[comp.unix.aux] What's happening?

jim@jagmac2.gsfc.nasa.gov (Jim Jagielski) (06/12/90)

I am running A/UX 1.1 and have 3 file systems on 2 hard disks... every once
in a blue moon I get a console error message stating:

	/dev/dsk/c0d0s0  SCSI Read error: retry #1 successful


	SCSI Timeout
	/dev/dsk/c5d0s2  SCSI Write error: retry #1 successful

It's not always a Read on c0 or a wrire on c5 and SCSI timeout isn't
always printed...

What's happening? Why is this occuring? Should I be worried?

I've used errpt to check out the error log, but it really doesn't help;
it simply tells me when the error occured, what logical/physical blocks
were involved, that there was no simultaneous bus activity, that the retry
count was 0 and it was unrecovered (I guess this means that the error
occured in the 1st place).

It's not like a panic error since the system never hangs, but recovers itself,
I just want to know what's going on... is it some kinda SCSI delay problem
when the buffers are being read/written?

Please e-mail me any help you can offer and I'll post a summary.

 #include <std/disclaimer.h>
           Jim Jagielski                    NASA/GSFC, Code 711.1
     jim@jagmac2.gsfc.nasa.gov               Greenbelt, MD 20771