[net.micro] IBM PC Terminal Package FREE

jph (09/01/82)

A terminal package, written in PASCAL and MACRO is available for the
IBM PC that will run upto 9.6KB with no delays. It has its own termcap
entry (HP-2621++++) for full cursor/screen control. It allows uploading/
downloading to UNIX along with output to printer with/without displaying
data on the CRT.

Available also are macros for 'structured' code (if,else,endif,dowhile,
repeat/until) and object code for PASCAL programs to interface with
the Async comm and full control over the terminal.

Requires at least 96K to run. With 192K it provides over 500 lines of
memory that can be paged back.

Contact Jim Holtman (harpo!whuxlb!jph) for further information.