[comp.unix.aux] Alexis Rosen's A/UX article in 1/91 MacUser

ken@slhisc.uucp (Ken Stamm) (12/09/90)

Just wanted to congratulate Mr. Rosen on a well written article on A/UX
recently published in January 91 MacUser.  (We know you're listening)
Must reading for anyone still "on the fence" about getting a copy for his or her
Mac IIfx...

Ken Stamm (ken@slhisc.uucp, sun.com!gotham!slhisc!ken) (212)341-3868
Shearson Lehman Brothers, 390 Greenwich St. 4W, New York NY 10013
Views expressed here are opaque to the above corporation.

cb@bwilab3.UUCP (CB Genrich) (12/12/90)

In article <1990Dec9.025611.13102@slhisc.uucp>, ken@slhisc.uucp (Ken Stamm) writes:
> Just wanted to congratulate Mr. Rosen on a well written article on A/UX
> recently published in January 91 MacUser.  (We know you're listening)

Yeah, but what about the CD-ROM with all kinds of UNIX goodies available
"for cost of distribution" and "possibly by the time we read this"?

I'm like the guy on that Sports Illustrated comercial with the football
phone...I want that disk!

-CB- (CB Genrich at uunet!gatech!galbp!bwilab3!cb)

alexis@panix.uucp (Alexis Rosen) (12/13/90)

cb@bwilab3.UUCP (CB Genrich) writes:
>ken@slhisc.uucp (Ken Stamm) writes:
>> Just wanted to congratulate Mr. Rosen on a well written article on A/UX
>> recently published in January 91 MacUser.  (We know you're listening)
>Yeah, but what about the CD-ROM with all kinds of UNIX goodies available
>"for cost of distribution" and "possibly by the time we read this"?
>I'm like the guy on that Sports Illustrated comercial with the football
>phone...I want that disk!

That was one of the things I wanted to revise, which I wasn't able to. When
I wrote that line in August, I thought it was true. They're still thinking
about it, as far as I know, but I guess work on 2.0.1 is taking precedence.
Too bad- they could develop something at least as useful as the 2.0.1
upgrade, with a far smaller expenditure of resources (not that 2.0.1 shouldn't
be worked on, but I think this kind of a disk warrants a couple of engineers
for a month ot so).

Alexis Rosen
Owner/Sysadmin, PANIX Public Access Unix, NY