[comp.fonts] Postscript Font Downloaders/Utilities for PC's

rkpc@mergvax (Rob Kedoin) (08/28/89)

If anyone has information regarding PostScript font utilities for PC's I'd
appreciate any leads.  I am looking for font downloaders that will download
over various connections (ie serial, parallel...)and also installers that
will install the fonts for various applications such as Windows, Ventura,
PageMaker, etc...

Thanks in advance,

		-Rob Kedoin

UUCP:   {decvax, motown, cpmain, icus}!mergvax.uucp!rkpc
ARPA:	rkpc%mergvax.UUCP@decvax.dec.com
USMail: Linotype Company - R&D 425 Oser Avenue Hauppauge, NY 11788
VOICE:	(516) 434 - 2729
FAX:	(516) 434 - 2072

curtj@pogo.WV.TEK.COM (Curt Jutzi) (09/06/89)

In article <10093@mergvax> rkpc@mergvax (Rob Kedoin) writes:
>If anyone has information regarding PostScript font utilities for PC's I'd
>appreciate any leads.  I am looking for font downloaders that will download
>over various connections (ie serial, parallel...)and also installers that
>will install the fonts for various applications such as Windows, Ventura,
>PageMaker, etc...

	The downloader written by Adobe and shipped with their Font packages
	attempts to do this.  There is a two step process.  First the Fonts
	must be unpacked.  Then they must be sent to the printer. Adobe 
	supplies one program to do this for the serial communications, and
	one for a Parrallel connection.

	The serial one is menu driven and works fine for what it was intended
	to do.  However, I have only been able to get the program that 
	communicates through the Parrallel port to work with (IBM) PC's.  It
	does NOT work on a Compac 386.  I have spoken with others that state
	it does not work on IBM clone machines. 

	<<<< You might just want to write your own. >>>>

	The unpacking procedures are available from Adobe

		"Supporting Downloadable PostScript Fonts"
		August 14, 1987
		Gelnn Reid
		Adobe Systems Incorporated

   __  /|      Curt Jutzi (Jutz)                 Tektronix Inc.
   \'o.O`      tektronix!curtj@pogo.WV           Del. St. 63-356
   =(___)=     (503) 685-3723                    P.O. Box 1000 
      U                                          Wilsonville,OR 97070