(S spage Page) (06/04/89)
I need to use Mac bitmap fonts in Word 5.0 for the PC. Clearly this is possible since the Macintosh can print bitmap fonts on a PostScript printer. Has anyone converted a Macintosh bitmap font to a generic downloadable PostScript font?? I've taken a look at LaserPrep and the Mac output, but it's pretty scary. Maybe with a working I could figure it out?? To forestall some of the obvious answers: o I don't want outline versions of these fonts, I'm happy with the pixels. o I know that some of the Mac's bitmap smoothing code is propriet- ary (eexec?). I don't care whether the downloaded PostScript version is smoothed or not. o I have Fontastic Plus AND Fontographer, but short of tracing every pixel in the bitmaps with PostScript boxes, they don't provide any bitmap->PostScript conversion. One thing I haven't tried is converting each bitmap glyph to an EPS file, then trying to craft a PostScript font out of the EPSF. Aldus Freehand (a really superb program for figures and diagrams by the way -- the best PC drawing package I've found, even though you have to buy a Mac to run it!) can do the former, and Altsys sells a program called KeyMaster which creates a font out of EPSF images. However, this seems overly complicated, and for some reason KeyMaster limits you to 16 EPSF glyphs per font. Thanks, I really appreciate your help and pointers. =S