JBROOKSHIRE@Usc-Eclb@sri-unix (09/01/82)
1 27 Aug Mathis at SRI-KL 8086/8087 2 27 Aug William "Chops" Westf 8086/8086 3 Saturd ZVONA.GYRO at MIT-MC 8086 / 8087 compiler 1 -- ************************ Mail-from: ARPANET site SRI-KL rcvd at 27-Aug-82 1242-PDT Date: 27 Aug 1982 1242-PDT From: Mathis at SRI-KL Subject: 8086/8087 To: jbrookshire at ECLB Digital Research's MT/Plus PASCAL compiler has a support library for the AMD9511 and may have something for the 8087. ------- 2 -- ************************ Mail-from: ARPANET site SRI-KL rcvd at 27-Aug-82 1800-PDT Date: 27 Aug 1982 1751-PDT Sender: BILLW at SRI-KL Subject: 8086/8086 From: William "Chops" Westfield <BillW @ SRI-KL> To: jbrookshire at USC-ECLB Message-ID: <[SRI-KL]27-Aug-82 17:51:39.BILLW> MITs implementation of the portable C compiler for the 8086 assumes an 8087 for doing floating point operations. If you have a UNIX license, its free, or it was a while ago. COntact CJT@MC. WW 3 -- ************************ Mail-from: ARPANET site MIT-MC rcvd at 28-Aug-82 0618-PDT Date: Saturday, 28 August 1982 09:10-EDT Sender: ZVONA.GYRO at MIT-OZ From: ZVONA.GYRO at MIT-MC To: JBrookshire at usc-eclb Subject: 8086 / 8087 compiler The Lattice C compiler claims to generate 8087 code. I don't have an 8087 myself, so I can't verify its bug-free-ness, but I have been using this compiler heavily for non-floating-point stuff and am very impressed with it. It runs on an IBM PC or other MS-DOS machine with 128K RAM and at least a megabyte on-line (ie on an IBM you need a hard disk). It's an extremely professional compiler; compilation is rather slow, but the generated code is excellent. It's available from Lifeboat Associates, 1651 Third Ave., NY, NY 10028, (212)862-0300. -- Scott ------- Responses received to enquiry re subject via arpanet bboards: -------
JBROOKSHIRE@Usc-Eclb@sri-unix (09/01/82)
Mail-from: ARPANET site MIT-MC rcvd at 30-Aug-82 2049-PDT Date: 30 August 1982 23:03-EDT From: Herb Lin <LIN at MIT-MC> Subject: 8086/8087 Help To: JBROOKSHIRE at USC-ECLB pls share any info you get with INFO-MICRO@BRL, and with me too. thanks. And another: -------