[comp.unix.aux] Screen dimmer needed for console

steve@ivucsb.UUCP (Steve Lemke) (02/06/89)

Has anyone got a screen dimmer that works on the console in A/UX?  Has
anyone experimented with using regular Mac OS ones dumped into the SASH
partition's System Folder?  I tried to boot with SuperClock in the system
folder and ran into problems, so I haven't tried any screen dimmer inits
yet.  Anything would be fine - a daemon of some sort or an init for the
Mac partition.  Any ideas?  (Actually, I'm still looking for something to
write the time into the menu bar for me - any ideas about that would be
appreciated, too).

(I just tested "Dimmer", and although A/UX boots up, it doesn't work.)
----- Steve Lemke ------------------- "MS-DOS (OS/2, etc.) - just say no!"
----- Internet: lemke@apple.ucsb.edu                 AppleLink:  Lemke    
----- Or try:   pyramid!nessus!ivucsb!steve          CompuServe: 73627,570
----- Quote:    "What'd I go to college for?"   "You had fun, didn't you?"

aem@ibiza.Miami.Edu (a.e.mossberg) (02/13/89)

In <523@ivucsb.UUCP>, <lemke@apple.ucsb.edu> wrote:
>Has anyone got a screen dimmer that works on the console in A/UX?  Has
>anyone experimented with using regular Mac OS ones dumped into the SASH
>partition's System Folder?  I tried to boot with SuperClock in the system
>folder and ran into problems, so I haven't tried any screen dimmer inits
>yet.  Anything would be fine - a daemon of some sort or an init for the
>Mac partition.  Any ideas?  (Actually, I'm still looking for something to
>write the time into the menu bar for me - any ideas about that would be
>appreciated, too).

This has been posted before. It is a screen dimmer by Earl Wallace
at Apple. We use it here on our macs.

 * dim.c
 * Earl Wallace, Apple Computer

#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <sys/stropts.h>
#include <sys/video.h>
#include <sys/signal.h>
#include <sys/var.h>
#include <a.out.h>
#  include <compat.h>
#endif	/* BSD_SIGNALS */

#define	BACKGROUND 0
#define	FOREGROUND 1
#define	FD	   1			/* file desc of console */
#define	MEGABYTE   1024*1024

extern	int	strap();
extern	int	sioctl();
extern	int	SetColor();
extern	int	GetVideoSize();
extern	int	GetUvar();
extern	int	mclock();
extern	int	GetVideoAddress();
extern	int	GetVideoPixsize();
extern	char	*malloc();
extern	char	*optarg;
extern	int	optind, opterr;
extern	void	SaveScreen();

  struct sigvec svec;
#endif	/* BSD_SIGNALS */

struct   video_size  vpixsize;
struct   var var;
long	 vsize[2];
unsigned int segment_size;
unsigned int page_size;
int	 pregion;
unsigned int	vram_size;
unsigned char	*vram_virt;
unsigned int	*vram;
unsigned char	*vram_phys;
char	 ans[80];
int	 dim_time = 300;			/* default:  300 seconds */
int	 dim_val  = 50;				/* dim value */
unsigned int	 *screen;
int	 screen_size;
int	 WeAreTheDimWits;
int	 errflg;
int	 colmax; 			/* vpixsize.pix_scr_x / 32 */
int	 linemax;			/* vpixsize.pix_scr_y      */
int	 nextline;			/* vpixsize.pix_mem_x / 32 */

 * main

main(argc, argv, envp)
int  argc;
char *argv[], *envp[];
	register int	  offset1, offset2, line, col;
	register unsigned int *v, *s;
	register unsigned int byte;

	setbuf(stderr, NULL);

	 * parse command line
	while ((col=getopt(argc, argv, "t:p:")) != EOF) {
		switch(col) {
			case 't':	
				dim_time = atoi(optarg);
			case 'p':	
				dim_val = (255 * atoi(optarg)) / 100;
			case '?':
	if (errflg) {
		fprintf(stderr, "%s: Usage: %s [-t dim_time] [-p dim_percentage]\n", 
			argv[0], argv[0]);

