[comp.unix.aux] Ada for A/UX

bradley@chook.ua.oz (Bradley Schmerl) (11/28/89)

Does anybody know, or is anybody using, an Ada compiler under A/UX? We are
currently in the process of attempting to standardize Ada across all our
machines (Mac included), and would really appreciate knowing about any 
Ada compilers, and experiences with them.

Thanks in advance,


ksand@appleoz.oz.au (Kent Sandvik) (12/07/89)

bradley@chook.ua.oz (Bradley Schmerl) writes in article <645@sirius.ua.oz.au>:
      Does anybody know, or is anybody using, an Ada compiler under A/UX? We are
      currently in the process of attempting to standardize Ada across all our
      machines (Mac included), and would really appreciate knowing about any 
      Ada compilers, and experiences with them.

Alsys sells an Ada compilation system and toolset for A/UX. Contact them
(617 270 0030 US, AppleLink D0583) for more information. I don't have 
any personal experience with that package (then again I am no big fan
of Ada either).


Kent Sandvik  --  ksand@appleoz.oz.AU  | Apple Australia DTS  Ph: +61 2 452 82 93
{uunet,mcvax}!munnari!appleoz.oz!ksand | AppleLink: AUSTAUX, Discl: All comments mine
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