[comp.unix.aux] cu problems

kaufman@polya.STANFORD.EDU (Marc T. Kaufman) (05/22/88)

'cu' can be invoked by an unprivledged user, but when that happens it cannot
release the LCK file, thus hanging the line until a privledged user removes
the LCK.  Is there a problem with ownership? 'cu' is owned by root, but the
lockfile is in a directory owned by uucp. Apparently 'cu' is releasing suid
before removing the LCK file (or I have it configured wrong... but if 'cu' is
owned by uucp, it can't get the tty).

Why doesn't 'cu' actually do the dialing specified in L.sys (it seems that
the Hayes dialer code was left out of the first version of uucp, et.al. since
the phone number field is not being used)

Marc Kaufman (kaufman@polya.stanford.edu)