	if (setcompat(getcompat()|COMPAT_BSDSIGNALS|COMPAT_SYSCALLS) < 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "setcompat() failed - ");
	 * The signal handler and mask are set
	svec.sv_handler = strap;		/* signal handling function */
	svec.sv_mask    = 0;			/* don't block any signals */
	svec.sv_onstack = 0;			/* don't use signal stack */
	if (sigvec(SIGINT, &svec, (struct sigvec *)0) < 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "sigvec() SIGINT failed - ");
	if (sigvec(SIGQUIT, &svec, (struct sigvec *)0) < 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "sigvec() SIGQUIT failed - ");
	if (sigvec(SIGTERM, &svec, (struct sigvec *)0) < 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "sigvec() SIGTERM failed - ");
	if (sigsetmask(0) < 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "sigsetmask() failed - ");
#else	/* NOT BSD_SIGNALS */
	signal(SIGINT,  strap);		/* catch keyboard break/interrupt */
	signal(SIGQUIT, strap);		/* catch keyboard quit signal */
	signal(SIGTERM, strap);		/* catch software term. signal */
#endif	/* BSD_SIGNALS */
	if (!isatty(0))
		setpgrp();		/* break from console process group */
	if (GetVideoSize(FD, vsize) < 0)
	if (GetVideoAddress(FD, &vram_phys) < 0)
	if (GetVideoPixsize(FD, &vpixsize) < 0)
	if (GetUvar(&var) < 0)
	segment_size = 1<<var.v_segshift;
	page_size = 1<<var.v_pageshift;
	pregion = 0;
	vram_virt = (unsigned char *) (5*MEGABYTE);
	vram_size = 1*MEGABYTE;
	if ((int)vram_virt % (int)segment_size) {
		fprintf(stderr, "virtual address 0x%x (%d) not on segment ",
			vram_virt, vram_virt);
		fprintf(stderr, "boundary.\nSegment size is 0x%x (%d).\n",
			segment_size, segment_size);
		exit (1);
	if ((int)vram_size % (int)page_size) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Address space size 0x%x (%d) not a multiple ",
			vram_size, vram_size);
		fprintf(stderr, "of page size.\nPage size is 0x%x (%d).\n",
			page_size, page_size);
		exit (1);
	if (phys(pregion, vram_virt, vram_size, vram_phys) < 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "%s: phys() failed - ", argv[0]);
		exit (1);

	/* I bet you want to know who uses vram, eh? */
	vram = (unsigned int *) (((unsigned int)vram_virt & ~page_size) + 32);

	/* allocate enough memory for a screen buffer save */
	screen_size = vpixsize.pix_scr_x * vpixsize.pix_scr_y;
	screen_size /= 8;			/* convert bits to bytes */
	if ((screen=(unsigned int *)malloc(screen_size)) == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "%s: malloc(%d) failed - ", argv[0], screen_size);
		exit (1);

	colmax = vpixsize.pix_scr_x / 32;
	linemax = vpixsize.pix_scr_y;
	nextline = vpixsize.pix_mem_x / 32;
	v = vram;
	s = screen;

	while (1) {
	    SaveScreen(s, v);
	    if (WeAreTheDimWits) {
	        if (CmpScreen(s, v) < 0) {
		    /* brighten screen... */
		    int xx;
		    for (xx=dim_val; xx < 255; xx += 5)
		    	SetColor(FD, xx, xx, xx, 0, 0, 0);
	    	    WeAreTheDimWits = 0;
	    } else {
	        if (CmpScreen(s, v) == 0) {
		    /* dim screen... */
		    int xx;
		    for (xx=255; xx > dim_val; --xx)
	    	        SetColor(FD, xx, xx, xx, 0, 0, 0);

 * SaveScreen

SaveScreen(to, from)
register unsigned int *to, *from;
	register int line, col, offset1, offset2;

	for (line=0; line < linemax; ++line) {
		offset1 = line * nextline;	/* visible and invisible parts */
		offset2 = line * colmax;	/* visible part only */
	        for (col=0; col < colmax; ++col) {
		    to[col+offset2] = from[col+offset1];

 * CmpScreen

CmpScreen(s1, s2)
register unsigned int *s1, *s2;
	register int line, col, offset1, offset2;

	for (line=0; line < linemax; ++line) {
		offset1 = line * nextline;	/* visible and invisible parts */
		offset2 = line * colmax;	/* visible part only */
	        for (col=0; col < colmax; ++col) {
		    if (s1[col+offset2] != s2[col+offset1])
			return (-1);		/* mismatch */
	return(0);				/* matched */

