[comp.unix.aux] BUG: <prof.h> broken on A/UX 1.1

km@mathcs.emory.edu (Ken Mandelberg) (09/29/89)

The header file <prof.h> which supports the MARK macro for profiling
(see man(5) prof) is broken on A/UX 1.1. The file should contain a
processor specific definition of MARK. The one on A/UX is a generic
Sys_V header file with ifdefs for u3b, pdp11, and vax producing only a
null definiton for MARK on the mac2. The only apparent value added by
Apple is the Apple copyright :).

Apple: Do you have a working <prof.h> for A/UX?
       Is there a buglist available to make it easier for
       us to know which bugs have already been reported/fixed?
Ken Mandelberg      | km@mathcs.emory.edu          PREFERRED
Emory University    | {decvax,gatech}!emory!km     UUCP 
Dept of Math and CS | km@emory.bitnet              NON-DOMAIN BITNET  
Atlanta, GA 30322   | Phone: (404) 727-7963