(The Wanderer) (02/27/90)
....ok, so I see this group and go a-HA! THAT's what I need! ....why? 'cause I have this _lovely_ II w/an 80M hd formatted with a 70M unix partition (was larger, but....I'll get to it later) that I obtained thru my school (it was required for CS majors at my last school) at one of those _fantastic_ edu discounts. My problem(s)? Well, ya see, that was when I went to Va Tech...Now I'm here in Mass. What of it? Well, as for having only a little over two years of "sink-or-swim" work with straight UNIX as well as aux flavouring, I like to think myself _somewhat_ competent....when I got it [my MAChine], there was a big flap about the memory use, and some of the local smarties said that if you nuked the autorecovery, you could get 10M on the mac side (unlike the 2M before) and anyway, went the argument, you don't need it cause if anything _really_ bad happens, why we have this lovely maintenance center blah blah blah..... Point being - now I'm nowhere near Va, and I'd like to know if I'm toast or not....and what about updates (apple people? policy = ?)....also, anybody wanna take a novice thru a (off net would be best) lesson or two in being my own op? I've read this and that, have boatloads of manuals, but......ya know? basically: a whine for help & advice. -- Disclaimer: "I'm the only one foolish enough to claim these opinions as mine." Reality: Outside: 100 Institute Rd #296 crimson@wpi.bitnet Worcester MA 01609 Blue Blaze Irregular Havoc In The Society: Bronnton of Atlantia