[comp.unix.aux] Concerning Apple's pricing of A/UX 2.0.

t-allenb@microsoft.UUCP (Allen BRIGGS) (06/10/90)

In article <364@three.MV.COM> cory@three.MV.COM (Cory Kempf) writes:
>[...] (after all, people who are using A/UX are
>not using MacOS -- Why should they have to pay for it?)

I must agree with most of Cory's points, but this last one (assuming
Cory wasn't being sarcastic) I can't agree with.  I've been using
A/UX on my mac II for almost two years now, and I use MacOS just as
much.  If I wanted a *nix box, I could get a better machine for the
same amount of money that the Mac II costs (at least in a reasonable
*nix configuration).  It may be just the fact that I'm a student and
like to use the wealth of games, utilities, and applications (not in
that order :-) that are available on the MacOS side, that aren't under
*nix.  I can't believe that only students are interested in the above,

The place I go to get info packed into my head (Virginia Tech)
practically requires the Computer Science students to have a Mac II
*nix system (at least until recently).  I don't know what the original
reasons were, but it helped a lot that I could use MacWrite, or any of
the (approx) WYSIWYG word processors for my writing needs (nroff/
troff isn't much fun--esp. for someone not used to *nix).

Oh!  One more point.  Some of what makes up the Mac OS is necessary
for Apple's implementation of *nix, I believe.  At least anything
that uses any of the ROM routines...  I still think Apple is making
a grotesque profit from their regular prices, and their educational
discounts are still not much below highway robbery, IMO.  Hmmm...
I'm being less coherent now, and resorting to opinion.  Time to

-allen briggs
	(...!{uunet,uw-beaver}!microsoft!t-allenb, or,
  I take full resposibility for what I say, and I speak only for
  myself, unless somebody's rights are being violated, and nobody
  is violating Microsoft's rights.  In other words, I don't speak
  for my employer.