 * SetColor

SetColor(fd, b_red, b_green, b_blue, f_red, f_green, f_blue)
register int fd, b_red, b_green, b_blue, f_red, f_green, f_blue;
	struct   video_color vcolor;
	register struct      video_color *c = &vcolor;

	c->color[BACKGROUND].red   = b_red<<8;
	c->color[BACKGROUND].green = b_green<<8;
	c->color[BACKGROUND].blue  = b_blue<<8;
	c->color[FOREGROUND].red   = f_red<<8;
	c->color[FOREGROUND].green = f_green<<8;
	c->color[FOREGROUND].blue  = f_blue<<8;
	if (sioctl(fd, VIDEO_SETCOLOR, -1, sizeof vcolor, c) < 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "SetColor: sioctl() failed - ");
		return (-1);
	return (0);

 * sioctl

sioctl(fd, cmd, timout, len, dp)
int  fd, cmd, timout, len;
char *dp;
	static   struct strioctl sio;
	register struct	strioctl *s = &sio;

	s->ic_cmd    = cmd;
	s->ic_timout = timout;
	s->ic_len    = len;
	s->ic_dp     = dp;
	return (ioctl(fd, I_STR, s));

 * strap (used with BSD and SYSV signals)

int sno;
	/* set background to white and foreground to black */
	SetColor(FD, 255, 255, 255, 0, 0, 0);

	/* refreh the console screen */
	/* sioctl(FD, VIDEO_REFRESH, -1, 0, NULL); */
	/* fprintf(stderr, "Caught Signal %d - Program Aborted.\n", sno); */
	exit (-sno);

 * GetVideoSize
 * The argument "vs" is a pointer to an allocated array of two longs.
 * The array will be filled with information about the size of the display.
 * The first array long is the number of characters, in width, of the
 * display. The second long in the array is the number of characters, in
 * height, of the display.

GetVideoSize(fd, vs)
int fd;
long *vs;
	if (sioctl(fd, VIDEO_SIZE, -1, 2 * sizeof *vs, vs) < 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "GetVideoSize: sioctl() failed - ");
		return (-1);
	return (0);

 * GetVideoAddress
 * The argument "va" is a pointer to an allocated unsigned int.
 * This unsigned int will be filled with physical address of the video RAM on 
 * the Video Card.

GetVideoAddress(fd, va)
int fd;
unsigned int *va;
	if (sioctl(fd, VIDEO_ADDR, -1, sizeof va, va) < 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "GetVideoAddress: sioctl() failed - ");
		return (-1);
	return (0);

 * GetVideoPixsize

GetVideoPixsize(fd, vp)
int fd;
struct video_size *vp;
	if (sioctl(fd, VIDEO_PIXSIZE, -1, sizeof *vp, vp) < 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "GetVideoPixsize: sioctl() failed - ");
		return (-1);
	return (0);

 * GetUvar
 * The argument "v" is a pointer to an allocated var structure.
 * This structure will be filled with information on the kernel.

struct var *v;
	if (uvar(v) < 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "GetUvar: uvar() failed - ");
		return (-1);
	return (0);
a.e.mossberg aem@mthvax.miami.edu MIAVAX::AEM (Span) aem@umiami.BITNET (soon)
It is easier to be a lover than a husband, for the same reason that it is more
difficult to show a ready wit all day than to say a good thing occasionally.
						- Honore de Balzac

dwb@Apple.COM (David W. Berry) (02/14/89)

In article <523@ivucsb.UUCP> lemke@apple.ucsb.edu writes:
>Has anyone got a screen dimmer that works on the console in A/UX?  Has
>anyone experimented with using regular Mac OS ones dumped into the SASH
>partition's System Folder?  I tried to boot with SuperClock in the system
>folder and ran into problems, so I haven't tried any screen dimmer inits
>yet.  Anything would be fine - a daemon of some sort or an init for the
>Mac partition.  Any ideas?  (Actually, I'm still looking for something to
>write the time into the menu bar for me - any ideas about that would be
>appreciated, too).
1.  Earl Wallace here at Apple wrote a screen dimmer specifically for
	A/UX.  It was posted some time back, if desired I can get him
	to post it again.  Hey Earl, you listening?

2.  When A/UX is running it uses it's own system folder, separate from
	the one in the sash partition.  The default is /usr/lib/mac,
	but that can be overridden by setting the TBSYSTEM environment

3.  A/UX does not currently support INIT's and while CDEV's are supported
	CDEV's such as moire won't work because they rely on the unsupported
	INIT 31 mechanism to install code at boot time.  This also means
	that you probably won't be able to find a menu bar clock since
	they all install as an INIT.

