[comp.fonts] CyrWin 3.0 Cyrillic add on for MS-Windows

sir@hq.demos.su (Ryzhkov Sergey Igorevich) (03/03/91)

To all who interested in CyrWin 3.0 - Cyrillic add on for Microsoft
Windows 3.0, I want to report the address of the West German company
which destribute this product.

   EWT Consulting

   Schulstrasse 22      Office 1: 0821-3 66 71-73
   8901 Langweid        Office 2: 08230-58 93
   West Germany              Fax: 0821-51 74 85

	      Call for me if any questions.

	      Sergey Ryzhkov, Moscow, Russia, USSR

I received so much letters concerning CyrWin, so I can't answer quicly.
I will answer you as fast as I can.