(Christina Fyock) (01/27/91)
Friday, I unpacked my brand-spanking-new A/UX 2.0 80-meg hard drive. Following the instructions, I attached it to my ci, set the startup disk, rebooted and ran the A/UX startup app. I changed the root password as per the instructions, and everything seemed to be going well. However, instead of the Finder coming up, I got a flashing (as in crash) dialog box with no text in it. I rebooted, and now when A/UX finishes loading, a window comes up that says that /mac/bin/Login is not executable, so it's using gettty. However, I can't log on. The password for root that I entered isn't accepted, and neither is just <return>. Using cat (under the startup app), I don't see an entry for root in /etc/passwd. I'm knowledgable with Macs and Unix, but clueless (obviously :-) with A/UX. Can anyone give me a clue? System config: IIci, 20Meg RAM, 80Meg internal Mac disk, 80Meg external A/UX disk, 8.24GC card (4Meg RAM), Daystar cache card. Since I'm booting from the Mac partition on the A/UX disk, my system version and inits don't apply... Please email me at Thanks, Lee Fyock (Peter Buckner) (01/29/91)
Certainly you could fix the /etc/passwd problem by editing the file (using ed) from the startup application. However, if all you have is the system on the hard disk, there is no telling what other problems there may be. Also, it's too late to do a "clean backup" to store away for later. I have loaded A/UX on my ci (from a CDROM) probably a half dozen times within the first week or so -- some of the early crashes trash things very successfully. The good news is that once configured, I've had few problems. Sorry for the news...