[comp.unix.aux] A/UX 2.0 and Chooser/Printer problems

espen@well.sf.ca.us (Peter Espen) (08/29/90)

I've been having problems getting my Imagewriter to work
in A/UX 2.0.   No matter what I do, I can't get the chooser
to believe that appletalk is inactive,  and so it won't let me
select that printer port for the Imagwriter.  I know that  someone
else has been having the same problem and posting it to 
comp.unix.aux.   I finally gave up on getting the chooser to 
allow me to select the printer port  for the Imagwriter, and I
switched my modem to the printer port and my  Imagewriter
to the modem port and did all the necessary device driver
juggling  for the system to look for these things on the new 
ports.   The modem works  just great on the printer port, but 
the system is having  problems printing to the  Imagwriter on 
the modem port.  Even though the chooser lets me select the  
modem port for the Imagewriter, my applications in Multifinder
under A/UX  are getting hung in the "printing....type clover
and . to cancel" .  I have gotten  MS Word to print once or twice
correctly with this set-up, but it is highly erratic  and unreliable.
I spoke  with Apple A/UX tech support about this yesterday.   
The A/UX tech support people have been real helpful and even
though I  don't always get the correct answer or solution from
them on the first call,  I  always get things straightened out after 
just a couple of calls.  Antonio at A/UX  tech support has been 
especially helpful and is a VERY knowledgable expert  on A/UX.
Anyway, the bottom line regarding my problem according to A/UX
tech support is that A/UX has a known problem working with an
Imagwriter at all.   Apparently A/UX works ok with appletalk devices,
but just doesn't like to have a  serial printer.  A/UX tech support 
told me that they are working on a fix for this  problem and a patch
would be posted to their A/UX support system at some  unspecified
future date.
If anyone has been successful in getting a serial printer  to work
correctly with Mac Multifinder applications running under the
A/UX  finder, please post any info here or send me some details
via e-mail.  It's a major  set back to not be able to print at all from
my Mac applications! Anyone for A/UX  tech support listening?
Any idea when this problem will be fixed??  Help!    
Peter Espen  

rmtodd@uokmax.uucp (Richard Michael Todd) (08/30/90)

espen@well.sf.ca.us (Peter Espen) writes:
>in A/UX 2.0.   No matter what I do, I can't get the chooser
>to believe that appletalk is inactive,  and so it won't let me
>select that printer port for the Imagwriter.  I know that  someone
>else has been having the same problem and posting it to 
>comp.unix.aux.   I finally gave up on getting the chooser to 

Yep. I have the same problem.  Like you, I moved the ImageWriter to
the modem port and moved the modem to the printer port.  

>under A/UX  are getting hung in the "printing....type clover
>and . to cancel" .  I have gotten  MS Word to print once or twice
>correctly with this set-up, but it is highly erratic  and unreliable.

  Well, I don't use Mickeysoft Word (it being against my religion to format
text with anything except troff or TeX :-), but I've been seeing some of the 
same problems with Maple.  Sometimes it prints real quickly, other times
it prints a few lines of the graph and then hangs for like 10-20 *minutes*
before eventually finishing.  Alas, it's hard to say whether this is the fault
of Maple or of the A/UX Mac-emulation environment, as I really don't use any
other MacOS software...

   There's another nasty feature of the current printer software: it
apparently opens the serial device (/dev/tty0) with O_EXCL set and never
closes it after your file has finished printing.  This means that once you
print a file from the MacOS environment you will *not* be able to access
the printer from the Unix side (with lpr/lpd) until you Logout of the MacOS
emulator and log back in again.  Tacky.  I *think* I've come up with a
workaround; it involves moving the real /dev/tty0 "out of the way" of the
MacOS emulator and putting in its place a slave pseudo-tty, and having a
process to read from the master side of the pty and send the output to lpr,
so that your Mac-style printing will look like just another Unix job.  I'm
still working on the software to do this, but I whipped up a quick program
to run the master pty side of things and it seemed to work, and printing
from the Mac side to a file instead of to the printer is a whole lot faster
:-). Print spooling, what a concept...  I'll post the software that does
this when I've done some more work on it, probably sometime in the next few
Richard Todd   rmtodd@chinet.chi.il.us    rmtodd@servalan.UUCP
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