[net.micro] Voice Synthesizers.

SPAM@Mit-Ai@sri-unix (08/06/82)

Sender: SPAM at Mit-Mc

Does anyone have any opinions on the relative merits of the different
voice synthesizers now on the market?  I am particularly interested
in the ones that are RS-232 interfaced, and have built in text-to-
phoneme conversion capability. (Of course I also want to directly
output phoneme codes somehow).

The three units that I'm aware of are the Type 'n Talk by Votrax,
the Echo-GP by Street Electronics, and the Intex-talker from
Intex Micro Systems.  Are there any others that I've missed?

I am particularly interested in the relative quality of the
text-to-speech algorithms used.  Are any of them more sophisticated
than any other? Or do they all sound as bad as the Votrax unit?

Please respond directly to me, and I will post a summary of anything
interesting I find out to the list.

				Dave Boulton (SPAM@MIT-AI)