peter (06/22/82)
Does anyone have information about the quality/performance of the VIC-20 computer? The specs. look good and the price seems right, but it would be nice to know what actual users think! Any help out there? isrnix!peter
mel (06/25/82)
We have a VIC-20 and are very pleased with it. We got the basic unit for about $240 at Circle-Video (a discount, cash only shop), and the tape unit at Toys-R-Us for $63. Both work exactly as advertised. All 5 of my kids, ages 9 - 12, play the games by the hour, and write little programs as variations on the ones in the book. They particularly like the sound effects and graphic figures with motion. My oldest wrote an original simple program the night before a science fair (2 days after we got the VIC), and won a prize. We had previously built a ZX-81 kit (it didn't work), and went through months of hassle with Sinclair to try to get a 16K memory (we never did get one that worked). The added features of the VIC-20 are well worth the added price, particularly the keyboard. The VIC has 5K memory inside, and this has been adequate for all the programs we have tried. I can't think of a thing to say bad about the VIC. Mel Haas , houxm!mel
schoff.MINET-FRKEM@BRL@sri-unix (08/06/82)
From: Martin Schoffstall <schoff.MINET-FRKEM@BRL> Does anyone out there own a vic-20? I would be interested in software. schoff @ bbn-unix