[net.micro] BETCO micro

cjy (09/14/82)

	With the advent of new microprocessors assaulting one,
something must be done about the plethora of new assembler languages
that constantly appear.   Of course what is needed is a standard
language.  This language must be the total embodiment of all microprocessors
and as such have almost universal application.  Until recently, the
computing community was incapable of such a language.  That was the case
until BETCO ( Bozo ElecTronics COmpany ) announced its 688080

	Before we examine the assembler language itself, a few words
must be said about the unique hardware features.  The pins on the processor
itself are both male and female pins which allow processor stacking for
obscene board configurations.  The memory chips are the most
advanced and are almost indestructible with static discharge.  Using
the highly proprietary method of BMOS ( Blown MOS ) fabrication,  BETCO
is able to achieve a chip that cannot be further deteriorated by
handling.  Creativity abounds in the way that BETCO supplies support
chips for this processor.  Instead of the dull dual in line package,
devices are packaged in the round, half round, rectangular, and long
rectangular shapes.  Thus board layouts showing your initials, expressions
such as keep out, or expletives are possible.


AAC	Alter all commands
AAR	Alter at random
AB	Add backwards
AFVC	Add Finagle's variable constant
AIB	Attack innocent bystander
AWTT	Assemble with tinker toys
BAC	Branch to Alpha Centauri
BAF	Blow all fuses
BCIL	Branch creating infinite loop
BDC	Break down and cry
BF	Belch five times
BDT	Burn data tree ( after decorate data tree )
BW	Branch on when
CBNC	Close but no cigar
CH	Create havoc
CMD	Compare meaningless data
CML	Compute meaning of life
CNB	Cause nervous breakdown
COLB	Crash for operator's lunch break
CRASH	Continue running after stop or halt
CS	Crash system
CSL	Curse and swear loudly
CVG	Convert to garbage
DBZ	Divide by zero
DDC	Daily during calculations
DMPE	Decide to major in Phys. Ed.
DOC	Drive operator crazy
DLN	Don't look now.......
DPMI	Declare programmer mentally incompetent
DPR	Destroy program
DTC	Destroy this command
DTVFL	Destroy third variable from left
DW	Destroy work
ECO	Electrocute computer operator
EIAO	Execute in any order
ENF	Emit noxious fumes
EP	Execute programmer
FLI	Flash lights impressively
FSM	Fold, spindle, and mutilate
GCAR	Get correct answer regardless
GDP	Grin defiantly at programmer
HCF	Halt and catch fire
HCP	Hide central processor ( virtual processor like Virt. Mem. )
ISC	Insert sarcastic comments
JTZ	Jump to the twilight zone
LAP	Laugh at programmer
LPA	Lead programmer astray
MAZ	Multiply answer by zero
MW	Malfunction whenever
MWT	Malfunction without telling
OML	Obey Murphy's Law
PEHC	Punch extra holes in cards
PNRP	Print nasty replies to programmer
RA	Randomize answer
RCB	Read commands backwards
RDA	Refuse to disclose answer
RLI	Rotate left indefinitely
RPM	Read programmer's mind
RRSG	Round and round she goes......
SAI	Skip all instructions
SCCA	Short circuit on correct answer
SFH	Set flags to half mast
SFT	Stall for time
SOS	Sign off, stupid
SRDR	Shift right double ridiculous
TARC	Take arithmetic review course
TLO	Turn indicator lights off
TN	Take a nap
TPDH	Tell programmer to do it him/herself
TTA	Try, try again
UP	Understand program
WSWW	Work in strange and wondrous ways

( Most of the foregoing was taken from an article in the Michigan Technic )