[comp.unix.aux] local xterm core dump

qfhca81@memqa.uucp (Henry Melton) (10/03/90)

When I triple-click on an xterm window (Apple X11R4), it core-dumps with
a Segmentation Fault.  Cute trick for dismissing windows if you don't mind
extra core files lying around.  Does it do this for everyone, or am I 
specially blessed?

Henry Melton  qfhca81@memrqa.sps.mot.com 
{slow}  qfhca81@memqa   ..!cs.utexas.edu!execu!sequoia!memqa!qfhca81
{home}  henry@hutto     ..!emx.utexas.edu!hutto!henry

x@springer.Apple.COM (X Windows) (10/05/90)

In article <7682@memqa.uucp>, qfhca81@memqa.uucp (Henry Melton) writes:
|> When I triple-click on an xterm window (Apple X11R4), it core-dumps with
|> a Segmentation Fault.  Cute trick for dismissing windows if you don't mind
|> extra core files lying around.  Does it do this for everyone, or am I 
|> specially blessed?

The latter, I'm afraid ;-) I was unable to reproduce the problem. If you
can mail me more details, I'll pursue this further.

Steve Peters
X Project Leader
Apple Computer, Inc.

qfhca81@memqa.uucp (Henry Melton) (10/09/90)

In article <1990Oct5.095637@springer.Apple.COM>, x@springer.Apple.COM (X Windows) writes:
> The latter, I'm afraid ;-) I was unable to reproduce the problem. If you
> can mail me more details, I'll pursue this further.
> Steve Peters
> X Project Leader
> Apple Computer, Inc.
I tried, but apple's mail router rejects x@springer.  Email me another address.

Henry Melton  qfhca81@memrqa.sps.mot.com