[comp.unix.aux] MachTen, another Mac UNIX????

EYRING@cc.utah.edu (11/30/90)

Has anyone heard about a Santa Barbara, CA company called
Tenon Intersystems, which has announced a UNIX for the mac
called MachTen?  In Dec, 90. of Workstation News pg.13 it 
talks about MachTen ruunning as an application on the Mac's
native MacOS operating system and including more than 300
UNIX programs and the Mach kernel, which supports a statndard
UNix application environment, also standard Mac programs run
simultaneously with UNIX programs.  Tried to locate info mut
but can't find any other sorurces about MachTen.

Anyone know anything more about this?

Other than the 169$ implentation of Minix on Mac and the 
AUX of course, (which I think is way over priced), this might
be another alternative for Macophiles to run Unix.

laukee@canon.co.uk (David Lau-Kee) (12/03/90)

EYRING@cc.utah.edu writes:
>Has anyone heard about a Santa Barbara, CA company called
>Tenon Intersystems, which has announced a UNIX for the mac
>called MachTen?  In Dec, 90. of Workstation News pg.13 it 
>talks about MachTen ruunning as an application on the Mac's
>native MacOS operating system and including more than 300
>UNIX programs and the Mach kernel, which supports a statndard
>UNix application environment, also standard Mac programs run
>simultaneously with UNIX programs.  Tried to locate info mut
>but can't find any other sorurces about MachTen.

>Anyone know anything more about this?

Tenon Intersystems is a year-old startup.  MachTen runs as a
MacOS application and is due out 1Q91.  Its a standard Mach
offering: BSD4.3/Mach2.5.

It needs 2Mb RAM, will (reportedly) run on the whole Mac family
providing you have a 20Mb hard disk.  In the US, 2-user licences
are $595, unlimited $835, docs $280.

I understand that a spokesperson from Apple was asked to comment, but
unfortunately the entire worldwide A/UX promotion and marketing dept has
left the company.
They are both seeking new positions, but unfortunately neither is answering
the telephone.  And even if they were, what's it to you bud?

David Lau-Kee, employed by, but not representing Canon Research Centre Europe,
17/20 Frederick Sanger Rd, Surrey Research Park, Guildford, Surrey, GU25YD, UK.
laukee@canon.co.uk, laukee@canon.uucp, ..!mcsun!ukc!uos-ee!canon!laukee
Tel: +44 (0) 483 574325 Fax: +44 (0) 483 574360

jk@Apple.COM (John Kullmann) (12/04/90)

In article <1990Dec3.103548.16889@canon.co.uk> laukee@canon.co.uk writes:
>I understand that a spokesperson from Apple was asked to comment, but
>unfortunately the entire worldwide A/UX promotion and marketing dept has
>left the company.

This is complete hogwash. Balderdash!! 

John Kullmann
Manager, A/UX Product Development