[comp.unix.aux] A/UX 2.1 on a IIfx: Please tell me I'm wrong about Apple.

jeff@wubios.wustl.edu (Jeff Gabel) (02/15/91)

Configuration: Macintosh IIfx w/  8 Mbytes RAM
                                  Apple 2-page display
                                  Apple 8*24 display card
                                  3Com EtherLink II Nubus
                                  Segate 160 MB internal drive
                                  1 - 1.4 MB internal floppy drive

I have been a devoted Macintosh user for 6 years and know enough about UNIX
to administrate several Sun workstations in a highly networked, SunOS, 
environment. In other words, I'm not new to either of these areas by
any means.
Now, having said that, I am very much of a novice when it comes to A/UX. At
the present time I am attempting to get A/UX 2.1 to function on a IIfx, with 
just the aid of the accessory kit manuals to guide me. I have gotten through 
the installation with no hitches, but cannot get A/UX boot past the point
of bringing up the Ethernet interface. When I ran ``launch'' using the 
autoconfig option, it told me that device 39 was unrecognised.  Now, the IIfx 
I'm installing on has an *Apple* 2-page display and an *Apple* 8*24 video card 
as its monitor configuration. I called the A/UX help line and was told that 
A/UX 2.1 doesn't support the 8*24 card and 2-page display monitor 
configuration!!! I was told that it would in release 2.1.1. But, I was advised 
to switch the display to 1-bit mode, which I assume means use the Monitors 
CDEV to set the colors to simply B&W (???). Well, this didn't work, A/UX still 
hangs after ``ifconfig'' outputs its results and the screen is cleared. Am I 
doing something wrong?  I *cannot* believe that Apple would release a major,
high-end, software product like A/UX that doesn't support their own hardware.
The guy on the help-line told me to borrow a "normal" Mac II monitor and
display card. How pathetic. I know I have bunches of $400 (list price) monitors
just laying around so I can get a $900 piece of software to function on
a $13000, totally Apple, machine whose configuration it should support anyway.  
Someone out there, please tell me that I'm mistaken about this incompatibilty 
issue!!!! I *will* take the flames, I'm just looking for a solution.  Please 
tell me I am wrong about Apple!!! Tell me that they didn't really release a 
major operating system that doesn't even support their own hardware!!!! 
Considering how competitive the workstation market is these days, it is beyond 
my comprehension that Apple would even think about doing this. Please tell
me I'm wrong, put me on the roaster. One thing is for sure though, I feel
like sending the whole g**damn thing back - A/UX, Mac IIfx and all - and 
telling them to forget it.

Thanks in advance for any help on this. I'm normally a very nice person.
seriosuly, when I'm not reading comp.sys.sun, my favorite newsgroup is 
rec.music.gdead for gosh sake. I have loved Apple since I bought my first 
Mac 128K in 1984, that was 2 Macs and more than 6 years ago. Now I'm wondering 
if all good things must really come to an end  :-(

Jeff Gabel
| Internet % jeff@wubios.wustl.edu        | Jeff Gabel, System/Network Slave |
|     UUCP % ...!uunet!wugate!wubios!jeff | Div. of Biostatistics, Box 8067  |
|AT&T Mail % attmail!wubios!jeff          | Washington U. School of Medicine |
|Voice/FAX % +1 314 362 {3681/2693}       | St. Louis, MO  63110             |

root@wubios.wustl.edu (Operator) (02/15/91)

In article <1991Feb14.200643.2976@wubios.wustl.edu> jeff@wubios.wustl.edu (Jeff Gabel) writes:

A correction to my ravings here. Of course, I am referring to A/UX 2.0, not
2.1. I got it mixed up with SunOS 4.1, etc.  Sorry.

