[comp.unix.aux] Apple A/UX Dealer Hot-line is less then entirely useful.

bruce@voysys3.UUCP (Bruce Beare) (07/02/88)

I just called the Apple A/UX information # at (408) 973-9222.

They were very nice on the phone and helpful in telling me that
my local "Computer Plus" store was a A/UX dealer. I next called
"Computer Plus" (735-1199) and was informed that they do not support
A/UX and may choose to not support it in the future (too expensive to
staff for it).

I wonder how much of that "large list" is incorrect. :-)

	Bruce Beare
	Voysys Corporation

bruce@voysys3.UUCP (Bruce Beare) (07/02/88)

I incorrectly stated the hot-line phone number. It should be (408) 973-2222.

jk@Apple.COM (John Kullmann) (07/03/88)

In article <268@voysys3.UUCP> bruce@voysys3.UUCP (Bruce Beare) writes:
>I next called
>"Computer Plus" (735-1199) and was informed that they do not support
>A/UX and may choose to not support it in the future (too expensive to
>staff for it).
>I wonder how much of that "large list" is incorrect. :-)

If you are really interested in buying an A/UX system Bruce, just send
me e-mail and I will send you the names of at least 5 dealers in this
area that will sell you A/UX. Better yet, give me a call, bring your
checkbook, we'll meet for lunch and go out and buy you a system! Then
we'll repost, telling the world how easy it was!

If you are just continuing to flame the availablity of A/UX, gee thanks,
but hasn't that topic sucked up enough net bandwidth already?

By the way, the 408-973-2222 number is not an "A/UX Dealer Hotline" but
rather Apple's already existing customer relations (or some such) line.

John Kullmann			"All opinions and comments are mine alone"
A/UX Engineering Mgr		..!apple!jk
Voice: 408-973-2939 		fax: 408-973-6489

bruce@voysys.UUCP (Bruce Beare) (07/05/88)

In article <13237@apple.Apple.COM>, jk@Apple.COM (John Kullmann) writes:
> In article <268@voysys3.UUCP> bruce@voysys3.UUCP (Bruce Beare) writes:
> >I next called
> >"Computer Plus" (735-1199) and was informed that they do not support
> >A/UX and may choose to not support it in the future (too expensive to
> >staff for it).
> >I wonder how much of that "large list" is incorrect. :-)
> ... 
> If you are just continuing to flame the availablity of A/UX, gee thanks,
> but hasn't that topic sucked up enough net bandwidth already?

You completely miss my point. The previous posting indicated that there was
an in-place dealer network (of large proportions). I called the customer
relations number and they gave me several "local A/UX dealers". I selected
the nearest one and called them - ONLY TO FIND OUT THAT THEY WERE NOT AN 

BTW, we already have A/UX (certified developer program - it's great!), and I 
was inquiring about updates, support, etc. Also note, we don't bother to run
the current version of A/UX - there isn't much there of interest that we don't
have on other Unix boxes (litany of A/UX failings and omissions can be culled 
from old news articles and does not really need to be repeated.)

	Bruce Beare