committee members have published their own understanding of
X3J11 interpretation rulings, both in print and in this newsgroup.
This will probably continue.