>Configuration: Macintosh IIfx w/  8 Mbytes RAM
>                                  Apple 2-page display
>                                  Apple 8*24 display card
>                                  3Com EtherLink II Nubus
>                                  Segate 160 MB internal drive
>                                  1 - 1.4 MB internal floppy drive
>I have been a devoted Macintosh user for 6 years and know enough about UNIX
>to administrate several Sun workstations in a highly networked, SunOS, 
>environment. In other words, I'm not new to either of these areas by
>any means.
>Now, having said that, I am very much of a novice when it comes to A/UX. At
>the present time I am attempting to get A/UX 2.1 to function on a IIfx, with 
>just the aid of the accessory kit manuals to guide me. I have gotten through 
>the installation with no hitches, but cannot get A/UX boot past the point
>of bringing up the Ethernet interface. When I ran ``launch'' using the 
>autoconfig option, it told me that device 39 was unrecognised.  Now, the IIfx 
>I'm installing on has an *Apple* 2-page display and an *Apple* 8*24 video card 
>as its monitor configuration. I called the A/UX help line and was told that 
>A/UX 2.1 doesn't support the 8*24 card and 2-page display monitor 
>configuration!!! I was told that it would in release 2.1.1. But, I was advised 
>to switch the display to 1-bit mode, which I assume means use the Monitors 
>CDEV to set the colors to simply B&W (???). Well, this didn't work, A/UX still 
>hangs after ``ifconfig'' outputs its results and the screen is cleared. Am I 
>doing something wrong?  I *cannot* believe that Apple would release a major,
>high-end, software product like A/UX that doesn't support their own hardware.
>The guy on the help-line told me to borrow a "normal" Mac II monitor and
>display card. How pathetic. I know I have bunches of $400 (list price) monitors
>just laying around so I can get a $900 piece of software to function on
>a $13000, totally Apple, machine whose configuration it should support anyway.  
>Someone out there, please tell me that I'm mistaken about this incompatibilty 
>issue!!!! I *will* take the flames, I'm just looking for a solution.  Please 
>tell me I am wrong about Apple!!! Tell me that they didn't really release a 
>major operating system that doesn't even support their own hardware!!!! 
>Considering how competitive the workstation market is these days, it is beyond 
>my comprehension that Apple would even think about doing this. Please tell
>me I'm wrong, put me on the roaster. One thing is for sure though, I feel
>like sending the whole g**damn thing back - A/UX, Mac IIfx and all - and 
>telling them to forget it.
>Thanks in advance for any help on this. I'm normally a very nice person.
>seriosuly, when I'm not reading comp.sys.sun, my favorite newsgroup is 
>rec.music.gdead for gosh sake. I have loved Apple since I bought my first 
>Mac 128K in 1984, that was 2 Macs and more than 6 years ago. Now I'm wondering 
>if all good things must really come to an end  :-(
>Jeff Gabel
>| Internet % jeff@wubios.wustl.edu        | Jeff Gabel, System/Network Slave |
>|     UUCP % ...!uunet!wugate!wubios!jeff | Div. of Biostatistics, Box 8067  |
>|AT&T Mail % attmail!wubios!jeff          | Washington U. School of Medicine |
>|Voice/FAX % +1 314 362 {3681/2693}       | St. Louis, MO  63110             |

keir@vms.macc.wisc.edu (Rick Keir, MACC) (02/15/91)

In article <1991Feb14.200643.2976@wubios.wustl.edu>, jeff@wubios.wustl.edu (Jeff Gabel) writes...

>Configuration: Macintosh IIfx w/  8 Mbytes RAM
>                                  Apple 2-page display
>                                  Apple 8*24 display card
I have a similar configuration I've worked with that belongs to
a Professor here on campus.  I too was dismayed to discover that
it didn't work (altho at the time I was told that there seemed
to be no reason why it shouldn't work).  The problem was eventually
solved on a temporary basis by swapping the 8*24 card with an
old 2-page display board that we had, running another Mac 2 page
display off of the 8*24 board, and waiting for A/UX 2.01.

I hope this problem is fixed in 2.01, because sometime I need to
get the inventories of cards straightened back out (altho so far
no one's quibbled since each machine is running!)

coolidge@cs.uiuc.edu (John Coolidge) (02/15/91)

jeff@wubios.wustl.edu (Jeff Gabel) writes:
>Configuration: Macintosh IIfx w/  8 Mbytes RAM
>                                  Apple 2-page display
>                                  Apple 8*24 display card
>                                  3Com EtherLink II Nubus
>                                  Segate 160 MB internal drive
>                                  1 - 1.4 MB internal floppy drive

>I called the A/UX help line and was told that 
>A/UX 2.1 doesn't support the 8*24 card and 2-page display monitor 
>configuration!!! I was told that it would in release 2.1.1.

I think (hope) you mean A/UX 2.0; 2.0.1 is the promised soon upgrade,
2.1 I haven't heard of yet. I have a IIci on my desk with a 8*24 card
and an Apple 2 page monitor. I've been using this configuration for
about six months with no problems. I suspect the most likely culprit is
the 3com ethernet card --- I've never seen one of these beasties, but
when the problem is things hanging after the ethernet comes up, I tend
to suspect the ethernet first.

I think what the help line was trying to say was that 2.0 doesn't
support a _2 monitor_ configuration, but somehow one way or another the
message got garbled. We have two IIci's with 8*24 cards and have had no
problems; I've also seen one run fine on a IIx. The Apple 8*24GC card
does _not_ work correctly, or so I'm told --- again, I've never seen one
in (in)action.

>But, I was advised 
>to switch the display to 1-bit mode, which I assume means use the Monitors 
>CDEV to set the colors to simply B&W (???). Well, this didn't work, A/UX still 
>hangs after ``ifconfig'' outputs its results and the screen is cleared. Am I 
>doing something wrong?

