[comp.fonts] Books on fonts?

dcarpent@sjuphil.uucp (D. Carpenter) (10/23/90)

I'm new to the world of computer typography, and have
had very little luck finding a good book (or articles)
on the basics.  Could someone recommend a book that
covers such things as different types of font formats,
explanations of how to create, modify, and just plain
use various screen and printer fonts--esp. when these
are obtained from the public domain and need to be
MADE to work on one's own system.  I'm sure there are
many questions I'd like answered that I don't even
know enough to ask at this point.  Pointers on where
to learn more would be most appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

David Carpenter            dcarpent@sjuphil.UUCP                    
St. Joseph's University    dcarpent@sjuphil.sju.edu
Philadelphia, PA  19131   

walter@hpsadle.HP.COM (Walter Coole) (10/24/90)

Many of the widely distributed fonts are in METAFONT, for which the
standard reference is The METAFONTbook.  Computer Modern Typefaces, a
companion book, may also be interesting.  The literature on COMPUTER
fonts is thin, but many of the design issues are covered in
traditional font books.

lee@sq.sq.com (Liam R. E. Quin) (10/25/90)

[sorry if you see this twice.  C-News seems to be sick on sqarc.sq.com :-(]

dcarpent@sjuphil.UUCP () writes:
| I'm new to the world of computer typography, and have had very little
| luck finding a good book (or articles) on the basics.  Could someone
| recommend a book that covers such things as different types of font
| formats, explanations of how to create, modify, and just plain use
| various screen and printer fonts--esp. when these are obtained from the
| public domain and need to be MADE to work on one's own system.

On typography, look at
	%T The Thames and Hudson Manual of Typography
	%A McLean, Ruri
	%I Thames & Hudson
	%C London
	%D 1980

	On digital typography and fonts,
	%T Digital Typography
	%A Rubinstein, Richard
	%I Addison Wesley
	%D 1988
	%O An Introduction to Type and Composition for Computer System Design

I don't know any how-to books covering font formats in general.  Feel free
to mail me if you want, as long as your questions do not relate to MS/DOS,
Windows, or other toys :-).  I keep a list of sources of TeX fonts and
(to a lesser extent) conversion utilities.


Liam R. E. Quin,  lee@sq.com, SoftQuad Inc., Toronto, +1 (416) 963-8337

wdr@wang.com (William Ricker) (10/31/90)

Well, if you want books on fonts... the book on families of Analog fonts
is _Types of Typefaces & how to recognize them_ by J.Ben Lieberman.

I'm looking to buy a copy, since I just bought a Kelsey 5x8 printing press,
and need to buy/scrounge some lead.  If anyone has metal to spare...

/bill ricker/
wdr@wang.com a/k/a wricker@northeastern.edu
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