Could y'all please give your honest oppinions regarding a Mac w/ AUX as a UNIX platform. How does e.g. a IIx w/ 8 or 16MB memory compete against a SUN 3/60, Sparcstation1, Sony NeWS, etc. How about price vs. performance? I would also appreciate honest comments regarding Mac OS compatibility and how well Mac OS apps which are approved for both Mac OS and AUX really run. One question for whoever might be able to provide an answer... Does Allegro (Apple) Common Lisp run under AUX, and how might it compare in performance to e.g. Lucid CL on a SUN 3/60. How well does X11 (R4?) run under AUX? GNU software? I know these questions are pretty basic, but Apple does not market AUX really at all in Europe, so there is no source of such basic information. I've been a MacPerson for years, but have had to struggle with UNIX to 'get things done'. AUX looks like a breath of fresh air. I just need to know if it is as it appears. Thanks. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Patrick Stickler University of Helsinki (BIX: nrc) Nokia Research Center ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////