spoon (07/29/82)
The recent issue of 'PC Magazine' is distributing the listing of an IBMPC basic programme which will double the speed of the floppy disk's sold with the IBMPC. The programme creates a file called 'speedup.com' which patches disk timing parameters in the IBM DOS to less conservative values. 05 REM SPEEDUP DISK-ZAP 10 FOR I = 1 TO 37: READ N: C = C + N 15 NEXT: READ N: IF N <> C THEN 40 20 RESTORE: OPEN "R", 1, "SPEEDUP.COM", 1 25 FIELD 1,1 AS N$: FOR I = 1 TO 37 30 READN N: LSET N$ = CHR$(N): PUT 1 35 NEXT: CLOSE: PRINT "CREATED": END 40 PRINT "**ERROR - VERIFY DATA**": END 45 DATA 186, 18, 0, 184, 30, 37, 205, 33, 139 50 DATA 250, 190, 26, 1, 185, 11, 0, 243, 164 55 DATA 51, 192, 205, 19, 139, 215, 205, 39 60 DATA 223, 2, 37, 2, 8, 42, 255, 80, 246, 0, 4 65 DATA 3866 70 END This programme is on page 151, Volume 1, Number 3. If you put the 'speedup' command in the autoexec.bat file you can hear the disk's speed change immediately afterward.