[comp.unix.aux] turning off A/UX welcome message

jmurphy@helix.nih.gov (Joe Murphy) (12/27/90)

Does anybody know how to kill the A/UX welcome message:

*                                                                             *
*                       W E L C O M E   T O   A / U X                         *
*                                                                             *

that you get when you login? Or how to change it??? Could not find
a reference in the manuals.

Thanks in advance.

Joe Murphy
National Institutes of Health, 
Division of Computer Research and Technology
Personnel Computing Branch, Macintosh Support Group

Internet: jmurphy@helix.nih.gov, Bitnet: hal%nihdcrt

mwb@hobbes.ncsu.edu (Mike Braden) (12/27/90)

In article <768@nih-csl.nih.gov> jmurphy@helix.nih.gov (Joe Murphy) writes:
>Does anybody know how to kill the A/UX welcome message:
>*                                                                             *
>*                       W E L C O M E   T O   A / U X                         *
>*                                                                             *
>that you get when you login? Or how to change it??? Could not find
>a reference in the manuals.

I think this message is contained in a file called motd.  It stands for
message of the day.  It is printed every time a user logs in.  I don't
remember where it is located, but you can find it with the Find File DA.

Hope this helps.


andyp@treehouse.UUCP (Andy Peterman) (12/27/90)

In article <768@nih-csl.nih.gov> jmurphy@helix.nih.gov (Joe Murphy) writes:
>Does anybody know how to kill the A/UX welcome message:
>that you get when you login? Or how to change it??? Could not find
>a reference in the manuals.

The text is in the file /etc/motd (as in "message of the day").  You can
change it to whatever you want.  That's one of the first things I did
when I got the system running.

This file is printed from the /etc/profile or /etc/cshrc file when you
log in.  You could also remove the line from those files, although they
should probably be left alone.

Andy Peterman                       |   Opinions expressed
treehouse!andyp@gvgpsa.gvg.tek.com  | are definitely those of
(916) 273-4569                      |      my employer!

thad@cup.portal.com (Thad P Floryan) (12/27/90)

jmurphy@helix.nih.gov (Joe Murphy) in <768@nih-csl.nih.gov> writes:

	Does anybody know how to kill the A/UX welcome message:

	*     W E L C O M E   T O   A / U X   ...

	that you get when you login? Or how to change it??? Could not find
	a reference in the manuals.

Simple!  Just do:

	$ su
	# cd /etc
	# > motd

Two other things (assuming you're using A/UX 2.*):

1. /etc/issue now works correctly with /bin/login.    You put your REAL system
   greeting or herald in /etc/issue, as many lines of text as you'd like.

   The /etc/motd is "supposed" to be ONLY for the message-of-the-day, such as
   would be used to alert of impending downtime or other events

2. You may wish to alter /etc/gettydefs so each entry simply has (in the next-
   to-last "field") the string "Please login: " instead of all the other
   excess verbiage preceeding the "login" prompt.

3. (Yeah, I can't count! :-) you may also wish to avail yourself of the dialup
   password capability, an undocumented (by AT&T) option for /bin/login

   This works fine (with A/UX 2.0) and I posted references to the sources of
   the dialup password management program several months ago; I installed it
   on my system since most my access is NOT via the main "console" because I
   can't tolerate the screen glare of the "stock" Apple color monitor (Mac II).
   If there's interest, I can repost it (requires YOU to uucp a file from the
   osu-cis (aka cheops.cis.ohio-state.edu [IP]) archive site.

Thad Floryan [ thad@cup.portal.com (OR) ..!sun!portal!cup.portal.com!thad ]

barnett@grymoire.crd.ge.com (Bruce Barnett) (12/28/90)

I haven't tested this on A/UX, but most BSD systems also let you
create a file called ~/.hushlogin. If it exists in your home
directory, you do not see the message of the day. Typically used for
UUCP accounts and for people who want less noise.
Bruce G. Barnett	barnett@crd.ge.com	uunet!crdgw1!barnett