Opinions:  MINE, ALL MINE! (greedy evil chuckle)

David W. Berry		(A/UX Toolbox Engineer)
apple!dwb@sun.com	dwb@apple.com	973-5168@408.MaBell

barad@bourbon.ee.tulane.edu (Herb Barad) (02/17/89)

In article <1401@umbio.MIAMI.EDU* aem@Mthvax.Miami.Edu (a.e.mossberg) writes:
*In <523@ivucsb.UUCP*, <lemke@apple.ucsb.edu* wrote:
**Has anyone got a screen dimmer that works on the console in A/UX?  Has
**anyone experimented with using regular Mac OS ones dumped into the SASH
**partition's System Folder?  I tried to boot with SuperClock in the system
**folder and ran into problems, so I haven't tried any screen dimmer inits
**yet.  Anything would be fine - a daemon of some sort or an init for the
**Mac partition.  Any ideas?  (Actually, I'm still looking for something to
**write the time into the menu bar for me - any ideas about that would be
**appreciated, too).
*This has been posted before. It is a screen dimmer by Earl Wallace
*at Apple. We use it here on our macs.

This is a nice dimmer and in fact we use it on our A/UX Macs.
However, it must be run manually from the console once after booting.
It cannot be run automatically from the inittab file, else it will not
be associated with the console and tends to cause many other troubles.

We have a student lab and the A/UX machines get rebooted a lot.  Don't
ask me why, I guess students can't read the "Do not reboot" signs.  In
any case, we would really like a screen saver that can be run from the
inittab file.  Any hints???-- 
Herb Barad	[Signal & Image Processing Laboratory]
		[Electrical Engineering Dept. - Tulane Univ.]
INTERNET:	barad@ee.tulane.edu
USENET:		barad@bourbon.uucp

dlnash@ut-emx.UUCP (Donald L. Nash) (02/19/89)

In article <137@bourbon.ee.tulane.edu>, barad@bourbon.ee.tulane.edu (Herb Barad) writes:
> In article <1401@umbio.MIAMI.EDU* aem@Mthvax.Miami.Edu (a.e.mossberg) writes:
> *This has been posted before. It is a screen dimmer by Earl Wallace
> *at Apple. We use it here on our macs.
> This is a nice dimmer and in fact we use it on our A/UX Macs.
> However, it must be run manually from the console once after booting.
> It cannot be run automatically from the inittab file, else it will not
> be associated with the console and tends to cause many other troubles.

I run it from inittab just fine.  Just redirect stdout to /dev/console
and it works.  Here is my line from inittab:

dim::once:/usr/local/bin/dimmer -p 0 > /dev/console

				Don Nash

The University of Texas System		SMTP:  dlnash@emx.utexas.edu
Office of Telecommunication Services	UUCP:  ...!emx!dlnash

wtr@moss.ATT.COM (02/20/89)

In article <10612@ut-emx.UUCP> dlnash@ut-emx.UUCP (Donald L. Nash) writes:
>In article <137@bourbon.ee.tulane.edu>, barad@bourbon.ee.tulane.edu (Herb Barad) writes:
>> In article <1401@umbio.MIAMI.EDU* aem@Mthvax.Miami.Edu (a.e.mossberg) writes:
>> *This has been posted before. It is a screen dimmer by Earl Wallace
>> *at Apple. We use it here on our macs.
>> This is a nice dimmer and in fact we use it on our A/UX Macs.
>> However, it must be run manually from the console once after booting.
>> It cannot be run automatically from the inittab file, else it will not
>> be associated with the console and tends to cause many other troubles.
>I run it from inittab just fine.  Just redirect stdout to /dev/console
>and it works.  Here is my line from inittab:
>dim::once:/usr/local/bin/dimmer -p 0 > /dev/console

wouldn't it be a little 'better' to run the dimmer from
within the /etc/rc scripts.  i'm not real familiar with 
AU/X, but if it's SysV based, this would be apropriate.

just pointing out that it seems to be good practice to 
keep inittab as clean as possible and remove all the nitty/gritty
details down to the script level.

Bill Rankin
Bell Labs, Whippany NJ
(201) 386-4154 (cornet 232)

email address:		...!att!moss!wtr