This for me would highlight the idea that the ethernet board is the
culprit. I've seen very similar symptoms here when an ethernet board
decided to interrupt the machine 100,000 times a minute (blown something
or another on the card).


John L. Coolidge     Internet:coolidge@cs.uiuc.edu   UUCP:uiucdcs!coolidge
Of course I don't speak for the U of I (or anyone else except myself)
Copyright 1991 John L. Coolidge. Copying allowed if (and only if) attributed.
You may redistribute this article if and only if your recipients may as well.

laf@mbunix.mitre.org (Lee Fyock) (02/16/91)

In article <1991Feb15.064625.22639@m.cs.uiuc.edu> coolidge@cs.uiuc.edu (John
Coolidge) writes:
>I think what the help line was trying to say was that 2.0 doesn't
>support a _2 monitor_ configuration, but somehow one way or another the
>message got garbled. We have two IIci's with 8*24 cards and have had no
>problems; I've also seen one run fine on a IIx. The Apple 8*24GC card
>does _not_ work correctly, or so I'm told --- again, I've never seen one
>in (in)action.

I'm running A/UX 2.0 on a ci with the 8.24GC card.  The card works fine as
just an 8.24 display card, but you cannont use the acceleration feature.
Attempting to do so causes the login to hang when the 8.24GC init tries to
load.  Even with the acceleration turned off, the INIT will hang the
machine.  I was told by a very helpful person at Apple that support for the
"GC" part will be added in the next release of A/UX.  I'm not sure if that's
2.0.1 or 2.1 or 3.0.

I have to say that the acceleration that results from using the 8.24 GC card
is impressive, but it conflicts with any virtual-memory schemes, including
Virtual, Maxima and (I've heard) System 7's scheme.  I hope that this means
that a fix to the GC software (please, no ROM upgrade!) is pending...  If
anyone knows any more, please let me know!

Lee Fyock

mikel@berlioz.nsc.com (Michael G. Lohmeyer) (02/17/91)

In article <1991Feb14.200643.2976@wubios.wustl.edu> jeff@wubios.wustl.edu (Jeff
Gabel) writes:

>A correction to my ravings here. Of course, I am referring to A/UX 2.0, not
>2.1. I got it mixed up with SunOS 4.1, etc.  Sorry.
>Configuration: Macintosh IIfx w/  8 Mbytes RAM
>                                  Apple 2-page display
>                                  Apple 8*24 display card
>                                  3Com EtherLink II Nubus
>                                  Segate 160 MB internal drive
>                                  1 - 1.4 MB internal floppy drive
>hangs after ``ifconfig'' outputs its results and the screen is cleared. Am I
>doing something wrong?  

     Being that the machine locks up right after the ifconfig, I would say
it is most definately the ethernet card.  Especially since the A/UX drivers
only support the Apple Ethertalk NB card, not 3Com's card.  The 3Com
card, I believe, is the same as the Apple card (they look almost exactly
alike) except for a couple changes that make them different, so the drivers
do not work with the 3Com card.  I have tried a 3Com card in my IIci running
A/UX 2.0 and it did not work.  

In another article, coolidge@cs.uiuc.edu (John L. Coolidge) writes:
>......We have two IIci's with 8*24 cards and have had no
>problems; I've also seen one run fine on a IIx......
>.....I've seen very similar symptoms here when an ethernet board
>decided to interrupt the machine 100,000 times a minute (blown something
>or another on the card).

     Another reason that I suspect the ethernet card (and the problem that
I presume that John Coolidge is talking about with 100,000 interrupts) is
that the Apple NB card, Rev. K, does not work in a Mac IIci.  It causes the
machine to pretty much lock up.  I called the Apple support line on this
problem and they told me that I need a Rev L or newer card.  I got a Rev M 
card and that seemed to solve the problem mostly. 

     I still ran into problems, though, with the machine locking up.  The
problems went away, though, after I removed all the networking stuff form
the kernal and added it again with the network card disconnected from
the network.  Apple told me that they had found a bug that if you do
newconfig to add in the networking stuff when the network card is
connected to the network, something will cause the card to not work
correctly sometimes.  By not work correctly, I mean that often I couldn't
get my machine to boot up.  I don't know all the specifics of this because
I didn't quite understand fully why this is happening, but there are
definately some problems with Rev K Ethertalk cards in a Mac IIci, and there
are also some other problems with the way you configure the kernal when the
network is connected.  I was told that Apple is planning to fix these problems
in future (after A/UX 2.0.1) revisions (it is too late to fix it in 2.0.1).

     I realize that Jeff's machine is a IIfx, but it is possible that these
problems are not isolated to just IIci's.

BTW-  We have two Mac IIci machines with Apple two page monitors and the 8.24
card.  They both work fine in regards to the two page monitors.

Mike Lohmeyer				mikel@berlioz.nsc.com
National Semiconductor Corporation
(408) 721-8075